Every Time Janeway Died In Star Trek

Every Time Janeway Died In Star Trek

Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) had died on-screen many times during her appearances in the Star Trek franchise. Janeway was the first female captain to lead a Star Trek show, acting as the main character on Star Trek: Voyager from 1995 to 2001, where she successfully guided the crew of the USS Voyager during their long journey through the Delta Quadrant. During Voyager’s run, Janeway became one of the franchise’s most revered Captains, and since the show ended she has made multiple appearances in other projects, most recently in the animated Star Trek: Prodigy.

The role of Captain on any Star Trek show often comes with risk. As the leader of their ship and crew, a Captain is sometimes forced to take on extremely dangerous situations in order to make sure their people are safe. As the only Starfleet Captain in the Delta Quadrant, Janeway often took this responsibility more seriously than other Captains. This resulted in a record-breaking number of deaths for the character on-screen, although luckily, none of Janeway’s brushes with death have been permanent.

16 Janeway Is Killed By A Polaric Explosion (Voyager Season 1, Episode 4, “Time And Again”)

Every Time Janeway Died In Star Trek

Janeway’s first death on Voyager came early on in the series, in the season 1 episode “Time and Again.” During the episode, Voyager’s crew visited a planet that had been devastated by a polaric energy explosion, but Janeway and Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill) found themselves pulled back in time to the day before the tragedy after being caught in a temporal anomaly. Ultimately, Janeway found out that the crew’s rescue attempt was what caused the explosion in the first place in a temporal paradox, and was forced to thwart the attempt and change the timeline. In the original timeline, however, she and Paris were killed in the explosion.

15 Janeway Self-Destructs Voyager To Stop The Vidiians (Voyager Season 2, Episode 21, “Deadlock”)

Two Janeways face off in Voyager episode Deadlock

Janeway’s next death occurred during the season 2 episode “Deadlock.” After Voyager was split into two identical ships during a time-space anomaly, the Vidiians invaded the undamaged version of the ship and began harvesting the crew’s organs. The undamaged Captain Janeway activated self-destruct and took out the Vidiians so that the damaged Voyager could be saved, but not before sending Harry and a newborn Naomi Wildman (Scarlett Pomers) to replace their lost counterparts on the other Voyager. She and the duplicate Voyager crew, however, were killed in the self-destruct explosion.

14 Holographic Janeway Kills The Clown And Herself (Voyager Season 2, Episode 23, “The Thaw”)

The Clown and Janeway in the Star Trek: Voyager episode

The Clown (Michael McKean) got a shout-out on a recent episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4, but he was originally the terrifying manifestation of fear from the Voyager season 2 episode “The Thaw.” Voyager’s crew sought to stop The Clown from terrorizing a group of aliens trapped in a nightmarish virtual reality simulation, but in the end, Janeway had to beat The Clown at his own game. She created a holographic version of herself that went into the simulation and began shutting down the program, finally stopping The Clown for good but also destroying the holographic Janeway in the process.

13 Janeway Is Strangled By The Vidiians (Voyager Season 2, Episode 15, “Coda”)

Janeway after being strangled in the Star Trek: Voyager episode

“Coda” marked a record number of deaths for Janeway in one episode, as she experienced a Groundhog Day-like time loop. The first of these deaths occurred when Janeway and Chakotay (Robert Beltran) crash-landed on a planet during an electrical storm. While investigating their surroundings, the two were attacked by a group of Vidiians. Chakotay was hit with a Vidiian phaser blast, and after trying to put up a fight one of the Vidiians strangled Janeway to death. Surprisingly, she found herself back in the shuttle almost instantly.

12 Janeway Dies In A Warp Core Explosion (Voyager Season 2, Episode 15, “Coda”)

Janeway and Chakotay in a shuttle in the Star Trek: Voyager episode

The next of Janeway’s deaths in “Coda” occurred directly after she returned to the shuttle after being strangled. She and Chakotay were aware something was off, and after deciding to track down the Vidiians who had killed them on the planet, they engaged in a brief battle with the Vidiian ship. However, seemingly out of nowhere, the shuttle’s warp core went into a breach and exploded, killing Janeway and Chakotay once again.

