Every What If…? Episode 1 Scene Compared To Captain America: The First Avenger

Every What If…? Episode 1 Scene Compared To Captain America: The First Avenger

Warning! Contains spoilers for Marvel’s What If…? episode 1.

Here’s every scene in Marvel’s What If…? episode 1 and its Captain America: The First Avenger equivalent. What If…? confirms that one single decision can change the course of history, as evidenced by Peggy Carter’s transformation into the multiverse’s super-soldier Captain Carter after choosing to stay in the control room with Steve Rogers to witness Project Rebirth. But even though her superhero persona changes many major events in her universe, some things stay almost the same.

It seems that every universe in Marvel’s multiverse is destined to follow different variations of the same path. This allows alternate characters to live the lives of the MCU’s most famous heroes and villains, but also venture into uncharted territory. For instance, the birth of Captain Carter not only put Peggy in Steve Rogers’ place as the potential First Avenger but also prompted Howard Stark to build the first Iron Man armor, the Hydra Stomper, decades before Tony Stark was even born. These changes also appear to have changed Red Skull’s plans, which now include awakening the multiversal monster Shuma-Gorath.

Evidently, What If…? episode 1 makes several visual and narrative parallels to Captain America: The First Avenger. Some scenes in the Disney+ show are brand new while others merge various moments from the Phase 1 movie, but for the most part, both stories follow the same beats— just in a slightly different order. Here’s how similar What If…? episode 1 and Captain America: The First Avenger really are.

Peggy Carter Receives The Super Soldier Serum

Every What If…? Episode 1 Scene Compared To Captain America: The First Avenger

The Project Rebirth experiment is the moment that changed it all in Captain Carter’s timeline. Steve Rogers was always the perfect candidate to receive the serum, even in the universe where he doesn’t end up becoming Captain America, but Peggy Carter staying in the chamber leads her to kill the undercover Hydra agent and subject herself to the experiment. Peggy’s transformation is almost exactly similar to Steve’s, with even the shot of her eyes widening as the serum is injected being an exact parallel, as well as the position of her body when the chamber opens. However, there are a number of differences between both. Colonel Chester Phillips (played by Tommy Lee Jones in Captain America) is killed in this scene, Colonel John Flynn is introduced, Steve is shot, and Abraham Erskine doesn’t give Peggy a last push of motivation before he dies. One of the biggest but most subtle changes is the fact that the Hydra agent is the first one to make a different decision: He leaves the bomb in the experiment chamber, while his live-action counterpart left it in the room where Peggy was supposed to be.

Peggy Carter’s and Steve Rogers’ Pep Talks

What If's Peggy Carter and The First Avenger's Steve Rogers

Even though both Peggy Carter and Steve Rogers become the perfect super-soldiers in their respective universes, they both receive harsh criticisms for not being the candidates the military had expected. In Captain America: The First Avenger, Chester Phillips tells Steve Rogers “I asked for an army and all I got is you.” What If…? episode 1’s chauvinistic Colonel Flynn is even more derogatory to Peggy in What If…?, telling her “I was promised an army. Instead, I got a girl.” What If…? also highlights how Peggy’s blood is drawn to try and create other super-soldiers, which could one day include Isaiah Bradley.

Peggy Carter Trains With A Punching Bag

Peggy Carter and Steve Rogers Training With A Punching Bag

In What If…?, Peggy lets off some steam by training with a punching bag and bonding with Steve Rogers. This moment mirrors the post-credits scene of Captain America: The First Avenger, where Steve Rogers tries to cope with the revelation that he woke up 70 years in the future. Like Steve, Peggy punches the bag across the room effortlessly, but she also lodges several weights into the wall. Steve tells Peggy “Flynn could stick you on one of those USO tours, wearing a costume, being told to smile ten times a day,” which is precisely what his MCU counterpart was forced to do in The First Avenger before becoming a hero in his own right.

