Exactly How Fast Captain America Is in Marvel Continuity

Exactly How Fast Captain America Is in Marvel Continuity

Captain America is one of the most iconic heroes in the Marvel Universe, with his strength and speed consistently reaching above-average benchmarks that put other heroes and villains to shame, all thanks to his super-soldier serum-derived abilities. But exactly how fast is Steve Rogers when he hits his stride, and what is his top speed when he goes all out? Marvel has the answer, and it’s far quicker than fans might expect.

A staple member of the Avengers team and a go-to leader of it as well, Captain America is host to a set of super-soldier skills that don’t give him any powers in the traditional superhero sense but instead amplify his already impressive innate talent as a hero.

Exactly How Fast Captain America Is in Marvel Continuity

Shown time and time again that Cap can keep up with the best of the non-speedster community, ranging from genetically altered heroes to magically-infused beings to members of mutant-kind, and so on, the collation of a few different comic sources pegs Captain America’s top-speed likely sitting upwards of 25mph!

Captain America in Marvel Comics and Chris Evans as Captain America in the MCU


Captain America Just Proved His Forgotten Superpower Is What Makes Him So Unbeatable

Steve Rogers is well-known for his near-superhuman physique, but a daring confrontation proves there’s more to Captain America than raw muscle.

Captain America Can Run A Mile In Less Than Three Minutes

Captain America runs inside an Celestial and breaks mile-run world record

Told through narration during a fight against the X-Men’s Gambit in 2012’s AvX: VS #2, by Steve McNiven, it’s explicitly stated that Cap can run a 40-yard dash in 3.82 seconds. Additionally, in 2021’s The Avengers #45, by Jason Aaron and Luca Maresca, Cap is getting his morning run in, with his digital assistant telling him he just broke the world record for running the mile by a whopping one minute and fifteen seconds. Based on this information, it would seem Cap’s speed is around 20mph on the low end, with it being reasonable to assume that when he needs to push himself to his true limits, he could run over 25mph easily, and possibly even 30mph in short bursts.

Not a speedster by any means, like the mutant Quicksilver or The Eternals’ Makkari, Cap breaking records for a mile-long run and a 40-yard dash puts him up there as not only one of the fastest non-speed-power-based heroes around, but quite literally makes him the fastest human alive, considering he shattered the world record for both of these tests by a wide margin. Currently, the fastest mile sits at 3:43.13, with the fastest 40-yard dash hitting 4.22 seconds — times that Cap blows away by coming in under two and a half minutes and below four seconds for the mile run and 40-yard dash, respectively.

Captain America Can Hit 20mph Thanks To His Super-Soldier Abilities

Chris Evans as Captain America running through a snowy forest

Obviously, Steve Rogers has a huge leg-up in the competition and in setting and breaking these records due to his enhanced super-soldier abilities, military-bred stamina, and vast experience being a super-fit superhero, but these are still impressive feats for anyone to pull off, especially with the ease and consistency that Cap can. Captain America is one of the most well-balanced heroes on a planet full of them, and according to official Marvel lore, he can also be considered one of the quickest.