11 The Doctor Euthenizes Janeway (Voyager Season 2, Episode 15, “Coda”)

Janeway with the Phage in the Star Trek: Voyager episode

After another reset and finally dispatching the Vidiians, Janeway and Chakotay returned to Voyager, but soon after Janeway began feeling ill and disoriented. The Doctor (Robert Picardo) ran some tests and determined that somehow Janeway had contracted the Vidiian Phage, but rather than try and look for a cure, he erected a force field around her biobed in sickbay and attempted to euthanize her with poison gas. Janeway was horrified by the Doctor’s decision and fought to stay alive, but eventually succumbed to the gas, which once again resulted in time being reset.

10 Janeway Dies In A Shuttle Crash (Voyager Season 2, Episode 15, “Coda”)

Chakotay and Janeway in the Star Trek: Voyager episode

After being euthanized, Janeway had an out-of-body experience and realized that she was still on the planet where her and Chakotay had crashed. Chakotay attempted to revive her lifeless body to no avail. For the rest of the episode, Janeway watched as a ghost-like entity as Voyager’s crew accepted her death and began to move on. Simultaneously, another ghost claiming to be her father urged her to cross over into the afterlife. Ultimately, Janeway determined that the vision of her father was an alien lifeform who wanted to consume her energy as she died, and was able to fight him off and return to her body.

9 Janeway Is Killed In Action During An Alternate Future (Voyager Season 3, Episode 21, “Before And After”)

Chakotay and the Doctor in the Star Trek: Voyager episode

Janeway’s death in “Before and After” happened off-screen, but the events surrounding it set up a future Voyager episode. “Before and After” followed Kes (Jennifer Lien) as she traveled back through moments in her life after her time signature was thrown out of sync. In the alternate future Kes experienced, Janeway had been killed during the Year of Hell, a year period where Voyager was in almost constant battle with a species called the Krenim. Although the Year of Hell did come to pass on the show, Janeway was not permanently killed during it in the normal timeline.

8 Janeway Destroys Voyager To Reset The Timeline (Voyager Season 4, Episode 9, “Year Of Hell Part 2”)

Janeway and Chakotay in Star Trek: Voyager's episode Year of Hell.

Although the events “Before and After” didn’t come to pass, “Year of Hell” did mark another one of Janeway’s deaths. At the end of “Year of Hell Part 2” after the long, grueling fight with the Krenim Captain Annorax (Kurtwood Smith), Janeway came to the decision that the only way to end the fighting was to use Voyager to destroy Annorax’s time ship, assuming correctly that it would reset the timeline and put Voyager back where they started at the beginning of the year. Although this was a gamble on Janeway’s part, it did pay off, and Voyager’s destruction ended up being the perfect dramatic end to the two-part episode.

7 Janeway Is Hunted By The Hirgogen (Voyager Season 4, Episodes 18&19, “The Killing Game Parts 1&2”)

Janeway Confronts a Hirogen in Voyager The Killing Game

“The Killing Game” marked another set of episodes where Janeway died multiple times, although it was unclear how many since at least some of those deaths occurred off-screen. At the start of the episode, the Hirogen had taken over Voyager and mind-wiped the entire crew, coopting the holodeck to place the crew in a variety of situations where they could be hunted for sport. The very beginning of the episode saw Janeway die at the hands of the Hirogen Alpha, Karr (Danny Goldring) during a Klingon simulation, only to be revived after the program was over.