Red Skull Steals The Tesseract In Tønsberg

Johann Schmidt in What If and Captain America The First Avenger

The introduction of Johann Schmidt in What If…? is a very faithful recreation of his introduction in Captain America: The First Avenger. In both MCU titles, Schmidt steals the Tesseract and kills the people who were guarding it in Tønsberg, Norway. One of the biggest differences is the carving of Yggdrasil that houses the Space Stone, which features Shuma-Gorath’s tentacles in What If…?. In The First Avenger, this scene comes after the discovery of Captain America’s frozen body at the very beginning of the movie.

Peggy Carter Receives The Shield

Peggy Carter and Steve Rogers Receive The Vibranium Shield In The MCU

In Captain America: The First Avenger, Steve Rogers takes the conscious decision to choose the iconic round vibranium shield while a reluctant Howard Stark gives Captain America other lower-quality options. In the Phase 1 movie, Peggy Carter barely gives Steve a chance to react and shoots at him, forcing him to test the shield by sheer instinct. In What If…?, Howard Stark doesn’t hesitate to give Peggy the vibranium shield and her Captain Carter uniform, which is an upgraded version of the USO costume she never had to use.

Captain Carter Fights Hydra For The First Time

Blended image showing Captain Carter and Captain America in What If and The First Avenger

Steve Rogers’ first official fight against Hydra in Captain America: The First Avenger demonstrate how strong he is at full power and how skillful he is with the vibranium shield. However, Peggy’s debut battle in What If…? proves that Captain Carter is much more powerful than Steve Rogers. She obliterates an entire Hydra unit without breaking a sweat, as she only needs a slight push to send their vehicles flying. Captain Carter is shocked at her own strength, while Captain America takes a more tactical and subdued approach when it comes to fighting.

Steve And Peggy Rescue The 107th

Bucky Barnes Is Rescued in What If and Captain America The First Avenger

In Captain America: The First Avenger, Steve Rogers rescues Bucky Barnes and the Howling Commandos before getting his official Captain America uniform and his vibranium shield. Steve fails to convince Chester Phillips that the 107th Infantry Regiment can still be rescued and takes it upon himself to cross enemy lines to save his friends. In What If..?, Peggy Carter has no problem in helping Steve rescue Bucky and company. The following action sequence is very similar, with the biggest differences being the appearance of Steve Rogers’ Hydra Stomper in What If…? and the reveal of Red Skull’s real face in Captain America: The First Avenger.

Captain Carter’s Old School Montage

Captain Carter and HYDRA Stomper and Captain America's Classic Suit

The old-school-themed action montage featuring Captain Carter and Steve Rogers’ Hydra Stomper is one of the scenes that take the most creative freedom in What If…? It draws inspiration from Captain America’s propaganda tours with the USO in Captain America: The First Avenger, as well as his pro-war black-and-white archive films and his actual missions against Hydra. As Captain Carter, Peggy’s montage skips the classic costume and dance numbers to demonstrate her incredible fighting skills (but keeps the soundtrack). With Steve supporting her, Peggy is able to take down entire planes with just her shield, whereas Captain America still hadn’t gotten a taste of the real action by the time he became famous in The First Avenger.

Johann Schmidt Unmasks The Red Skull

Johann Schmidt Unmasks Red Skull in What If and Captain America The First Avenger

The revelation of Red Skull’s real appearance in Captain America: The First Avenger comes right after Steve Rogers’ rescue of the 107th. In this scene, Johann Schmidt takes off his damaged human flesh mask to intimidate Steve and Bucky before fleeing the Hydra base. What If…? combines two scenes from The First Avenger: Red Skull’s aforementioned unmasking and his speech to the Hydra army, where he utters their famous motto, “If they cut off one head, two more shall take its place.”

