Everything Everywhere All At Once: 10 Unpopular Opinions, According To Reddit

Everything Everywhere All At Once: 10 Unpopular Opinions, According To Reddit

Content Warning: The following article contains spoilers for the film Everything Everywhere All at Once.

A24’s Everything Everywhere All at Once premiered to critical acclaim earlier this year, with its unique take on the multiverse, emotional narrative, and wild visuals impressing both fans and critics alike. Not everyone found the international hit great, though, with some viewers taking to Reddit to express their unpopular opinions about the film.

From being overhyped to being too messy, the hottest takes contradict what most fans think about the comedy-drama. Its unique brand of absurdist humor and wacky art styles are not for everyone, with some also criticizing its incredibly philosophical story.

It’s Overhyped

Everything Everywhere All At Once: 10 Unpopular Opinions, According To Reddit

The film has been making waves online for its originality and heartfelt story, amassing an ever-growing fanbase across several social media platforms – it has even landed a spot in Letterboxd’s most popular movies of the year, second only to The Batman.

A deleted Redditor doesn’t believe it deserves the attention it’s getting, simply stating in their post that it’s “a horrible overhyped movie.” It’s not surprising that there are some who don’t understand the hype around the popular film, especially if they could not relate to its characters’ arcs. There’s a reason the movie has generated so much discussion and praise, though, which far outweighs any negative response it gets.

It’s Bad Because It’s An A24 Movie

Ke Huy Quan Everything Everywhere All At Once

Everything Everywhere All at Once is already considered one of A24’s most popular movies of all time, alongside other masterpieces produced by the New York-based indie entertainment company. A Redditor believes the comedy-drama movie is bad because “all A24 movies are not good,” which is definitely an unpopular opinion.

With award-winning films like Midsommar, Lady Bird, and The Lighthouse just to name a few, A24 has become known for its artistic visuals and often absurdist narratives. It’s not too far-fetched to imagine that there are film buffs who eagerly wait for each new movie the company produces.

It’s Too One-Sided

everything everywhere all at once jobu tapaki joy with confetti

The well-written overarching story in the film is anchored on the complicated relationship between Evelyn and Joy. The user yessirmisteryessir feels this is where it falls short, stating that while they’d “like to celebrate Asian American voices into the big screen,” the movie’s narrative “just felt one sided,” favoring “the strict, unrelenting perspective of the daughter.”

While it’s certainly true that it’s Evelyn who has the burden of changing, most fans would agree that it would be unfair to expect Joy to adjust to her family’s discriminatory and outdated views. She just wants to be accepted for who she is and to feel reassured that she’s not a disappointment – it’s a relatable and reasonable problem to have as a struggling daughter.

The Crude Jokes Ruined It

Evelyn with Hot dog fingers in Everything Everywhere All At Once

A large part of what makes the film so appealing is its quirky and often unapologetic humor. The Redditor empathetical thinks that it’s this zany comedy that “brought” it “down big time,” explaining that while it has the “right ideas and at times was decent,” they did not like its “crude, cheap crap jokes and humor.”

There’s no shortage of gut-busting comical moments in the movie, which include its hilarious slow-motion action sequences. Evelyn’s “Google eyes” is also a running gag, and Joy’s crass visual comedy is always entertaining to see. The way the film embraces this high level of absurdity makes its numerous comical scenes ridiculously funny – it wouldn’t be the same without them.

It’s Boring

Michelle Yeoh in Everything Everywhere All at Once

With the film’s weird aspects, zany action scenes, and poignant story, it’s easy to feel absorbed from its very first scene. This isn’t the case for ImmortalScrunchie, who compares the movie to “any other overblown blockbuster action film” and details how “it got very boring for” them eventually.”

Most viewers would disagree with the comparison, as likable characters like Joy and Evelyn set themselves apart not just through their comical scenes, but also through their compelling stories. If it’s not the action sequences that steal the show for some fans, it’s almost certainly the thoughtful narrative about the messy mother-and-daughter relationship that captures their attention.

It’s Scary And Overwhelming

Evelyn in Everything Everywhere All At Once entering different realities

Some parts of the film feature stunning visuals paired with frantic pacing, like the gorgeous montage showing Evelyn’s fascinating variants across the multiverse. This aspect of the movie got a bit too much for iamalyssang who found that “the sounds and the visual were too scary and overwhelming.”

It’s certainly valid to feel uncomfortable during these segments, but for most audiences, they likely have more of an awe-inspiring effect. These are meant to capture the grandiose multiverse that the protagonist is thrust into, after all, and they’re almost always the most memorable parts of the movie.

The Final Moments Were Dragging

Evelyn in Everything Everywhere All at Once

The action-packed movie is full of fast-paced scenes to complement Evelyn’s experiences in the multiverse. ArsenalThePhoenix enjoyed these moments more than the last part of the narrative, explaining how they “feel like the final 30 minutes kinda dragged the movie down due to the tempo slowing down so much.”

The final few minutes are actually a refreshing change of pace that underscores Evelyn’s new perspective about her place and purpose in the grand multiverse. The slowness of the tempo highlights her realization that it’s what’s right in front of her that matters, which includes her struggling daughter and loving husband.

It’s Too Melodramatic

Evelyn protecting Waymond and Joy in Everything Everywhere All At Once

The tear-jerking story that’s centered on Evelyn and Joy’s relationship is undoubtedly the highlight of the entire movie. A Redditor dislikes the way this narrative played out in the end, though, detailing how “the ending especially was so very melodramatic” and “it drags on for much too long.”

At its core, Everything Everywhere All at Once is a film about a messy family, which is what makes it so relatable. It’s the emotional conclusion that provides a satisfying and heartwarming resolution to the damaged relationship between Evelyn and Joy, and it wouldn’t have been possible if they hadn’t hashed out their grievances and were raw and honest with each other in that moment.

It’s Too Messy

Rocks from Everything Everywhere All At Once

To depict the vast multiverse, the film creatively uses a variety of art styles to highlight how different the protagonist’s variants really are. The user poky2017 does not appreciate this kind of approach, saying that they “found it a mess and not in a good way.”

It’s this “mess” that makes the movie a true standout, as it quickly enthralls audiences by making them feel like they’re right next to Evelyn as she goes on her dizzying journey. It’s organized chaos, with each element purposively contributing something to the movie’s plot and overall message.

Its Message Isn’t Strong Enough

Evelyn Wang in Everything Everywhere All at Once.

Everything Everywhere All at Once ultimately delivers a powerful lesson about optimistic nihilism, a philosophical concept that encourages individuals to be happy precisely because everything is meaningless. This didn’t get through to robotbot9, who recounts how they “didn’t connect with the ultimate message of optimistic nihilism,” pointing out that “the ending where Evelyn plainly said ‘nothing matters’ felt like a slap in the face.”

It’s actually the protagonist’s line about how “nothing matters” that perfectly encapsulates the philosophical concept. This is said earlier in the film by both Evelyn and Joy in a nihilistic way, but when she says it towards the end, she declares it with a newfound realization that since the multiverse is so vast and every action within it is meaningless, she’s free to wholly appreciate what’s meaningful to her. In her case, it’s “doing laundry and taxes” with the husband she loves and being a better mother to Joy.