Fall Guys: How to Survive Ski Fall (Tips, Trick, & Strategies)

Fall Guys: How to Survive Ski Fall (Tips, Trick, & Strategies)

Ski Fall is one of the newest game modes in Fall Guys. This guide will show players how they can survive it with helpful tips and tricks. Fall Guys recently released its third season that is themed all-around a Winter wonderland. While the objective is still the same, make your way to the very end of each round until only one bean is left standing, the challenges have become more difficult as players have become more experienced. Regardless, Fall Guys is one of those games that regardless of how good a player is, anything can happen to turn the tide. One of the newest game modes that have appeared in season 3 is Ski Fall. This guide will show players how they can survive it.

Ski Fall pushes our little beans to a spinning circle full of holes. The objective of the game is to jump through these holes and collect enough points to qualify for the next round. The first beans to reach 15 points will be able to continue. This sounds simple enough, right? But there are tons of obstacles and other players that can stand in the way of collecting this victory. Here are some helpful tips that will assist players in advancing to the next round.

How To Survive Ski Fall in Fall Guys (Tips, Tricks, and Strategies)

Fall Guys: How to Survive Ski Fall (Tips, Trick, & Strategies)

Here are some vital tips and tricks that will help the player survive Ski Fall.

  • Head the left or right side (depending on which is closer to where you spawn) of the screen and avoid all the other holes and aim straight for the end. The end has a gold ring that players can go through and it’s worth 5 points. Try and maintain all momentum to reach this final gold ring.
  • Avoid the swinging balls at the end by tilting the body of your character on the ramp. It should be good enough to make the final gold ring.
  • If you have 13-14 points and just need 1 more to finish, jump through the closest ring to close out the game.
  • Avoid other players. They are a menace that just exists to get in your way from jumping through rings.

Fall Guys just started its third season, making it the best time to jump back into the game. The game still features older levels as well, providing a healthy mix of old content and a new playlist. The progression system is still free so try and rack up those crowns. It’s extremely satisfying to get a win in this game.

Fall Guys is available now on Android, PC, and PlayStation 4.