Exactly When Netflix’s Chronicles Of Narnia Reboot Should Release

Exactly When Netflix’s Chronicles Of Narnia Reboot Should Release

As Netflix embarks on its journey to adapt the wildly popular Chronicles of Narnia film franchise, there is actually an upcoming date that would be particularly perfect for the release of the streaming giant’s first Narnia film. Back in 2005, C.S. Lewis’ children’s fantasy novels were adapted to the screen by Disney. After making three films though, Disney’s Narnia franchise bombed, and in 2018, Netflix bought the rights. Now, a whole new set of book-to-movie adaptations are going to be released, and they are coming at the ideal time.

So far, only tid bits of information have been confirmed about Netflix’s Chronicles of Narnia. First and foremost, the company has signed on famed director Greta Gerwig to write and direct the first two films. This news is particularly exciting since Gerwig garnered overwhelming popularity for her 2023 film Barbie. Currently, there is no set release date on the first Narnia film. Gerwig was added to the team on July 2, 2023, which implies that she still must write the scripts of the first two films. Therefore, audiences shouldn’t expect this franchise for at least a couple of years.

Netflix’s Chronicles Of Narnia Reboot Already Has The Perfect Release Date

Exactly When Netflix’s Chronicles Of Narnia Reboot Should Release

Despite this, Greta Gerwig’s Chronicles of Narnia has a perfect release date already set out for it: October 2025. C.S. Lewis published the first Chronicles of Narnia book in October 1950, which makes October 2025 the 75-year anniversary of the series. If Netflix released their first rebooted film on this date, that would make it an extra special release. In fact, it might even help make the movies more popular, although they will likely already have a strong audience no matter what. Overall, it is an amazing coincidence that Netflix has begun work on this franchise with such a major anniversary ahead.

By pairing Netflix’s Chronicles of Narnia with C.S. Lewis’ 75-year anniversary, this could really boost how much attention the franchise gets. Aside from getting audiences to watch the new movie, the anniversary could also persuade audiences to read C.S. Lewis’ books, or even rewatch the Disney films. Such a special date could really spark a flame for the franchise that hasn’t been lit for over a decade now. Though Netflix’s reboot will be hyped either way, the anniversary would definitely be a magical addition to the film’s release.

Why A Chronicles Of Narnia 2025 Release Could Be Difficult

The Pevensie children become kings and queens in The Chronicles of Narnia

Unfortunately, releasing the first Chronicles of Narnia movie in 2025 could be a difficult task. For the most part, this is because the franchise has just begun production. As previously mentioned, Greta Gerwig has likely only just started writing the scripts for the first two films, and beyond that, this is going to be a massive project. Even though October 2025 is two years away, it is possible that the film still won’t be ready by then. But, that doesn’t mean that the anniversary can’t still benefit Netflix’s new venture. If anything, the 75-year anniversary will jumpstart the excitement that Netflix’s Chronicles of Narnia is sure to stir up.