Everyone Who Dies In Meg 2 The Trench

Everyone Who Dies In Meg 2 The Trench

Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Meg 2: The Trench!

More Megalodons means more death, and here is everyone who dies in Meg 2: The Trench. Jason Statham’s action monster franchise returned in 2023 with another adventure pitting Jonas Taylor against giant sharks and other sea creatures. Much like the first movie based on Steve Alten’s novels, Meg 2: The Trench sees Jonas and a group of other sea-caring humans become wrapped up in a plot to stop dangerous Megalodons from killing people across the world. This inevitably means putting themselves and others in dangerous positions as their attempts to save everyone prove to be futile.

By the time audiences are left waiting for a Meg 2: The Trench post-credits scene, plenty of carnage has happened throughout the movie’s plot. The sequel ups the ante by including not one, not two, but three Megalodons, as well as other deadly sea creatures. This leaves Jonas and his team with even more danger to avoid, especially as a group of human villains attempts to kill them too. While Jonas and a handful of other characters survive the sequel, there are many others who are not quite as fortunate.

Everyone Who Dies In Meg 2 The Trench


The Meg 3: Sequel Set-Up, Director Comments & Everything We Know

With The Meg 2: The Trench in theaters, conversations about a trilogy of giant shark movies and The Meg 3 are starting to take shape.

10 Suyin Died Between The Meg & Meg 2

Li Bingbing’s The Meg Character Died Between Movies

The first death in Meg 2 does not happen on-screen, as the movie instead reveals that Suyin died before Meg 2: The Trench. The details of her passing are not disclosed, only that she died in 2021, at least a few years before when the sequel is set. The decision to kill Suyin is tied to how the franchise chose to explain why Li Bingbing did not return for Meg 2. The revelation allows for Suyin’s brother Juiming (Wu Jing) to be introduced and keep Suyin’s daughter Meiying (Sophia Cai) as part of Jonas’ life.

9 Lance Is Killed By Octopus

The First On-Screen Death In The Meg 2 Isn’t Caused By A Giant Shark

Meg 2 Lance Death Felix Mayr

The first on-screen Meg 2 character death occurs once the two dive teams travel to the Trench for an exploration mission. They are forced to leave their divers and travel through the Trench in exo-suits as they travel to a mysterious underwater base they find. It is during the early parts of this sequence that the team focuses on steering clear of the Megalodons without taking into account the other dangers that could lie beneath the thermocline. This leads to Lance (Felix Mayr) being the first of the team members to die in Meg 2, as he is attacked by a giant octopus.

Jason Statham kicks a shark in Meg 2 The Trench


Meg 2: The Trench Cast & Character Guide

The real stars of Meg 2: The Trench are the prehistoric sharks, but the movie’s cast is full of recognizable actors from blockbusters and prestige TV.

8 Sal Is Eaten By A Meg

Kiran Sonia Sawar Is The First Meg 2 Cast Member To Be Eaten By The Titular Megashark

Meg 2 Sal Death Kiran Sonia Sawar

The next character who dies in Meg 2: The Trench is Sal (Kiran Sonia Sawar). She is immediately scared as the team exits the divers and begins walking through the Trench, resulting in her breathing heavier and quicker. This makes her use up the oxygen in her suit quicker and begin to struggle to walk fast enough on her own power. While Juiming helps her out for the home stretch to the underwater base, Sal sacrifices herself to save Juiming once the Megalodons begin to get too close. This makes her the first character a Megalodon kills in Meg 2.

7 Curtis Dies From Helmet Imploding

Whoopie Van Raam as Curtis in The Meg 2

The third and final casualty of the dive team mission is Curtis, played by Meg 2 cast member Whoopie Van Raam. She encounters a problem as they walk to the underwater base when her helmet is hit and begins to crack. While the helmet holds up enough through the entire journey, it starts to quickly get worse as they get inside the base and wait for the water to drain and the helmet to be depressurized. Unfortunately for her, the process does not happen fast enough, resulting in her helmet imploding from the underwater pressure. It’s one of the most gruesome deaths in Meg 2: The Trench.



Every Real Creature In Meg 2 Explained

Meg 2: The Trench features a whole host of real-life creatures, both from prehistoric and modern times, that the crew of Mana One must face.

6 Jess Is Eaten By A Meg

One Of The Most Visually Impressive Meg 2 Deaths Was Spoiled By The Trailer

Skyler Samuels about to die in Meg 2 The Trench's trailer

The next major Meg 2 character who dies is Skyler Samuels’ Jess. While she works with Jonas’ team at first, it is revealed that Jess is a mole working for the Oceanic Institute’s boss Hillary Driscoli (Sienna Guillory). After Jess’ villain turn is revealed, which is complete with a romance with the mercenary Montes (Sergio Peris-Mencheta), she becomes overconfident in the safety of her environment from the Megs.

