Every Slaughterhouse Exit Location in Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Every Slaughterhouse Exit Location in Texas Chainsaw Massacre

In the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, those lucky enough to find themselves playing the victims will face the daunting task of attempting to escape, through exits around the map, from the horrific, murderous family hunting them down. Therefore, knowing where to find all the exits is not only recommended, but essential if victims have any hope of escape.

One of the more horrifying map locations in the game that will constantly remind victims what they’re running from is the Slaughterhouse map. As expected, since it is the same for every other Texas Chainsaw Massacre map, there are four different exits on the Slaughterhouse map with each one being decently spaced out from the others.

The Loading Dock Exit

As stated, there are four different exits and each one will have its own requirements. First up is the Loading Dock Exit. For the loading dock, victims will need to track down the Car Battery. Head North on the map to discover the Loading Dock exit with an electrified fence around it.

Those who are observing closely will notice there is a wire coming off the fence that leads to a modified Car Battery. There will be a button indicating how to deactivate it. Once that is completed the electric fence will be shut off. Now all that’s left is to pick the lock and escape.

The East Road Exit

Next up is the East Road exit. For this one in particular, the item the victims will need to deal with is the East Road Generator. The exit itself will be found in the southeastern corner of the map. Similarly to the Loading Dock Exit, there is some electricity causing a problem at this exit, but this time it is due to a generator, not a battery.

The generator will need to be shut off in a similar manner to which the battery on the other exit is deactivated. Once that is done, victims should be able to escape safely. However, be warned that if you attempt to pass through while the current is active, the family will be alerted to your screams and escape will have to wait unless being attacked by the infamous Texas Chainsaw Massacre Leatherface is on the to-do list.

The Pressure Valve Exit

The Pressure Valve Exit is the centermost exit on the map, positioned between the Parking Lot and Loading Dock exits, near an open junkyard area. The item associated with this exit is the Water Valve. In order to open the exit, Texas Chainsaw Massacre victims will need to find the Water Valve and re-attach it.

This is one of the more difficult exits in the game purely because the process for opening it can be a little more time-consuming and risky, but its position does allow small progress to be made while running around the map. Unfortunately, the valve can spawn in a few locations, but the recommended areas to check are the Facility Backdoor or Windmill.

Once it has been located, victims will need to take it to the basement and attach it to one of the pumps. Once connected, switch it to overload the water pressure which will open the gate. Note that when the gate opens, it will make a noise that can be heard by the family. Luckily, it can also be heard by other victims, so everyone can make a rush for their escape, however, the door will close pretty quickly. So if a fellow victim is too far away, they should probably stay away, lest they be stranded at a closed-door surrounded by the family.

The Sewage Exit

Lastly is the Sewage Exit which can be found in the southwest corner of the map. This exit will require victims to interact with a Fuse Box. The exit will only be opened with the Fuse Box and victims will also need a Fuse to activate it.

Fuses can be found in various locations around the map, but it’s recommended that players check out the Cutting Room and the Facility Courtyard for starters. Next is the Fuse Box which can be found usually in the area of the Facility Backdoor.

Arrange the Fuses on the Fusebox so that the numbers correlate and then the exit door should open. Victims will need to race to the basement to escape in time but bear in mind that everyone else will hear the door, including Texas Chainsaw Massacre family member Sissy who is particularly quick, so beware that while making a run for it, one of the killers in Texas Chainsaw Massacre may be close behind.

  • Every Slaughterhouse Exit Location in Texas Chainsaw Massacre

    The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
    The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

    PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S


    Sumo Nottingham

    Gun Interactive

    Multiplayer, Survival Horror
