Evil Dead Rise Video Teases Horrifying Sounds Coming From Editing The Film

A new video teases some of the chilling film sounds coming from the editing suite of the upcoming horror sequel, Evil Dead Rise. It’s been 30 years since Sam Raimi’s beloved Evil Dead franchise released an official new installment, and fans have been desperately waiting for more the entire time. With its tongue-in-cheek humor and gruesome fits of gore and violence, the franchise remains one of the most unique horror IPs of all time.

Though Raimi is responsible for bringing the series to life all the way back in 1981, the three-film franchise has also greatly benefited from the work of actor Bruce Campbell, who stars as Ash, the initially reluctant but eventual expert Deadite slayer. Over the years, Campbell has become synonymous with Evil Dead, to the point where any entry in the series without him just wouldn’t feel the same to some fans. Campbell was absent from the 2013 Fede Alvarez reboot, Evil Dead, and as confirmation of an official fourth film arrived, it was also revealed that not only would Campbell not star in the sequel, but that his days playing Ash were over. Content with the idea of retiring the character, Campbell is on board Evil Dead Rise as a producer, and he’s previously insisted that the franchise has plenty of life left in it yet.

With the release of Evil Dead Rise scheduled for some time this year, fans have just been treated to a small but encouraging taste of what awaits them in the upcoming film. Director and co-writer Lee Cronin has shared a video of just the sounds of the new film, coming from the editing suite where Rise is being put together in Cronin’s hometown of Dublin. Despite the lack of footage to go along with the grisly sounds, there’s enough here to convince any Evil Dead fan that what’s coming could indeed be worth the wait. Check out the video below, courtesy of Cronin’s official Twitter account:

In a departure from the previous three films’ style, Evil Dead Rise takes place in an urban center, within an apartment block. As previously explained by Campbell, the fact that this film focuses on Deadites attacking a family makes for a far more excruciating affair, with the victims linked to one another on a much deeper level than previous films in the series. It’s also worth noting that the production used more than 6,500 liters of fake blood – an astonishing amount that practically guarantees there will be significant slaughter to go along with the nightmarish sounds coming from Cronin’s recently posted video clip.

All in all, the arrival of Evil Dead Rise is looking increasingly promising. When the film was first announced and it was revealed that Raimi would not direct and Campbell would not star, there were more than a few Evil Dead fans who felt like this was a major signal that what was coming wouldn’t be worth the 30-year wait. But while Cronin’s directorial career is still very much in its early stages, the fact that he gained the trust and respect of Raimi and Campbell on a franchise that quite literally kicked off the two stars’ careers should be enough to calm the nerves of even the fussiest fan. What’s more, everything so far that’s been teased of the new film seems to suggest that the return to Evil Dead will be a satisfying one.