Family Guy ‘Empire Strikes Back’ Parody Trailer

To round off this Friday nice and easy, I thought I’d post a little something to get you laughing (or hopefully at least chuckling). Family Guy has become a household name at this point, but the show managed to out do itself back in 2007 with its season 6 premiere, “Blue Harvest”, an hour-long parody of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

Well, today we have the trailer for Family Guy’s follow up to “Blue Harvest”, which could only be an equally hilarious skewering of the next film in the Star Wars canon, The Empire Strikes Back.

With “Blue Harvest” the Family Guy team lampooned pretty much everything you could ever want to make fun of in a Star Wars movie, and earned extra points for inserting all our favorite characters from Quahog into ironic (and gross) Star Wars roles. [NERD ALERT] “Blue Harvest” was the fake working title used during the shoot for Return of the Jedi and the parody was done in honor of the the 30-year anniversary of George Lucas’ space opera.

It looks like the laughs are only get bigger for this Empire Strikes Back parody, which is entitled “Something, Something, Something, Darkside”. Have a look (Giggidy!):

If you don’t think that trailer is funny, be sure that there will be more dirty humor and ironic family incest jokes galore packed into the full feature – and who doesn’t love those?

“Something, Something, Something, Darkside” will be released on DVD/Blu-ray on December 22, 2009 – before it ever airs for free on Fox. Will you be checking it out?

Family Guy airs (for free) on Fox Sundays @ 9 pm.