Peggy and Steve Reflect on Captain Carter / Captain America

Peggy Carter in What If and Captain America The First Avenger

Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter share a tender moment after Bucky Barnes’ supposed death in Captain America: The First Avenger, before they knew Bucky had survived after being injected with super-soldier serum to become Hydra’s Winter Soldier. Peggy motivates Steve to follow his wish to stop the Red Skull once and for all. Steve Rogers also mentions that he can’t get drunk, and Peggy explains that Steve’s metabolism “burns four times faster than the average person.” What If…? flips the order of these scenes, with this intimate moment taking place before the attack on the train where Bucky almost falls. What If…? also makes this scene more upbeat and romantic, as Peggy and Steve haven’t yet been as unlucky as their live-action counterparts. However, alcohol has the same effects on super-soldier Peggy Carter as on Steve Rogers, or rather, a lack of effect.

The Winter Soldier Is (Almost) Born

Bucky Barnes Falls In Captain America The First Avenger and What If

One of the most consequential differences between What If…? and Captain America: The First Avenger is the train sequence. In The First Avenger, a plasma blast causes Bucky Barnes to fall to his (alleged) death, prompting Arnim Zola and Hydra to rescue him, give him his iconic metal arm, and brainwash him in order to turn Bucky into the Winter Soldier. In What If…?, Bucky slips as soon as he lands on the train, but Captain Carter manages to grab Bucky’s arm before he falls and pulls him back up. Bucky thanks her and tells her, “You almost ripped my arm off,” an obvious nod at his fate in the main MCU timeline. What If…? teases Steve Rogers becoming the Winter Soldier after he’s lost in an explosion, but later subverts this setup when Peggy finds him captured and rescues him.

Captain Carter Enters The Hydra Stronghold

Captain Carter and Captain America Fight In What If and The First Avenger

Another instance of Captain Carter overshadowing Captain America’s powers comes when she fights her way into Red Skull’s Hydra stronghold. In Captain America: The First Avenger, Steve Rogers battles several Hydra agents but is briefly captured before the Howling Commandos arrive to support him. Captain America then chases the Red Skull before the villain hops on the Valkyrie and takes off with the bombs he intends to drop on major cities. In What If…? episode 1, Captain Carter takes down the Hydra troops and enters their stronghold effortlessly. She then releases Steve Rogers, who powers up his Hydra Stomper, and then she Red Skull opening a portal with the Tesseract. It’s not explained why Red Skull’s plans changed, but this time Captain Carter and Steve Rogers have a bigger threat to confront.

Captain Carter Fights Shuma-Gorath and Captain America Fights Red Skull

Captain Carter Fights Shuma-Gorath In What If and Red Skull in The First Avenger

The final battle in What If…? is almost completely different than the one in Captain America: The First Avenger. For starters, Red Skull is immediately killed by Shuma-Gorath right after opening a portal with the Tesseract. Captain Carter finds a sword (the Sword of Might) and fights the multiversal monster with it, while Steve, Bucky, Howard, and the Howling Commandos try to help. Captain America: The First Avenger instead features a one-on-one fight between Steve Rogers and Red Skull aboard the Valkyrie, and Red Skull is transported to Vormir by the Tesseract. Originally, Steve gives Peggy his last goodbye as he pilots the Valkyrie into the Arctic, whereas Captain Carter promises to honor her promise to dance with Steve as she pushes Shuma-Gorath into its portal and disappears with it. Contrary to what happened in The First Avenger, the Tesseract isn’t lost in the ocean in What If…?

Captain Carter Meets Nick Fury In The Present Day

Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury in What If and Captain America The First Avenger

The final scene in both What If…? and Captain America: The First Avenger features Nick Fury meeting each iteration of the Captain in the present day. However, The First Avenger shows Steve Rogers waking up in New York City after being defrosted. He notices something is wrong and tries to flee, prompting Nick Fury to explain to him that he has been asleep for 70 years. What If…? merges this moment with Loki’s arrival in The Avengers, as Captain Carter is brought to the present by the Tesseract when Nick Fury activates it.

Marvel’s What If…? releases new episodes Wednesdays on Disney+.

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