Exclusive: Nathan Fillion’s Thoughts on Playing Booster Gold

Exclusive: Nathan Fillion’s Thoughts on Playing Booster Gold

Nathan Fillion is open to playing Booster Gold if the role comes his way. Fillion is one of the most frequent mentions whenever fans give input on who should be cast in various major roles. His name has been thrown around for various comic book movie roles, including Green Lantern. However, the role he’s constantly been linked to is playing Nathan Drake in an Uncharted movie.

Fillion made those dreams come true by starring in an Uncharted fan-film that recently debuted. The footage has only reignited interest in him playing the role in a larger capacity, but Tom Holland already has the role locked down for years to come. If he wanted to tackle another frequently requested role, playing Booster Gold would certainly meet the criteria – but is he interested?

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Screen Rant spoke to Nathan Fillion at San Diego Comic-Con 2018 to discuss his recent Uncharted project. During the interview, we asked Fillion if he had any knowledge about the constant fan-requests for him to play the DC hero. He made it clear that he isn’t actively pursuing or campaigning for the part. However, he does think he’d be able to play a convincing version of Booster.

“I heard that. He’s a great character. Am I vying for the role? And do I want an internet thing to go crazy? No, I don’t want that to happen. Do I think it’s a great role? Yes. Would I do an amazing job… I like to think that I would… I like to think that I would. I like to think I would. He’s a great character. He’s such a dufus. I could do that.”

Exclusive: Nathan Fillion’s Thoughts on Playing Booster Gold

This isn’t the first time Fillion has expressed his belief in himself to play Booster Gold either. He mentioned Booster Gold as a potential fit for him years ago if he ever decided to take on a superhero role. But, he doesn’t appear to know much about the current state of the character’s potential live-action appearance.

Warner Bros. is currently developing a Booster Gold movie, so Fillion could be looked at for the part down the road. The last update on the project was that it was still in development, despite the lack of updates it has received. Thor‘s Zack Stentz is writing the script, with Greg Berlanti – the man behind the Arrowverse – set to produce the film and possibly even direct.

If Warner Bros. and Berlanti did decide to give Fillion a call, it appears he would at least entertain the idea. Whether or not he’s what they’d be looking for though is unclear. While a fan-favorite, Fillion is best known for his work on TV with shows like Castle and Firefly. Still, there’s no doubt that he would make for a great quippy, time-traveling, wannabe hero like Booster Gold. Now, we’ll just have to see whether or not he gets the chance – even if it’s just in a fan-film like Uncharted.

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