6 Voyager’s Whole Crew Is Dead 700 Years In The Future (Voyager Season 4, Episode 23, “Living Witness”)

The Doctor and Quarren in the Star Trek: Voyager episode

“Living Witness” ended up being another episode that featured Janeway’s death off-screen, along with the deaths of the entire Voyager crew. It was also the only episode of Voyager that featured anything close to Mirror Universe variants of the crew. During the episode, the Doctor’s backup program was activated by an alien curator 700 years in the future, who wanted to use him to confirm what actually happened when Voyager stopped at the alien’s planet during their journey. While the alien society remembered Voyager’s crew as tyrants responsible for the start of a civil war, the Doctor worked on setting the record straight.

5 Janeway & Crew Die When Voyager Crash-Lands (Voyager Season 5, Episode 6, “Timeless”)

The Doctor speaks to a concerned older Harry Kim in Voyager episode Timeless

The 100th episode of Voyager, “Timeless,” saw a future Harry Kim and Chakotay attempt to save the ship after the entire crew suffered a terrible fate. While testing out a quantum slipstream drive as a means to get home, an incorrect calculation caused Voyager to crash on an ice planet, killing the whole crew besides Harry and Chakotay. The two managed to make it back to the Alpha Quadrant, but a guilt-ridden Harry vowed to save the crew with a time travel scheme, which ended up succeeding. During a scene on the crashed Voyager, Janeway’s frozen body was shown on the bridge.

4 Janeway’s Doppelganger Slowly Disintegrates (Voyager Season 5, Episode 18, “Course: Oblivion”)

Janeway's duplicate in the Star Trek: Voyager episode

In one of the most depressing episodes of Voyager, the ship’s crew began falling sick from cellular degradation. After running some tests, the crew determined that they were in fact duplicated versions of the Voyager characters, having been created back in season 4, episode 24, “Demon” by a biomimetic fluid on an alien planet. The duplicate crew attempted to contact the real Voyager for help before all of them were destroyed, but everyone eventually succumbed to their slow disintegration. Although Janeway was one of the last duplicates alive, she too died shortly before the duplicate ship reached the real Voyager.

3 Voyager Explodes Thanks To A Planted Bomb (Voyager Season 5, Episode 24, “Relativity”)

Star Trek: Voyager - Relativity

In one of the last episodes of Voyager to feature Janeway’s death, Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) was repeatedly recruited to stop the ship from exploding due to a planted time bomb. Although most of the episode actually featured Seven’s many deaths, as the time ship Relativity continually pulled her out of the past to help locate the bomb, there was one scene that showed Voyager’s destruction before Seven managed to find the bomb in time. Although some members of Voyager’s crew had attempted to reach escape pods before the explosion, most of the crew was killed, including Janeway.

2 Admiral Janeway Destroys The Borg And Gets Voyager Home (Voyager Season 7, Episode 26, “Endgame Part 2”)

Borg Queen with Admiral Janeway on Star Trek: Voyager

Janeway’s final death on Voyager came during the series finale, “Endgame.” The episode focused on the now-Admiral Janeway traveling back in time to aid Voyager in returning home. To accomplish this, Admiral Janeway infected herself with a neurolytic pathogen and allowed herself to be assimilated by the Borg Queen (Alice Krige) so that Voyager could use a Borg transwarp hub to get home. Not only did Janeway help her crew return to the Alpha Quadrant successfully, but the pathogen dealt a devastating blow to the Borg that later allowed them to be destroyed for good in Star Trek: Picard season 3.

1 Hologram Janeway Sacrifices Herself (Star Trek Prodigy Season 1, Episode 20, “Supernova Part 2”)

Hologram Janeway Message

The latest of Janeway’s canon deaths occurred in the season 1 finale of Star Trek: Prodigy, although in this case, it was another version of the character that was killed. The young crew of the USS Protostar were aided throughout season 1 by a command training hologram version of Janeway, but the hologram chose to sacrifice herself in order to destroy the ship and stop the Living Construct, a weapon planted on the Protostar that was devastating Starfleet. Given how important she had become to the Protostar’s crew, Hologram Janeway’s death was just as impactful as any death the real Kathryn Janeway experienced on Star Trek: Voyager.