Ezra Bridger’s New Lightsaber Color Shows He’s Become The Opposite Of Luke Skywalker

Ezra Bridger’s New Lightsaber Color Shows He’s Become The Opposite Of Luke Skywalker

Warning! This article contains SPOILERS for the Ahsoka finale.

In the Ahsoka finale, Ezra Bridger constructs a new blue lightsaber that foretells what his role will be in future Star Wars projects. Initially, Ezra refused to take back his old lightsaber from Sabine Wren in Ahsoka episode 7. Instead, he employed a unique fighting style against Shin Hati and Thrawn’s Night Troopers. By combing his faith in the Force with hand-to-hand combat, Ezra expertly held his own against a slew of enemies. However, despite insisting the Force was all he needed, his duty as a Jedi demanded him to wield a blade once more in the Ahsoka finale.

Ezra’s new lightsaber hilt holds a lot of personal significance for him. Not only is his emitter related to the one Kanan Jarrus used in Star Wars Rebels, but Ezra’s new lightsaber color represents a return to his roots. His first lightsaber in Rebels season 1 was a blue blade with a blaster attachment, and was later destroyed by Darth Vader on Malachor. This prompted him to craft a green lightsaber, now belonging to Sabine Wren. The fact that Ezra’s new lightsaber is blue shows that he’s come full-circle as a Jedi, however, it’s change in color may also hold a much deeper significance according to Star Wars Legends.

Ezra’s Blue Lightsaber Means He’s A Different Kind Of Jedi To Luke

Ezra Bridger’s New Lightsaber Color Shows He’s Become The Opposite Of Luke Skywalker

Star Wars Legends traditionally saw Jedi Guardians with blue lightsaber, while Jedi Consulars often possessed green blades. In the original trilogy, Luke Skywalker changed from a blue lightsaber to a green lightsaber. But in Ahsoka, Ezra does the opposite. When Ezra used his green lightsaber, it represented his thirst for knowledge within the Force. However, he gradually took on the role of a Jedi Guardian by the end of Rebels, given how he fought with the Rebellion against Grand Admiral Thrawn.

At the end of Rebels, Ezra gives up his green lightsaber and sacrifices himself—much like a Jedi Guardian would—in order to save Lothal and his friends from the Empire. His realization of his change as a Jedi may have even driven him to give up his green saber, knowing it no longer represented his path as a Jedi. Only in Ahsoka is he able to craft himself a blue lightsaber once more, as it now aligns with his current role in the galaxy. Despite his exile on Peridea, Ezra has never stopped fighting Thrawn, proving himself a true Jedi Guardian by putting his combat skills to use.

Ezra & Luke’s Lightsaber Colors Show Their Different Roles In The Galaxy

Luke Skywalker Green Lightsaber Star Wars

Based on Ezra’s blue lightsaber, he is now one of the foremost Jedi Guardians in The New Republic Era. Having joined up with Hera Syndulla, he will continue to fight against the threat of Thrawn’s Resurgent Empire. Meanwhile, Luke’s green lightsaber indicates he’s taken on the role of a Jedi Consular, and has mostly withdrawn from the fighting in the galaxy. While Luke studies the lore behind the Jedi and seeks to rebuild the Order, Ezra stands at the forefront of the battle against Thrawn and wishes to defeat him once and for all.

Despite lightsaber color meanings being relegated to Legends, Star Wars Canon continues to operate based on the idea of Jedi Consulars and Jedi Guardians. For example, at the end of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Rey attempts to give Luke Skywalker back his blue lightsaber. Essentially, she is asking him to take up the role of Jedi Guardian once more and protect the galaxy from the First Order. But while Luke adamantly rejects taking up a blue lightsaber and fighting for the Resistance, Ezra Bridger gladly takes up a saber once more to fight for the New Republic.

The Jedi Need Both Consulars & Guardians To Flourish

Star Wars' Yoda and Mace Windu on the Jedi Council

Historically, the Jedi Order relied upon both Consulars and Guardians in order to function properly. Even in the Clone Wars, the Order needed Consulars like Yoda to remain near the Temple and train the next generation of Jedi, while also relying upon Guardians such as Obi-Wan and Anakin to protect the peace on the front lines. There needs to be strong Jedi in both roles, or else the Order will cease to exist. In the New Republic Era, the Jedi need both roles filled more than ever.

If Ezra Bridger doesn’t step up to his role as a Jedi Guardian against Thrawn, then Luke’s Jedi Temple on Ossus would be threatened. Similarly, if Luke gave up his role as a Consular and joined the fight against Thrawn, the Jedi Order would cease to proliferate for a time. Instead, both Ezra and Luke—without even knowing each other—work in tandem to protect the galaxy and guide the next generation of Jedi. Both of them are crucial for the future of Star Wars in the New Republic Era, and Ezra’s new lightsaber color in Ahsoka is only the first hint of what’s to come for his character.

All episodes of Ahsoka now streaming on Disney+.