Every That ’70s Show Easter Egg & Reference In That ’90s Show Trailer

Every That ’70s Show Easter Egg & Reference In That ’90s Show Trailer

The first teaser trailer for That ‘90s Show is already loaded with nostalgia, including numerous Easter eggs and references to That ‘70s Show. Picking up over 15 years after That ‘70s Show’s ending, That ‘90s Show sees Donna and Eric’s teenage daughter Leia Forman stay with her grandparents Red and Kitty for the summer in Point Place. While making friends with her new neighbors and local teens, Leia is set to embark on the same youthful misadventures of her parents, including ones that earn “foot in the ass” remarks from her watchful grandpa Red.

That ‘90s Show’s trailer shows Kurtwood Smith and Debra Jo Rupp back in action as Eric’s parents Red and Kitty Forman, who are the only two That ‘70s Show actors returning for main roles in the sequel. While it’s been confirmed That ‘70s Show characters Eric, Donna, Jackie, Kelso, Fez, and Leo will all be making guest appearances in That ‘90s Show, the first trailer is hiding their highly anticipated cameos. Nonetheless, That ‘90s Show’s teaser trailer comes with plenty of callbacks and nods to the original series, including That ‘70s Show’s iconic locations, catchphrases, memorable scenes, and memorabilia that the Formans still have in the basement.

The Vista Cruiser

Every That ’70s Show Easter Egg & Reference In That ’90s Show Trailer

In a fitting intro to the sequel series, That ‘90s Show’s teaser trailer begins with a shot of the Formans’ garage opening to reveal the Vista Cruiser. This retro car was driven by Eric Forman throughout That ‘70s Show, and became one of the most frequent settings in the series. Whether Eric and Donna took the car for a private make-out session or the entire gang gathered for a skinny-dipping trip, Eric’s Vista Cruiser was always driving through Point Place. While Leia doesn’t seem old enough to have her license during That ‘90s Show season 1, Red and Kitty may let some of her older friends drive the new gang around in Eric’s old car.

The Water Tower

Leia and the gang at the water tower in That 90s Show.

Another frequent location depicted in That ‘70s Show’s eight seasons is the Water Tower, which was where many dangerous stunts took place. That ‘90s Show’s trailer shows Leia and her new friends drinking beers on the old Water Tower, which is a clever callback to the many times that the gang took beers to the location in That ‘70s Show. The shot of the Water Tower in That ‘90s Show also reveals that Point Place officials have yet to paint over the gang’s graffiti, as “Michael + Jackie” and the faded pot leaf are still visible.

Considering every male lead in That ‘70s Show fell off the Water Tower on at least one occasion (with Charlie even dying from the fall), That ‘90s Show is set to repeat another accident when partying at the location. In fact, this could be where Ashton Kutcher’s Michael Kelso cameo comes in for That ‘90s Show, as he was notorious for falling into the bushes below the Water Tower. Old habits die hard, and falling off the Water Tower happens to be one of the most dangerous yet sacred traditions of Point Place’s teens.

The Circle

That 90s Show The Circle Leia Forman Smoking

It wouldn’t be That ‘70s Show without its most iconic gag: The Circle. Originally concocted as a way to battle network censorship, The Circle was That ‘70s Show’s way of depicting the main teens smoking weed through heavy implications, as it never physically showed them passing or smoking a joint. That ‘90s Show’s trailer reveals that this trick is being used yet again, as Leia and her friends stumble upon a stash of weed and end up getting high in the Formans’ basement – like father, like daughter. Since That ‘90s Show’s teens are confirmed to repeat The Circle, it’s possible That ‘70s Show’s returning characters will have another session in the basement.

