Everyone Knew X-Men’s Krakoa Would Fail – Except the X-Men

Everyone Knew X-Men’s Krakoa Would Fail – Except the X-Men

Warning: Spoilers for X-Men #29!The fate of Krakoa may have always been destined to fail, the X-Men just failed to see it coming. The Krakoa Era is slowly coming to an end. The 2023 Hellfire Gala served as the beginning of the end as a bloody attack from Orchis killed scores of mutants while forcing even more to leave the planet. Krakoa is officially dead, as the last mutant just left the island.

The failings of Krakoa were predicted long ago by many people, with the latest revelation coming in X-Men #29 by Gerry Duggan, Joshua Cassara, Marte Gracia, VC’s Clayton Cowles, Tom Muller, and Jay Bowen. Readers can check back to the very beginning of the Krakoa era, chronicled in House/Powers of X, to see people like Emma Frost skeptical about Krakoa’s success.

Everyone Knew X-Men’s Krakoa Would Fail – Except the X-Men

However, this new issue begins by flashing back to just before the nation made itself known to the world. When Charles Xavier first starts inviting mutants to the island, it opens the door for Doctor Doom of all people to express his own skepticism. Not only are his doubts proven right, but a further prediction about Professor X could prove to be additional foreshadowing worth keeping an eye on in the future.

Not Even Doctor Doom Believed in the X-Men’s Dream

panels from X-Men #29, Doctor Doom predicted X-Men's Krakoa to fail

Opening on a flashback to when Professor X is mere seconds away from sending out a psychic message to mutants worldwide, he intercepts a message from Doctor Doom telling him his Krakoa plans will fail. Furthermore, as Doctor Doom begins building his own team of mutants not unlike the X-Men, he tells his mutants, “The House of X is built on sand … and that weak foundation will send Krakoa beneath the waves.” He adds that Xavier is the center of Krakoa’s many failures and predicts that when that mutant nation fails, “the X-Men will invade Latveria and attempt to kidnap you.”

Fast-forward to the present day, where not only has Krakoa fallen, but three X-Men actually invade Latveria to investigate Doom’s undocumented mutants. He doesn’t let Shadowkat, Wolverine, and Ms. Marvel leave with his mutants, but he does let them eat his food for a departing dinner. He doubles down on his prediction that Krakoa was always doomed to fail, largely due to Xavier’s involvement. He proceeds to give an ominous prediction for the future that “the Last Krakoan” Charles Xavier is either going to come out of all this either having destroyed himself or “he’ll emerge as a much more … interesting person.”

Doctor Doom’s Predictions for the X-Men are Scarily Accurate

X-Men #29, Doctor Doom warns the X-Men

What makes this prediction about Krakoa all the more damning is that all of Doom’s predictions have been scarily accurate, to the point that he’s practically clairvoyant. Doom is just one of many people who were able to see Krakoa’s failures coming from a mile away as if the writing was on the wall for everyone except the X-Men, or at least the founders. Still, the fact that Doom’s predictions were so on point is especially concerning. One has to wonder how his prediction for the X-Men’s leader could manifest in Professor X’s self-destruction.