Fast & Furious 9: 10 Cheesy But Great Scenes From The Movie

Fast & Furious 9: 10 Cheesy But Great Scenes From The Movie

There are always going to be cheesy scenes to expect from a Fast & Furious movie, with every entry in this long-running series going even more overboard than the last with its stunts and jokes. Likewise, in Dominic Toretto’s pursuit of his brother Jakob during F9, there were plenty of moments that were questionable in terms of believability, but the entertainment value was undeniable.

These cheesy scenes somehow have a special sort of appeal, underscoring what makes the Fast & Furious series such a success. F9 had loads of these moments, with almost everyone from Dom to Ramsey to Jakob to Tej to Roman experiencing a “sillier” scene.

Tej & Roman In Space

Fast & Furious 9: 10 Cheesy But Great Scenes From The Movie

The thing that separates the original Fast & Furious movies from the new ones is the sense of scale for the latter group, with F9 going the farthest in this regard. Here, Tej and Roman actually ended up going into space with a rocket car.

It was so over-the-top that Roman himself even commentated on how ridiculous it all was. Still, the movie did a good job in making this event entertaining with suspenseful high stakes. Additionally, the film continually pointed out the bizarreness of Tej and Roman’s situation, showing that this was supposed to be a cheesy reference to how Fast & Furious doesn’t care about realism.

Roman Pointing Out That The Group Is Seemingly Invincible

Tej and Roman discuss Jakob Toretto's unique abilities in Fast 9

While Dom and Jakob were the F9 characters with the most significant arcs, Roman’s role was to comment on the tropes found in the series. After they had survived getting gunned down by a small army, Roman decided that he and his friends weren’t normal.

To this end, he argued that they were most likely superhuman, as their luck never ran out. It was clearly a reference to fans who have joked about the same thing about the characters, which made this a hilarious tongue-in-cheek moment, although there’s no doubt that the joke itself was rather cheesy in nature.

Dom’s Car Slingshot

Dom's car gets slingshot in F9

As the protagonist of the series, Dom has undergone significant dramatic character development, but his driving skills have only gotten more ludicrous in nature. And yet, this is what makes them entertaining, with F9 going so far as to show Dom using his own car as a slingshot.

This took place in the opening chase, where Dom drove off a cliff and got his car attached to a cable, allowing the car to slighshot all the way to the opposite cliffside and land safely. Nothing about this was believable, but it sure was fun to see.

Cipher Comparing Otto To Yoda

Cipher talks to Jakob in F9

It’s always fun to see Cipher play her mind games to psychologically cripple her foes, but this scene had too much hokey material for her to feel threatening. Still, it was funny to watch her bait Otto into thinking he was a mastermind before insulting him.

As it happened, she claimed he was like a character from Star Wars, to which Otto speculated he was akin to a Jedi. Cipher then clarified that he was Yoda, as the character is in reality a puppet with a hand up his rear, allowing him to be controlled by others. This wiped the smile off Otto, as Cipher started to get into his head.

Sean And His Friends’ Botched Rocket Testing

Sean Boswell smiles while talking to Tej

Sean and his friends were considerably more hammy in nature in F9 compared to their cool personas in Tokyo Drift, with the group painted as nerds who test crazy car antics. Their introduction saw Sean claim they had come up with a “2-second car,” only to have it blow up when tested.

While there’s no doubt the scene went too hard in its attempt at comedy, it was great due to the reactions of Roman and Tej, as the usual designated comic reliefs were made out to be the straight men in this scenario.

Queenie Shaw’s Escape From The Police

Queenie flees from the police in Fast 9

Queenie was revealed to be free after her imprisonment during the Hobbs & Shaw spin-off, although she was back to her old ways of stealing. The scene saw Dom and Queenie in a car evading cops while headed toward Jakob’s location in what was a callback to how Fast & Furious used to be.

While it was fun to see a sequence devoted to light-hearted banter and style, it was also of the cheesy variety as the scene served no purpose, and cops were made to look absolutely foolish. Then again, that’s how Fast & Furious became popular in the first.

Dom Using Leysa To Appear As If He’s Been Arrested

Dom and Jakob have a staredown in F9

It was as if viewers were transported to a scene from the xXx movies here, as it was revealed that the men hired by Otto to apprehend Dom were actually Cardi B’s Leysa and her female crew. As it turned out, Dom had Leysa play the part in order to make it appear as if he was out of commission.

The dialogue between Dom and Leysa was hardly the most eloquent, with the latter making a couple of wisecracks that weren’t as witty as they should’ve been. Still, it was also fun to see Dom have a genuine laugh, as he and Leysa were quite tickled by the trick they pulled off.

Mr. Nobody’s Magical Plan To Save Han

Mr Nobody giving orders in Furious 7.

Fans waited over a decade to see the truth about Han’s death play out, only for F9 to make it even more ambiguous. The flashback showed Shaw destroying Han’s car but Han himself was somehow teleported up to the top floor of a nearby building without explanation.

Han explained that Mr. Nobody somehow pulled this magic trick and didn’t elaborate, which was a way for the movie to tell viewers they weren’t supposed to understand. This ended up making it pretty funny, as no explanation would have satisfied fans and the movie decided to simply have fun by adding more speculation to this.

Ramsey’s Rant About Not Being Able To Drive

F9 Ramsey poses in front of a car

Ramsey was finally given a meatier role to play in the series, as she actually took a direct role in the action. With Tej and Roman caught in the back of the truck, Dom told her she had to take the wheel, which brought a long rant from Ramsey over how she thought driving itself was ridiculous and she was scared to do so.

For a series that’s all about driving cars, this scene was definitely supposed to be a cheesy one that made fun of the big contrast in Ramsey’s character compared to others. There’s still no denying that it was nice to see her step out of her comfort zone, though, as Ramsey took charge of the proceedings.

Dom & Jakob Running On Top Of Cars On The Road

Jakob pointing a gun at Dom in Fast and Furious 9

There are times where Fast & Furious can make viewers laugh purely by the over-the-top nature of stunts, and F9 certainly has one of those scenes. While pursuing Jakob, Dom brought their fight onto the main road, where the two brothers then engaged in a chase sequence running on top of cars.

This happened while said cars were driving at full speed, with Jakob and Dom even alternating between cars by jumping from one to another. It was the kind of stuff to expect from video games, although it made for great entertainment as well, as the choreography of this scene carried the required tension.