Every WoW Expansion Confirmed For 2024 & Beyond

Every WoW Expansion Confirmed For 2024 & Beyond

There have been plenty of rumors that World of Warcraft would share news of an expansion at BlizzCon 2023, but the actual announcement of not one but three coming expansions to make up The Worldsoul Saga was a pleasant surprise. In celebration of the MMORPG’s 20th anniversary in 2024, the team at Blizzard wanted to kick off the next twenty years by launching the start of a trilogy of expansions that will result in a deep dive into the lore behind the world of Azeroth itself. Horde and Alliance will both get to finally see what the reasoning is behind the massive sword on the planet, and what it means for all of them.

World of Warcraft is changing much more than just the direction of the story by also adding many quality-of-life changes to the game in upcoming expansions. These evergreen features include things such as solo Delves with fun NPC companions, Warbands to connect a player’s progress and supplies across alts, Hero Talents, and more. Also, Dragonflight is leaving a lasting mark, with new dynamic flight being added to hundreds of flying mounts besides dragons and will be usable across the span of continents in Azeroth.

World Of Warcraft: The Worldsoul Saga Includes Three Expansions

A Three-Part Saga To Save Azeroth

World of Warcraft: The Worldsoul Saga will take players on an adventure that is both new and old. While heroes will get to meet new characters and civilizations that will bring novelty and excitement to the game, the overall story arc focuses on the much larger narrative that World of Warcraft has been laying the foundation for since its initial launch in 2004. Pieces of lore that have been left unanswered and the greater mysteries of the creation of Azeroth and the Titans, including discovering more about The Sword of Sargeras.

WoW: The War Within Releases In 2024

The First Of The Worldsoul Saga Expansions

The first expansion for this trilogy will be released in late 2024 and is titled World of Warcraft: The War Within. Champions of Azeroth will get to explore the new continent of Khaz Algar with four distinct new biomes. This is where the Nerubian society are starting to rise up and cause havoc with the help of Xal’atath. The expansion introduces The Earthen, a Titan-forged race who live in Khaz Algar and can be unlocked as a playable Allied Race once their story has progressed enough.

In Khaz Algar there are several zones to explore:

  • The Isle of Dorn: a surface-level area that serves as a hub for players into the region and where The Earthen exist.
  • The Ringing Deeps: an old, abandoned forge of lava that kobolds and other enemies have claimed as their own.
  • Hallowfall: A lush area that is home to the Arathi.
  • Azj-Kahet: The Nerubian City of Threads where nefarious plots are taking place.

It is through this traversal down into the depths of Azeroth that, hopefully, the visions that Anduin and Thrall and others will begin to be unraveled. The story that is told here will lay the foundation for the next two portions of WoW: The Worldsoul Saga‘s expanded narrative.

WoW: Midnight

The Eleventh Warcraft Expansion

Every WoW Expansion Confirmed For 2024 & Beyond

No release date for World of Warcraft: Midnight has been revealed yet, but it will bring the second chapter of the Worldsoul trilogy. In Midnight heroes will focus on a story regarding the Void’s invasion of Azeroth. It is said to take place in the Old World in Quel’thalas as creatures from the Void are invading to destroy the Sunwell and cause darkness to fall upon the world. The lore of the Sunwell is extensive, but in short, extinguishing the Light of the Sunwell does not simply mean turning off a light, but rather its light is a mix of Arcane energy with Light that grants power and light magic to the world, particularly for elves.

WoW: The Last Titan

The Final Chapter Of The Worldsoul Saga

WoW The Last Titan

The twelfth expansion to World of Warcraft will bring the culmination of The Worldsoul Saga and likely create a larger change to the whole of Azeroth and the game as it currently stands than many would even expect. WoW: The Last Titan will take place in Northrend, previously known for Wrath of the Lich King tales. Not much is known yet regarding what will take place in this portion of the trilogy, but it is said that here players will uncover a vast conspiracy that revolves around the Titans and what their initial intentions were for the world and people of Azeroth. As World of Warcraft executive producer, Holly Longdale, said at BlizzCon 2023 when the Saga was announced, this entire story ties together things that started back in 2004.

Holly Longdale: “For veteran players, the last 20 years have led to this, and for those who have never set foot in Azeroth, this is a whole new adventure.”

Although the first part of the trilogy, World of Warcraft: The War Within is not going to be released until later in 2024, it is available for pre-purchase now on the Battle.net shop in one of three editions, full of bonus content. These expansions are announced as being a way to highlight the last twenty years of the game and not only bring together loose threads of lore but also prepare the way for what developers are saying will be the next twenty years for World of Warcraft. Even if someone has not played the game before, they should not be afraid to begin now, however, as the story is ever-evolving and growing, providing something for anyone to enjoy.

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