Fan Casting The Movie Version Of The Sims

Fan Casting The Movie Version Of The Sims

Many popular computer games exist. But The Sims stands out among them. Currently containing four games, the franchise offers neverending fun. Since the player doesn’t have to follow a strict storyline but instead creates their own stories, it’s possible to play the game forever. It helps a lot that the player not only has the option to create brand new characters but also play with those already established.

In the four games, some characters became more popular than others. Either because of their special abilities, intriguing storyline, or appearance. If someone decided to turn The Sims into a film, some actors would be exceptionally suitable for the parts of favorite characters from the games.

Morgyn Ember – Elliot Page

Fan Casting The Movie Version Of The Sims

Different hair and eye color aside, Elliot Page would be the perfect person the portray everyone’s favorite spellcaster. Morgyn Ember is the most popular mage in The Sims 4.

A non-binary character who’s respected by all who know them and can do magic like a real boss. Morgyn is kind to others but their magical powers make them a force to be reckoned with. Elliot Page has played similarly intense roles before, so this would be like coming back home.

Caleb Vatore – Tom Hiddleston

Caleb Vatore

A lot of people love vampires. The Sims 4 has multiple bloodsuckers. Caleb Vatore lives with his sister, Lilith. Unlike other vampires, they refuse to feed on humans. Caleb is handsome, friendly, and many fans of the game have a crush on him.

Tom Hiddleston has similarly piercing eyes and after playing Loki, no-one doubts he can play a character that’s both frightening and lovable. What’s more, he’s played a vampire before, and quite recently too.

Judith Ward – Meryl Streep

Judith Ward

Judith Ward is the definition of the words ‘mega star’ in The Sims 4. Everybody loves her, her star power is off the charts. Judith is respected by others, she means business, and people can sometimes find her a bit frightening.

Meryl Streep is one of the most talented and respected actresses out there. Her enormous talent and personality would be the perfect match for the famous actress. After all, when a legendary real actress meets a legendary fictional actress, great things are bound to happen.

Yuki Behr – Maisie Williams

Yuki Behr

Her sister Candy might be a successful DJ and an upcoming star. But it’s Yuki who’s in many ways more sympathetic and relatable. Yuki is a bit of a loner and a geek. Those are character traits many people possess. She’s not afraid to be herself and she seems like a sympathetic person people would love to be friends with.

Maisie Williams gives off the same vibe. Just like Yuki, she experiments with hair colors and comes across as someone with a unique personality. Plus, she’s done a large variety of roles since her beginning on Game of Thrones.

Nancy Landgraab – Charlize Theron

Nancy Landgraab casting

Nancy Landgraab and the characters Charlize Theron often plays a lot in common. Nancy is an influential person in the world of The Sims. Her family owns a lot of properties.

She works as a crimelord and rules her household with a firm hand. In other words, Nancy is a badass. And Charlize Theron has convincingly portrayed multiple heroines who move on the other side of the law and can kick ass.

Don Lothario – Robert Downey Jr.

Don Lothario casting

Don Lothario has appeared in multiple The Sims games. He’s excellent at romancing ladies and causing chaos in the world of The Sims. Robert Downey jr. has portrayed multiple characters who excel at charming women.

The natural charisma that he brings to all of his roles would make him an excellent Don Lothario, the difference in age notwithstanding.

Bob Pancakes – Jamie Foxx

Bob Pancakes casting

Bob Pancakes is the one character whose name many fans of the games remember. Even though they might not always recall who he is or what he’s doing. In fact, fans often pay more attention to Bob’s wife Nora and come up with a clever way how to get rid of her.

Still, Bob plays an important part in the game since he was in the trailer. Jamie Foxx is an icon and if he played Bob, the sympathetic Sim would no doubt become even more popular.

Bella Goth – Gal Gadot

Bella Goth casting

Bella Goth is one of the most mysterious characters in The Sims franchise. The question of her disappearance attracted many players. In the recent game, Bella is married and has two children. She lives in an old-fashioned mansion and retains her mysterious aura.

Gal Gadot would pull off both Bella’s more civil and more distant side. As a mom of two children herself and a superhero actress who played an actual princess, Gadot would shine as Bella.

Nina Caliente – Karen Gillan

Nina Caliente casting

Nina and her twin sister Dina lead a complicated life. Especially because of their romance with Don Lothario who romances them both. Other than that, Nina is an intriguing character with a large family.

Actress Karen Gillan not only looks a bit like her, but she has proved over and over again she always rocks the role, no matter whether her character is dealing with relationship drama or has to fight someone.

Count Vladislaus Straud – Willem Dafoe

Vladislaus Straud casting

Count Vladislaus Straud is the oldest vampire in The Sims 4. Unlike Caleb and Lilith, he drinks human blood. He doesn’t like the company of others very much, prefers playing music alone.

Willem Dafoe looks very different from Straud but this selection isn’t random. Dafoe played a vampire before and when he wore the make-up, he looked very much like Straud does when he assumes his vampire form.