F Is For Family: Top 10 Worst Things Frank Murphy Has Done

F Is For Family: Top 10 Worst Things Frank Murphy Has Done

F is for Family is a Netflix animated series that is set during the 1970s. An era where “men were men”, smoking was ubiquitously accepted, and PC culture was non-existent. This Adult cartoon series specifically focuses on The Murphy family. All of whom are a part of a vicious cycle of shotty parenting and are inherently dysfunctional. Frank Murphy (Bill Burr) is a loyal but problematic family man. While he attempts to work in the best interests of his wife and children his rage tends to get the best of him and he instinctively lashes out at them and the world.

No one would blame Frank for being an imperfect parent. However, he has consistently made mistakes that have jeopardized his and his family’s well-being. The errors below mark some of the worst things he has committed during the series’ run. These are in no particular order.

Indirectly Caused Kevin to Drown

F Is For Family: Top 10 Worst Things Frank Murphy Has Done

Early on in the series, it was implied Kevin (Justin Long from Galaxy Quest)is mentally impaired which causes him to struggle in school. It was later revealed this was caused by a drowning incident at a motel pool. As a toddler, he was under an oblivious and intoxicated Frank’s supervision when his stroller rolled into the pool. Kevin pleaded to his dad but ended up drowning and went two minutes without oxygen. As a result, Kevin developed PTSD and other problems. Despite Frank feeling awful about it, the situation could have been prevented if he was more cautious.

Not Telling Sue About the Promotion

Sue Murphy sitting on a chair and giving side eye in F is For Family

In season one, some of Frank’s proudest achievements is being the man of the family and breadwinner. However, when Sue (Laura Dern from Jurassic Park) starts working for Plast-a-ware Frank begins to feel she is shirking on her domestic duties and causing neighbors to talk. Her boss Vivian (Mo Collins from Mad TV) calls to offer her a promotion but Frank answers and says Sue was not interested.  She later found out and this caused a dispute between the two until she was assured by Frank it was okay.

Abusing His Family

As previously stated, Frank has had a recurring problem of lashing out at his family. While it is mostly verbal, he has repeatedly hit Kevin and Bill (Haley Reinhart). Meanwhile, he cannot help screaming at the top of his lungs and threatening to put people through a wall. It was hinted Frank was abused as a child. While in season four it was confirmed by showing past incidents where Frank’s father Big Bill (Jonathan Banks from Breaking Bad) was emotionally and physically abusive to him. And while it explained Frank’s behavior it does not obviously excuse his actions.

Discouraging His Children’s Interests

While Frank has gradually improved in this department he has discouraged his children’s hobbies and passions.

Examples include Kevin’s desire to be a musician but Frank dismissed it as unethical and wishy-washy. Meanwhile, Maureen (Debi Derryberry from Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius) initially pressed her parents to let her join the computer club but Frank felt it was unladylike. Later on, Frank would overturn his opinions and later encouraged Kevin to pursue his dream (while he promised to improve in school) and let Maureen join the computer club.

Beating Up His Father

Big Bill was introduced in season four. Initially appearing as a reformed version of his former self. Frank was infuriated by this and insisted it was a facade. However, they started getting along and became closer throughout the season. On the night of Maureen’s play, all seemed well until they got drunk and ended up in a fight. While Bill provoked Frank the latter decided to whale on him in front of the audience and Maureen, embarrassing her. It can be argued over whether Bill deserved it, but inevitably Frank did the same thing to Maureen that his father did to him many years ago.

Traveling Out of Town Before Sue Gives Birth

A still from F is For Family

Tensions were running high in the remaining days of Sue’s pregnancy. Yet, the final straw was when Frank struck his father at Maureen’s play. This erupts into a huge argument. Afterward, he decides to join Bob and the other Mohican employees on a work trip to Cleveland despite Sue being due soon. He reasoned that he knew where he was truly needed. Despite this being decided in the heat of the moment Frank should have stayed. Fortunately, despite Sue going into labor, he was able to make it in time for the delivery.

Being Hard on Kevin

F is For Family

While Frank and Kevin were close in his early years they would become distant later on. Out of his children, Frank tends to pick on Kevin the most. He perceives his son’s oafishness and disregard for school and authority as disrespect and laziness but it is much deeper than that. Sue insists Frank be gentler but it takes some time before he realizes the ramifications of his actions. He has since attempted to make up for this and be more considerate.

Breaking Promises

Not every promise can be kept but Frank has let one too many loose. As a result of his poor planning, negligence, or forgetfulness he has caused his family and friend to hang to dry.

Whether it was promising to bring his son to tryouts or hockey practice or promising he would always support his wife’s endeavors they have inevitably fallen through. This has caused them to occasionally lack faith and trust in Frank.

Buying TV

In the first episode of the series, Frank decides to upgrade his rinky-dink TV for the latest model in time for the big upcoming sports game. And he can invite the neighborhood for a watch party. This would eventually set the family back financially and put them further into debt. This being further complicated when Frank was fired. While this was one of the least bad things Frank has done he mostly bought the TV to rub it in his neighbor Vic (Sam Rockwell from Moon)’s face.

Putting Work Before Family

This is more understandable because of the family’s poor financial standing. Frank was determined to make sure his family is taken care of. And as manager of Mohican Airways, a lot was riding on his shoulders. However, he has let work get in the way of family priorities. And this is for a company where despite some of his co-workers including Rosie (Kevin Michael Richardson from The Cleveland Show, the heads could not care less about what happened to him as proven when Dunbarton (Gary Cole from Office Space) fired Murphy on Christmas Eve. Despite Frank’s prior mistakes, he is still determined to amend himself. And with season five on the rise audiences just may see a reformed Frank Murphy.