The Formans’ Pea Green Chair

That 90s Show Trailer Forman Basement Pea Green Chair That 70s Show

It appears the Formans did a bit of remodeling over the past 15 years, as their iconic green pea chair from the living room is now in the basement. The chair was called out by Donna as being outdated and unattractive (a major insult to Eric’s mother Kitty), but it seems to have found a new life for Leia and her friends in That ‘90s Show. The teaser trailer failed to show what chair has replaced it in the living room, but new images reveal Red sitting in a more modern red chair.

Eric’s Candyland Stash

That 90s Show Trailer Leia Candyland Stash Eric

When Red and Kitty bring Leia and her friends down to the basement, they bring a box full of old things that belonged to Eric back in the ‘70s. One of these toys is Eric’s Candyland game, which had a reputation in That ‘70s Show for being where he kept his “stash.” While this could also mean money, it typically was referencing the weed he was hiding from his parents. It seems that Eric forgot to clean out his Candyland stash after officially moving out of his parents’ house, as Leia’s friends find a bag of pot still hidden in the game. Thanks to Eric, That ‘90s Show’s teens have their first Circle in the basement.

The Stupid Helmet

That 90s Show Trailer Forman Basement Stupid Helmet Green Bay Packers

Another iconic object from That ‘70s Show is the Stupid Helmet, a Green Bay Packers helmet that was worn by the characters when they did or were about to do something admittedly stupid. This was primarily worn by Kelso, but Eric also had to put it on when making decisions that the gang deemed idiotic. That ‘90s Show’s trailer confirms that the Stupid Helmet is still in the basement, which means the new teens will likely reuse it for stupid moments.

Red’s “Foot In The Ass” Catchphrase

That 90s Show Trailer Red Forman Leia Kurtwood Smith

Red Forman is most notable for two different catchphrases: “Dumbass” and “foot in the ass,” the latter of which is featured in That ‘90s Show’s trailer. If any characters did something dumb in That ‘70s Show, Red was always ready to threaten to put a foot in their asses, which is exactly what he does in That ‘90s Show. When Eric and Donna’s daughter has her friends over, Red tells Leia that if any of them go into his room, his “foot goes in their ass.” It’s expected that many similar lines will be uttered throughout That ‘90s Show season 1.

Kitty’s Sewing Machine In The Basement

That 90s Show Trailer Kitty Forman Sewing Machine

A more subtle Easter egg featured in That ‘90s Show’s teaser trailer is a sewing machine set up on a table in the basement. This is referencing a deleted scene from That ‘70s Show season 5, which was a dream sequence in which Red and Kitty imagined how they would transform the basement after Eric graduated from high school. Red wanted to turn the basement into a sports den where the Green Bay Packers could come hang out and said Kitty could have her own sewing table in the room. While Red didn’t get his wish from That ’70s Show‘s deleted scene, Kitty now has a sewing station down there in That ‘90s Show.

Red Locks The Sliding Door Again

That 90s Show Trailer Red Kitty Forman

That ‘90s Show’s trailer already teases that the sequel show will repeat one iconic episode from That ‘70s Show season 3. After Eric admitted to smoking weed in the basement, Red grounded Eric, Hyde, and Laurie while barring their friends from entering the house after curfew. Kitty never wanted the sliding door to be locked or tampered with after Red put bells on them, but Red hasn’t learned his lesson in That ‘90s Show. It seems that Red and Kitty catch Leia and her friends smoking Eric’s stash in the basement, after which time Leia’s grandparents kick out the teens and give them cupcakes. Leia’s grandmother Kitty says “we never lock the sliding door,” with Red responding, “We do now.”

Hello, Wisconsin!

That 90s Show Trailer Leia Forman Red Kitchen

At the very end of That ’90s Show‘s trailer, Leia appears to be the character heard screaming “Hello, Wisconsin!” This is a callback to That ’70s Show‘s intro credits, which always ended with a shot of the Vista Cruiser’s license plate and Hyde yelling the same line. Since That ’90s Show already confirms that it will be repeating That ’70s Show‘s Wisconsin line, the sequel series will also likely repeat the intro credits inside the Vista Cruiser.