Fall Guys: How to Win in Short Circuit (Tips, Tricks, & Strategies)

Fall Guys: How to Win in Short Circuit (Tips, Tricks, & Strategies)

Since launching in August of 2020, Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout has gone through several seasons. Each one has a different theme associated with it, along with new obstacles courses, and costumes that tie together with the subject matter. With season 4’s futuristic theme, this battle royale platformer has brought a number of sci-fi game modes for friends to compete in.

Short Circuit is one of the new races added during season 4.  As its name suggests, it’s quite literally a short circuit. This game mode features two laps that players must complete to win, full of four unique obstacles. Here’s a look at all four segments of the race and how to overcome them!

Short Circuit Survival Guide

Fall Guys: How to Win in Short Circuit (Tips, Tricks, & Strategies)

The first major obstacle is an assortment of closely placed blocks. It’s a tight fit, and all of the players will be scrambling to make it through. There are two different types of blocks to watch out for: solid, thinner blocks adorned with patterns, and square-shaped ones with three glowing lines. Those can be moved out of the way, allowing players to make a quicker route. Take note that one of the solid blocks, in the middle path, is a little shorter than the others. This one is climbable, so jump and press the designated grab button to grab its ledge. When in doubt, go the route less traveled; if there’s less competition, it’s the quickest path forward. This is easier during the second lap, as the players will be more spread out.

After a brief corner turner, players will have to run through a collection of glowing bars. They move up and down periodically, so players must time their jumps to make it through. This is easier said than done with the rotating platforms beneath their feet. Running against the flow to the other side is as effective as running up a descending escalator, so position oneself accordingly so that they’re placed in a good position to jump. To wait for the right time to jump, try running against the flow of the platform to maintain the position. Also, diving through the bars may prove better, as it will provide players with more vertical distance than regular jumping.

Next, Fall Guys will experience a segment with gravity-manipulation. The color of light signifies whether gravity is reduced, blue, or increased, pink. Of course, lower gravity will let players jump higher, allowing them to traverse the obstacles in their way more easily. Always run towards the blue light, but be wary that each area will alternate between different colors. Stay along the edges of the zones so one can quickly move over to the blue light if they need to change. Look out for the launchpads on the ground as well. They can propel players both forward and background, so, rather than risk losing time, avoid them at all costs. Yet another reason why the blue light is better, as higher jumps make those pads easier to avoid.

Lastly, players will encounter three giant bars swinging back and forth like a swing set. It’s easy to jump over them alone, but they swing at different positions. Getting caught in between one will hurt, or rather cost time, so focus on jumping through one at a time. There are launch pads on the ground that can propel players forward, but be sure to time it; being launched into one of the bars is sure to lose time. After that, do one more lap while there are still spaces left to qualify, and Short Circuit is won!

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is available on PlayStation 4 and PC with plans to launch on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch in 2021.