Fate: The Winx Saga Meets Harry Potter: 5 Couples That Would Work (& 5 That Wouldn’t)

Fate: The Winx Saga Meets Harry Potter: 5 Couples That Would Work (& 5 That Wouldn’t)

Given that they’re set in a world of fantasy, Fate: The Winx Saga and Harry Potter have a surprising amount of similarities. Both take place at a boarding school where students are taught to use their magic, while simultaneously preparing to face the evil that lurks in the outside world.

The cast of Fate is made up of fairies and specialists, while Harry Potter is centered around witches and wizards. If Harry and his friends ever ended up at Alfea, the characters could come together to learn about the different types of magic. Because so many of them have similar personalities, romances could easily form among the two groups. However, there would also be plenty of opportunities for them to clash.

Would Work: Beatrix And Draco

Fate: The Winx Saga Meets Harry Potter: 5 Couples That Would Work (& 5 That Wouldn’t)

There’s no question that Beatrix and Draco would thrive together. They’re both cunning, resourceful, and the epitome of Slytherin House. However, they also have a lot going on beneath the surface that no one takes the time to see. Draco’s father made it his mission to make Draco a servant of the Dark Lord. Draco didn’t have much say in the matter, and most of his choices were made out of self-preservation.

Beatrix is in a similar boat. From what viewers gathered from Fate Season 1, Betrix isn’t as evil as she pretends to be. While her motives are up in the air, her actions aren’t based on a need for chaos. She and Draco could understand each other in a way others can’t.

Wouldn’t Work: Riven And Oliver

Riven sitting down/Oliver Wood looks to the right

The chances of Riven and Oliver working as a couple are slim, at best. Oliver can be quite the stickler, and Riven is all about rebelling. They have nothing in common, and their morals don’t align. Riven bullies everyone around him, and it’s likely that Oliver would become one of his targets.

It doesn’t even seem like there could be a possibility for a hate to love dynamic because they both wouldn’t be able to stand who the other is at their core.

Would Work: Aisha And Hermione

Aisha looks down at magic in her hands/Hermione with a scowl

Aisha and Hermione pride themselves on being diligent. They’re studious, focused, and share a profound respect for authority. They care about following the rules and being the teacher’s pet.

However, Hermione is willing to break the rules if she feels the situation warrants it. Aisha isn’t the same in that regard, but Hermione could help her realize that doing the right thing isn’t always the same as doing the easy thing. They feel like they’d make for fantastic matches.

Wouldn’t Work: Stella And Ron

Stella looks on/Ron with a smirk

Ron isn’t drawn to people with cold exteriors and Stella doesn’t seem to show much interest in anyone who isn’t Sky. Sky and Ron are both noble, but otherwise, they’re complete opposites.

It doesn’t seem likely that Stella would fall for Ron, especially given how put off she is by others’ quirks. Stella also shares some personality traits with Lavender Brown, and she clearly wasn’t a match for Ron.

Would Work: Bloom And Harry

Bloom looks at something in her hands/Harry Potter

Bloom and Harry are an obvious choice for a reason. They’re Gryffindors through and through and they have a similar background. Neither Bloom nor Harry knew anything about their birth parents, but they’re willing to do whatever it takes to learn about where they came from.

They both were unaware of magic until the time came for them to attend school, so they don’t have the same understanding of the world as the other students. Bloom and Harry could bond over their past experiences, and they’d make a pretty good team.

Wouldn’t Work: Terra And Percy

Terra talks to someone/Percy looks on angrily

At first glance, Terra and Percy are a couple that seems as though they might work. They’re both sticklers for the rules and they take everything very seriously as well as a bit too personally. But Terra has a sense of loyalty that Percy lacks.

Percy was willing to turn against his own family for the Minster of Magic. His loyalty is to himself and his career. Terra barely knew her suitemates and she was already willing to put herself at risk for them. Terra wouldn’t take too kindly to Percy’s betrayal.

Would Work: Musa And Luna

Musa smiles/Luna wears her signature googles

The biggest problem Musa faces throughout Season 1 of Fate is sensing others’ unwanted emotions. She shouldn’t have to take on other people’s issues or be forced to feel their pain. Luna would be a perfect match for Musa because she always says what’s on her mind.

What’s going on inside Luna’s head is almost always what’s coming out of her mouth, and she would help find creative ways for Musa to cope with the difficulties of being an empath.

Wouldn’t Work: Sky And Lavender

Sky looks on/Lavender Brown at a table

There’s nothing about Sky and Lavender’s personalities that would mesh well. Lavender is often overbearing, and Sky seemed to get annoyed at Stella’s attempts to keep him around. Sky wants someone who will charge into battle next to him and while Lavender can be brave, Sky is often noble to a fault.

His stubbornness would drive her crazy, and he’d be off slaying dragons when Lavender would want to spend a normal night in.

Would Work: Silva And Tonks

An exhausted Silva/Tonks looks at someone angrily

Silva and Tonks are both protective of the people around them. While their personalities differ in a lot of ways, they’d be a great example of how opposites attract. What matters most is that they’re both the same at their core, and they’ll put the safety of others over the safety of themselves.

Tonks could help Silva learn to lighten up and look on the positive side of things, as well as help him think through the emotional consequences of his decisions.

Wouldn’t Work: Dane And Neville

Dane smirks/Neville looks in a mirror

Dane and Neville are followers rather than leaders. The difference between them is that Neville will stand up to the leader if he thinks what they’re doing is wrong. Dane lets other people intimidate him, and can be talked into doing almost anything as long as it gets certain people’s attention.

No matter how scared he is, Neville always helps those who need it. He and Dane would clash horribly, as Neville wouldn’t appreciate Dane’s cowardice.