Every Supernatural Creature In Dead Boy Detectives Season 1

Every Supernatural Creature In Dead Boy Detectives Season 1

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Dead Boy Detectives season 1.

Dead Boy Detectives featured a lot more than just ghosts in the imaginative world inspired by Neil Gaiman’s comic book stories. Dead Boy Detectives is a supernatural crime mystery series on Netflix which follows the adventures of two ghosts, Edwin Paine and Charles Rowland. Originally, the characters were created as a part of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman comics in 1991, but in time, they went on to have stories of their own.

Within both the Dead Boy Detectives comics and the series, the boys embark on perilous adventures that bring them face to face with various supernatural threats. There appears to be a lot more than just ghosts who cause havoc in between the worlds of the living and the dead, and with season 1’s episodic cases revealing a new supernatural threat in each of the eight episodes, there are plenty of magical creatures to dissect. From the witch who wants to rule Port Townsend, to the seductive Cat King, the boys have their work cut out for them.



Every Supernatural Creature In Dead Boy Detectives Season 1

One of the first creatures the boys have the displeasure of meeting is a witch. When the boys venture to Port Townsend to find out more about the mysterious disappearance of a young girl, they quickly uncover that an evil witch was behind the abduction. This witch maintains her youthful appearance through ingesting young flesh and energy, like that of the children she abducts and routinely indulges in.

The witch proves her powers and resourcefulness are highly refined as she continues to appear throughout Dead Boy Detectives season 1 and causes chaos for the boys. However, she was once a regular woman and resident of the town before coming into her power. When her husband proved unfaithful many decades before the boys arrived, the witch was granted mystical powers by Lilith, the first woman who was rejected by Adam.

Ruth Connell as the Night Nurse holds a book in the Netflix series Dead Boy Detectives


Dead Boy Detectives: Night Nurse’s Powers & Abilities Explained

Ruth Connell’s Night Nurse is a trans-dimensional entity who runs the Afterlife’s Lost & Found Department in Dead Boy Detectives season 1.


Witch’s Familiar

monty in dead boy detectives

However, in order to accomplish her goals and gain more power, the witch also relies on help from her faithful servants. The witch has control of a crow, who serves her as a familiar. While as a crow, they appear to be highly intelligent, and capable of carrying and transporting large objects, the witch has greater plans for her familiar.

Through a painful and brutal operation, the witch stripped away parts of the crow and magically transformed him into a human form. When he became human, he also developed the ability to experience and express human emotions. However, this also leads to him finding a more rebellious spirit that causes him to turn away from his master.



David the Demon smiles evilly in Dead Boy Detectives

Demons also have a prominent role in the series as evil spirits from hell. These spirits have the ability to inhabit human bodies, and take control of people and their powers at will. The most prevalent demon who appears in the series is an individual named David who, gained control of Crystal’s body, and by extension, her psychic powers.

Even after being expelled from Crystal’s body, David maintained a strong grasp of her mind. He was also intoxicated by the presence of her supernatural abilities and hoped to get back inside her mind. However, once being exorcised, he could only return to her body if she gave him permission.

George Rexstrew as Edwin Payne in Dead Boy Detectives and Tom Sturridge as Morpheus in The Sandman


Is Dead Boy Detectives Connected To Netflix’s Sandman?

With Dead Boy Detectives and The Sandman being on Netflix and crossing over in the comics, audiences have wondered if they’re in the same universe.



Edwin and Charles look at a glowing box in Dead Boy Detectives

Ghosts are by far the most common supernatural beings to appear in Dead Boy Detectives season 1. In general, the ghosts who remained on Earth had some sort of unfinished business, and this was where the boys were able to use their expertise and skills. They actively took on cases and investigations from other ghosts which helped them to resolve their unfinished business and move on to a life after death.

Ghosts have the ability to travel through mirrors and physical objects. And while they can physically touch and interact with the physical world, they cannot feel or experience parts of the physical world like heat, cold, and light. This is also why they can’t usually be seen or photographed, except by psychics and those who have had near-death experiences.


Cat King

Lukas Gage as Thomas The Cat Kin in Dead Boy Detectives season 1

Image via Netflix

The Cat King is a supernatural being who has a form of a cat and a human form. The level and extent of his powers are unclear, but he is able to conjure up magical artifacts to restrict ghosts from traveling outside of a certain range. The Cat King is also resistant to some forms of magic, which makes him difficult to injure or kill.

Despite this, the witch is able to brutally beat him with an iron cane until he is dead. However, as a cat, he has nine lives, and when he dies, he is able to emerge from his old body renewed and slightly altered. The Cat King rules over cats in his domain, and he protects them from harm or mistreatment by other beings.



Dead Boy Detectives Cast & Character Guide

Dead Boy Detectives’ supernatural drama is driven by its intriguing characters, portrayed by a talented group of familiar faces & lesser-known actors.


Cursed Walrus

Mick talks to Niko in Dead Boy Detectives

Within the show, there is only one person who is revealed to be a Walrus, who has been turned into a human form. Tragic Mike once lived in the ocean along with the rest of his walrus family. However, he became intrigued by the world on land, where humans roamed freely and built their homes.

