Every Reveal In The PS5 Spider-Man Trailer

Every Reveal In The PS5 Spider-Man Trailer

Sony’s PS5 reveal event was chock-full of surprises for PlayStation fans, from the first look at the new console to a massive new sequel like Horizon: Forbidden Lands. One of the biggest surprises was at the very beginning, however, as Sony and Insomniac games unveiled Spider-Man: Miles Morales. 

This full standalone game will focus on the up-and-coming hero, and it’ll be out right around the launch of the PS5. It’s not exactly clear when Miles Morales takes place in relation to Marvel’s Spider-Man, but it’s likely at least a few months after the events of the DLC.

The first trailer for Miles Morales was short, but there are still quite a few details that can be gleaned from it. Here’s every reveal in the Spider-Man: Miles Morales PS5 trailer.

Miles Morales’ Unique Powers

Every Reveal In The PS5 Spider-Man Trailer

The first detail in the trailer is that Miles Morales does indeed have his unique superpowers introduced in the comics. The very first shot of the trailer shows Miles using his electric Venom Strike, as his suit ripples and breaks because of the power. Venom Strike will be a major part of Miles’ repertoire, but the trailer also shows that his stealth will be improved with his ability to turn invisible, called Camouflage.

Winter in New York

Although this might seem like an obvious detail, everything about Miles Morales shows that the game will be taking place in the Winter. This is interesting for a couple of reasons, the first of which is seeing the power of the PS5 create a wintery New York. The more interesting detail, however, is figuring out when Miles Morales takes place. At the end of Spider-Man’s DLC events took place at the end of Fall, just when Winter was starting to creep in. This could mean that Miles Morales takes place well into the Winter after Miles has spent months training with Peter Parker. Of course, there’s no indication that Peter is present during the game, outside of simply his voice in the opening.

Miles Faces High-Tech Enemies

Miles Morales Enemy

The enemies that Miles faces in the trailer are entirely different from anything that appeared in Marvel’s Spider-Man, especially in terms of the technology they use. The trailer doesn’t give a good look at any major enemies, but the grunts that Miles fight have high-tech armor, or arms that can transform into different weapons. This could suggest the involvement of a villain like The Tinkerer, who’d be able to create all the weaponry enemies are using.

Related: PS5’s Spider-Man 2 Needs More Interesting Side Content

Could Yuri Watanabe Be Wraith?

Wraith Spider-Man Miles Morales

Yuri Watanabe was a major character in Marvel’s Spider-Man, and Peter’s helping-hand in the police force. The end of the game saw Yuri transition from a hero into a villain, taking on the mantle of Wraith. Of course, one of the big questions moving forward is what Yuri does, and Miles Morales might have a hint at her turning into the villain. A single shot in the trailer shows Miles on the ground as a villain walks toward him, and deploys some kind of high-tech weapon. Although there isn’t much of the villain showed, the clothing and figure easily looks like it could be Yuri, and it would make sense for her to become more involved moving forward. The other option is that this character if The Prowler.

The Prowler Might Be in Miles Morales

There’s no concrete evidence on villains in the Miles Morales trailer, but again, there’s a split-second shot that could potentially suggest another villain. The Prowler has been a major villain for Miles ever since the heroes’ introduction, even featuring in the Into the Spider-Verse film. At the 1:05 mark in the trailer, there’s literally a second where a purple streak bounds off of a car with Miles in pursuit. Whoever the character is they’re also wearing a mask with purple glowing eyes. The purple streak is certainly reminiscent of the Prowler’s aesthetic, and it’d make sense for Insomniac to use the villain in some way, especially if he’s once again a blood relative of Miles.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales launches Holiday 2020 for PS5.