FFXIV Housing Demolition Set To Resume After Grace Period Ends

FFXIV Housing Demolition Set To Resume After Grace Period Ends

Players of Final Fantasy XIV will have to make preparations to avoid losing their in-game homes, as the grace period for virtual demolition is ending soon. The suspension of this measure was due to Final Fantasy 14‘s massive boom in popularity following the wildly successful Endwalker expansion.

Final Fantasy XIV is one of the most popular and renowned modern MMORPGs, especially after the release of Endwalker. The game is very reminiscent of other titles like World of Warcraft in that players create a custom character before setting out into a vast world filled with loot to discover, abilities to unlock, and powerful foes to slay. Since players often get very attached to their in-game avatars, it is common for MMORPGs to offer a level of personalization, and Final Fantasy XIV is no exception. Some of the more interesting personalization options can be found within the game’s housing system, which lets FFXIV players purchase and customize homes after meeting certain level and mission requirements. To keep the game running smoothly, however, players must enter their homes at least once every thirty days, otherwise, the homes will be deleted. This system was temporarily put on pause as countless new players logged onto the game for the first time over the past few months.

This grace period for FFXIV is not indefinite, however, and is in fact ending relatively soon, as reported by Siliconera. If players want to keep a house that they have purchased within the game, they will need to stick to the thirty-day rule starting on March 9. If they fail to do this, then the building will be “demolished” and their expensive FFXIV house plot itself will be put up for sale, meaning that even the land that the structure is on will be lost. Players can see how long they have until they need to check in with their abodes by looking at the Timers tab, though it should be noted that this only shows how many days are left on the timer, not how many hours or minutes.

FFXIV Housing Demolition Set To Resume After Grace Period Ends

Getting a house in Final Fantasy XIV takes a lot of work; players have to reach at least level fifty and complete a certain mission in each residential district, and that’s before shelling out the in-game currency required to purchase most of the properties. As such, it would be extremely disappointing and frustrating to lose a home by forgetting to abide by this check-in rule.

Then again, most gamers willing to put in the effort to purchase a home within FFXIV are likely diligent enough to keep track of this timer, so hopefully, the rule won’t cause too many issues. The in-game demolition is simply one of many steps that Square Enix takes to ensure a frictionless gaming experience, so it is probably not going away any time soon. Video game publishers can’t please everyone, though, so those participating in any Final Fantasy XIV discussions are sure to see some homeowners airing their grievances in the coming weeks.