Due to his desire to learn more about this world and explore what it was like, Mike begged a goddess to let him experience life among the humans, but his curiosity came at a cost. Mike was forced to remain a human, separate from his family and his home in the sea. Thus earning him the title, Tragic Mike. But he was able to make a life for himself and run a successful antiques business.


Living Skeletons

Dead Boy Detectives' Niko is handed money and a magic 8 ball. Edwin Paine stands next to her.

The series also revealed the presence of living skeletons. These skeletons are different from ghosts, such as the dead boys, and also different from zombies who are briefly mentioned but never explicitly shown. They are physical skeletons, with no flesh, and no ethereal form, which means they are somewhat more brittle than the living, and less able to travel than ghosts.

The living skeletons also appear to have limited cognitive abilities. They do not speak, and appear to operate on an instinctual level rather than through any meaningful process of thinking. However, they can still be intimidating, and a useful blunt force army for a discerning demonic being like Nye to use in his evil wars.

An image of David Tennant Michael Sheen and Tom Sturridge in their Gaiman projects


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Dandelion Sprites

The Dandelion Sprites look upset in Dead Boy Detectives

Dandelion Sprites look incredibly cute and sweet, but they are far from it. These monstrous tricksters are capable of inhabiting a body and gaining control of a person. However, the truly nasty part of their work comes from the way that they spread and use up the energy of the people they inhabit. This was all seen in their possession of Niko during Dead Boy Detectives season 1.

Dandelion Sprites cause the person they possess to be surrounded by odd, brightly colored and alluring shapes and objects. This puts other people in a trance, forcing them to continue staring at the possessed person, and when the Dandelion Sprites choose to promulgate, they explore the head of the person they were in and travel to their next victim.


Misery Wraith

Misery Wraith in Dead Boy Detectives

While ghosts and humans walk the plane of the Earth largely ignoring one another, there is another creature that thrives on creating misery and tension for the living or dead. Misery Wraiths are terrifying creatures who feed on the energy of sadness and rage. As a result, they can occasionally cause time loops that lock their victims inside and feed on their suffering forever.

This method of torture appears terribly cruel, but it is simply the way the Wraiths feed. However, they can be stopped and killed in order to free their victims from eternal torment. Otherwise, they just continue to pull more into their loop to satisfy their eternal hunger.

Dream Netflix sandman took so long to make


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Sea Monster

Dead Boy Detectives' Niko look out to the ocean.

At the edge of Port Townsend, there sits a lighthouse overlooking a cliff. There is a sheer drop, and far below, crashing waves and water from the ocean. While this could prove scenic and beautiful in many places, Port Townsend is plagued by monsters and creatures who defy explanation.

One such creature is a gigantic sea monster who lives within the waters near the town, and occasionally rears its head in order to feed on whatever falls over the edge. However, due to its enormous size, it is also prone to eating things whole, and they can potentially live and reside within its body for a prolonged time. The creature also appears to have a high level of intelligence, which makes it capable of communicating with humans.


Forest Elemental

Monty, Edwin, Charles, and Crystal look over a log in Dead Boy Detectives

Similar to Dandelion Sprites, there are other creatures which lurk in the woods only to feed on the humans that pass by. One such creature is the terrifying and sizable Forest Elemental. Late in the series, the witch takes control of a Forest Elemental, known as Teeth Face, who she tries to use to capture the boys.

However, like the familiar, the Forest Elemental only serves the witch against his will, and when given a shot at freedom, he abandons his cruel mistress. The Forest Elemental bears a striking resemblance to a giant mushroom, with sharp teeth all residing in a mouth in the stem. This may appear intimidating, but when left alone, it appears to be mostly harmless.

Scenes from Good Omens and The Sandman


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Gaiman is a prolific science fiction, fantasy, and horror writer whose work spans comics, literature, TV, audio, film, and stage.



Edwin has blood on his face while standing in front of a bookcase in Dead Boy Detectives

While in Hell, before reuniting with Charles, Edwin encounters various monsters and creatures, but one of the few that reveals itself to him, is Despair. Despair feeds on the pain, suffering and hopelessness of those suffering in Hell. Despair does not appear to be quite as powerful as the seven deadly sins who get entire floors of Hell to preside over, but she is nonetheless devilish.

Her domain includes at least a single room where people are tortured in a painstakingly dull and lonely liminal space. Despair also appears to indulge in and enjoy working with others who can help to prolong and enhance the suffering of those in her care. Making her an interesting and unique demon.


Hell Spider

Edwin's long corridor in Hell in Dead Boy Detectives

Also, in Hell, there is a large and terrifying creature whose name is never revealed. This spawn of Hell bears a striking resemblance to an enormous spider, but they are formed of thousands of pieces of old broken dolls. With each part of their body reaching and grabbing for their prey, this Hell Spider is a formidable foe.

The Hell Spider also appears to be a hunter from Hell who is used to retrieving the souls of anyone who may try to escape. With their multiple legs, and tiny doll limbs making them incredibly fast and adept at capturing people, they serve well in their role. However, they can also be outsmarted by individuals who are bright enough, as seen in Dead Boy Detectives.