This leads to the moment where a Meg crashes through the glass and kills Jess, which was featured prominently in the trailers, resulting in Skyler Samuels’ Meg 2 character dying being spoiled for many.

5 Hillary Is Killed By Lizard Creatures

Sienna Guillory’s Meg 2 Character Is The Architect Of Her Own Demise

Meg 2 Hillary Driscoli Death Sienna Guillory

Another Meg 2 character who dies is Hillary Driscoll. The boss at Oceanic Institute is revealed to secretly be one of the movie’s human villains, as she is running a mining operation from the Trench for rare materials worth billions of dollars. She becomes obsessed with keeping the Megalodon outbreak under wraps and travels to Fun Island to make sure Montes finishes the job to keep her secrets safe.

This proves to be Driscoll’s downfall, as she waits in her helicopter and is eventually discovered by one of the lizard-like creatures from the Trench. It drags her out of the helicopter and kills her.

Meg 2 Trench Book Changes Comparison


10 Biggest Changes To The Book In Meg 2 The Trench

Meg 2: The Trench is based on Steve Alten’s sci-fi novel The Trench, but the blockbuster movie franchise makes some big changes to the book story.

4 Montes Is Eaten By A Meg

A Meg Gets Montes Before Montes Can Get Jonas

Sergio Peris-Mencheta as Montes in The Meg 2

The final major Meg 2 cast member who dies in the movie is Sergio Peris-Mencheta’s Montes. His mercenary character has been leading the mining operation in secret and has a history with Jonas, fueling his hatred to get revenge on him throughout the movie. Jess’ death only increases his desire to eliminate Jonas and the Megalodons.

This leads to an ultimate showdown between Jonas and Montes, where Montes thinks he’s about to surprise Jonas by pulling a hidden gun on him. However, one of the Megalodons comes to their location because Montes is bleeding and eats him before he could kill Jonas.

3 Jonas Kills Two Megs

It’s Not Only Humans Who Die In The Meg 2

In addition to the human characters who die in Meg 2: The Trench, the movie’s ending also once again lets Jason Statham’s hero fight the giant sharks. It is no surprise that Meg 2‘s ending revolves around this confrontation and allows Jones to successfully kill two of the Megalodons. The first one is killed after Jonas rides a jetski and stabs a makeshift harpoon with a bomb strapped to it into the Meg.

The second Megalodon dies when it comes to attack Jonas after he successfully diverts it from getting Mac and Juiming. Jonas uses a sharp helicopter rotor blade to impale the Meg through the skull and kill it.

Jason Statham as Jonas Taylor in Meg 2: The Trench.


Where Was The Meg 2 Filmed? Sequel’s Filming Locations Explained

Meg 2 features the return of the vicious (and gigantic) megalodons that Jason Statham fought in the first movie – where was the sequel filmed?

2 The Meg Kills The Giant Octopus

The Giant Creatures In The Meg 2 Turn On Each-Other

Giant Octopus attacks resort in Meg 2 The Trench trailer

The Megalodons are also responsible for saving humanity in a sense, as one of them kills the giant octopus attacking Fun Island. Juiming originally attempts to kill the octopus himself by using a homemade bomb, but it does not kill the octopus. The explosion does help attract the attention of the Megalodons, leading to an epic Meg vs Giant Octopus fight. While it appears that the octopus is about to kill the giant shark at one point, the Megalodon ultimately gets the upper hand and kills the giant sea monster that escaped from the Trench.

1 How Many People Die In Meg 2

There Are Around 50 Deaths In The Meg 2

Meg Eating People In Meg 2

There are many other people who die in Meg 2: The Trench beyond the main characters and creatures featured in the movie. There is an entire boat devoured by the octopus and multiple civilians swallowed whole by the Megs. In addition to the six main characters who die, an in-theater count and estimation tallied about 50 people who died in Meg 2: The Trench.

This includes the two miners, at least 14 henchmen hired by Hillary, YaoYao and at least another 10 people on her boat, the couple on the paddle boat, roughly a dozen civilians in the shallow water, and the annoying man on the phone.

meg 2

The Meg 2: The Trench

The Meg 2: The Trench is a followup to the 2018 Jason Statham-starring film about a giant Megalodon shark. The sequel is based on The Trench novel from Steve Alten and sees the return of Jason Statham and Cliff Curtis’ characters from the first film. Ben Wheatley replaces Jon Turteltaub as the director for the sequel.

Release Date
August 4, 2023

Ben Wheatley

Jason Statham , Cliff Curtis , Sienna Guillory , Jing Wu , Shuya Sophia Cai , Skyler Samuels , Melissanthi Mahut , Page Kennedy

116 Minutes

Warner Bros. Pictures