Family Switch Ending Explained

Family Switch Ending Explained

Family Switch sees the Walker family go through the biggest switch of the body-swap genre, which makes the moment that everything is set right in the end that much more satisfying. After the characters meet a strange woman named Angelica (Rita Moreno), who notices that they could all benefit from walking in each other’s shoes, each of the five members of the Walker family (as well as their dog, Pickles) winds up in the wrong body. Angelica teases that they must fix what has been broken before they can return, so the group sets off on an adventure to repair the telescope they accidentally destroyed while fighting over their differences.

Jess Walker (Jennifer Garner) woke up in the body of her teenage daughter, CC (Emma Myers), and vice versa. Bill Walker (Ed Helms), on the other hand, switched bodies with his and Jess’ teenage son, Wyatte (Brady Noon). Even the Walker family’s toddler, Miles, winds up switching bodies with the dog, Pickles. Naturally, this all happens on the biggest day of these characters’ lives—just as they are all about to achieve their individual dreams. Of course, nothing goes to plan, and it seems that each of the Family Switch crew has lost everything they worked for. However, in the process, they learned to fix their broken relationships, as well as the telescope, just in time to return to their regular bodies for Christmas.

How The Walkers Switched Back At The End Of Family Switch

Family Switch Ending Explained

Since Angelica had told the Walkers that they needed to fix what had been broken to return to their normal bodies in Family Switch, the family assumed that this meant the telescope. After finally obtaining a new lens for the massive instrument, the Walkers returned to the planetarium to put the tiny piece of crystal where it was meant to be. Unfortuantely, they dropped the lens before they could, and it shattered on the ground. Thankfully, when the telescope had been initially broken, little Miles grabbed the original lens and tucked it away. In Pickles’ body, Miles grabbed the lens and gave it to his parents, revealing that the part they needed had been there all along.

Unfortuantely, replacing the lens didn’t seem to do anything for the Walkers. The planets shifted out of alignment, and they were still stuck in each other’s bodies. Disappointed but determined to face this problem together—rather than individually as they had been living their lives up to the start of Family Switch—the Walkers made their way home. They snuggled up together on the sofa by their Christmas tree, reminding each other that no matter what happened, they were happy to have found their new understanding for each other. Ultimately, this is what did it. Come morning, Jess, Bill, CC, Wyatt, Miles, and Pickles were all in their own bodies—not because they had fixed the telescope, but because they had fixed their family.

Family Switch’s Body Swapping Explained


Films within the body-swap genre each have their way of navigating how such a phenomenon happens. In the case of Family Switch, a combination of factors caused each member of the Walkers to find themselves in each other’s bodies. When they went to the planetarium that fateful day, no one was particularly happy. Jess was frustrated that her daughter cared more about soccer than school, and CC believed that her mom only cared about her job and wanted her daughter to be just like her. Bill felt Wyatt was skipping over the best years of his life by trying to jump from ninth grade to college, and Wyatt believed his father didn’t appreciate that high school isn’t “the glory days” for everyone.

The family had become so disconnected that they no longer appreciated one another or their experiences and desperately needed a change in perspective. Angelica spotted this the moment she saw the Walkers and followed them into the planetarium. When she took their picture, the combination of the flash and the aligned planets seemed to initiate the body swap, so once they went to bed, the magic happened. Angelica’s later comment that she never told the Walkers they needed to fix the telescope implies that the instrument itself was never a factor. The Walkers just needed to gain an understanding of one another.

Did Angelica Have Special Powers?


Angelica, played by iconic actor Rita Moreno, is described as an astrological reader in Family Switch, and though Jess accused her of being a fraud, it certainly seems that the woman knew what she was talking about. She immediately recognized a family out of alignment and understood how to position them under the aligned planets to make the camera’s flash set off the reaction. Additionally, she knew that the Walkers learning to understand and appreciate one another would allow them to return to their own bodies.

It seems in Family Switch that the magic that allowed Jess, Bill, CC, Wyatt, Miles, and Pickles to switch bodies had more to do with their bond than Angelica herself. Rather than putting a spell on the family, she simply pushed them in the right direction. Angelica understood the power of the planets as well as the power of family and was, therefore, able to guide the Walkers toward fixing themselves.

What Each Member Of The Walker Family Learned During The Body Swap

The Walkers successfully returning to their own bodies depended heavily on the lessons they learned during the swap. The events of Family Switch allowed them to see the perspective of the family member they understood the least and to learn to appreciate them more. In the case of Jennifer Garner’s character, Jess, she needed to learn that her way of doing things wasn’t necessarily the best for everyone. While in CC’s body, she realized that her daughter, despite being disorganized and having different priorities, had still managed to improve her grades in school, all while dominating soccer week after week.

On the other hand, CC had to learn that as rigid and critical as her mother could be, she still adored her children and wanted to do the right thing. While attending work as Jess, CC learned that her mother bragged endlessly to her team about her daughter’s accomplishments at soccer. Additionally, Jess had previously turned down promotions, fearing that she would miss too many of CC’s games. These sacrifices were something the teenager had never imagined for her mother, and understanding this allowed for new-found respect.

Bill, who had a fantastic high school experience, couldn’t understand why Wyatt wanted to skip it all to go college. Academics had never been his focus, and as a performer, Bill felt that his son wasn’t trying hard enough to stand out socially. However, once he stepped into Wyatt’s shoes, he realized that high school is a different experience for everyone, and the years after the glory days he had so wanted to experience again weren’t nearly as great as the years spent being a father.

Inversely, Wyatt struggled to appreciate his father’s carefree way of life. Since Bill is effortlessly charismatic, Wyatt assumed everything, including his dreams, must come easily. However, learning that Bill had left his band to be a father just before it became a smash hit (Maroon ‘6’) allowed Wyatt to understand that doing something new outside his comfort zone always comes with sacrifices. In the end, Wyatt had a heart-to-heart with Bill and went out on stage to perform in his father’s body so the man wouldn’t lose out on his dreams again.

The Real Meaning Of Family Switch’s Ending

Family Switch movie cast (1)

There are a lot of lessons that could be taken from Family Switch. Every viewer is likely to relate to a different member of the Walker family and learn something from that character’s experience walking in someone else’s shoes. However, the overarching theme of the Christmas body-swap film is, as put by Family Switch‘s director, McG (via Prime Video), the importance of seeking “first to understand, then be understood. Strangers, friends, and family alike can always stumble into the pitfall of working only to have others understand them rather than first trying to see a situation from their point of view. Though swapping bodies like the Walkers in Family Switch is unlikely, walking in someone else’s shoes is always possible.

  • Family Switch Netflix Movie Poster

    Family Switch
    Release Date:


    Jennifer Garner, Ed Helms, Emma Myers, Brady Noon, Rita Moreno


    101 Minutes

    Comedy, Family, Holiday

    Adam Sztykiel, Victoria Strouse

    Story By:
    Amy Krouse Rosenthal, Victoria Strouse

    Grey Matter Productions, Wonderland Sound and Vision, Linden Entertainment
