Every Jedi & Sith Symbol In Star Wars Explained

Every Jedi & Sith Symbol In Star Wars Explained

There are a lot of Jedi and Sith symbols littered throughout Star Wars, though many have gone unexplained. The Force is the heart of Star Wars in more ways than one. Not only is it the reason for the existence of the Jedi and Sith Orders, but the cosmic duality and delicate balance between light and the dark is the main theme of Star Wars itself. As such, there have been a lot of symbols of both sides of the Force in every piece of media the franchise has produced.

The symbols of the light and dark sides of the Force are not merely limited to symbols of the Sith and Jedi themselves. Different governments represent different aspects of the Force. While there is a level of gray in each government, overall there is a definitive divide. This divide is at the very heart of Star Wars. While individual Star Wars movies, shows, comics, and books have their own plots, the Star Wars franchise as a whole has a mega-plot that focuses on the battle between light and dark. As such, there are symbols of this divide in every bit of Star Wars content, and here are all of them explained.

Every Jedi & Sith Symbol In Star Wars Explained


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13 The Symbol Of The High Republic

Jedi Symbol


The High Republic era was the age of peace, democracy, and light. The wings on the emblem represent freedom and life. As such, it is heavily linked to the light side of the Force. Further, it is strongly associated with the dawn of the Jedi and their glory days.

12 The Symbol Of The Republic

Jedi Symbol

Despite all its flaws, the Republic is the symbol of democracy, and democracy in Star Wars is strongly linked to the light side of the Force. This is no surprise, as the light side of the Force values life, freedom, justice, kindness, peace, and righteousness. As a system that values freedom and listening to the voices of the people, despite its flaws, democracy is heavily associated with the light side and, therefore, the Jedi.

11 All Symbols Of The Rebellion

Jedi Symbol

Usually, rebellions are not associated with the light side of the Force, given the instability they cause and the fact they are inherently a power grab. However, the Rebel Alliance in Star Wars is a group dedicated to overthrowing a system of government that is both inherently oppressive and also run by a Sith Lord – a representative of the dark side. They also desire to reinstate democracy and freedom. As such, their symbol is intrinsically linked to the light side of the Force and the Jedi.

Further, all the symbols of the Rebellion – both of different squadrons, such as the Phoenix Squadron, and different generations (i.e. Imperial era vs. First Order era) – are encased in wreaths that are reminiscent of a bird’s wings. Wings are a symbol of life and freedom and are strongly linked to the light side of the Force. Not only that, but it’s an adaptation of the wings of the High Republic era. This signifies a return to a somewhat romanticized point in time when the Jedi Order was at its strongest.

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10 The Symbol Of The Empire

Sith Symbol

The symbol of the Empire is strongly associated with the dark side of the Force. The Empire is a system built on a preoccupation with power. Empires in general are obsessed with control. The Empire in Star Wars is no different. This is the opposite of the balance that the light side (at least in theory) values. Further, not only is the Empire a totalitarian government and therefore inherently against freedom, but it is also run by a Sith Lord. The Sith are the physical embodiment of the dark side of the Force, and as such, anything run by them is a physical representation of the dark side.

The symbol of the Empire is a dark adaptation of the symbol of the Republic during the Clone Wars. It is also eerily similar to a stylized image of the Death Star. This, of course, makes sense, as the Empire and the Clone Wars-era Republic were run by the same person.

9 The Symbol Of The New Republic

Jedi Symbol

The New Republic is the symbol of the rebirth of democracy. It is a return to freedom and balance, which is why it keeps the wings of the High Republic’s symbol. As such, despite its flaws, it is strongly linked to the light side of the Force and, by proxy, the Jedi.

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8 The Symbol Of The First Order

Sith Symbol

Kylo Ren from Star Wars: The Last Jedi next to the symbol for the First Order symbol

The First Order is essentially the second version of the Galactic Empire. Not only is the structure the same, but it is also secretly governed by the same Sith Lord, or technically a clone of the same Sith Lord, who ran the Empire. As such, its symbol is intrinsically linked to the dark side of the Force and the Sith.

7 The Gods Of Mortis

Both Jedi & Sith Symbols

Star Wars Rebels Season 4 Mortis Mural Jedi Temple

The gods of Mortis are the physical manifestations of the Force. After the death of the Daughter – the manifestation of the light side – in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the balance of the Force has been in question. This could potentially be why Ahsoka‘s Baylan Skoll was so interested in the gods of Mortis. Because the Daughter’s last act was to transfer her essence into a young Ahsoka to save the girl’s life, and Morai, the Daughter’s owl, now follows Ahsoka around, it will be interesting to see how Ahsoka’s relationship with the Mortis gods may continue to play out – and thus how these symbols will develop.

6 The Gods Of Mortis: The Father

Symbol Of The Force


The Father is the manifestation of the seldom talked about neutral side of the Force. He controls the Son and the Daughter (before she dies) to keep the Force in balance. Taking on the form of a father, the implication is that both light and dark are born from him. The Father is responsible for ensuring that both his children exist in harmony, as too much light or too much dark would destroy the delicate balance of the universe. While not specifically a Sith or Jedi symbol, he belongs on this list because he represents the duality of the Force itself.

5 The Gods Of Mortis: The Son

Sith Symbol

The Son and Anakin Skywalker on Mortis in Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3.

The Son is the manifestation of the dark side of the Force. He is obsessed with power and control. His nature is to desire to usurp the power of the Force for himself. During his The Clone Wars arc, he attempts to kill the Father so that he can take control of the Force with no one to mitigate his lusts, and accidentally kills his sister instead.

The Son is clearly meant to represent the Sith. Not only is he the manifestation of where the Sith get their power from, but he also uses red Force lightning and has red eyes that glow like lightsabers. Like the Sith, he gains his power from hate and fear. He is emotional and unpredictable, the is the archetypal Sith.

4 The Gods Of Mortis: The Daughter

Jedi Symbol


The Daughter is the manifestation of the light side of the Force. The Daughter sacrifices herself to protect the Father when the Son tries to kill him. However, rather than being bitter and angry in her last moments, she begs the Father not to hate the Son because, as she says, it’s his nature. She is the representation of everything good in the universe. She is a guardian of peace. Unlike the Son who is always surrounded by darkness, she radiates light. She doesn’t desire to fight her brother, but she is willing to subdue him to keep the balance of the Force. As such, she is the archetypal Jedi.

3 The Bendu

Symbol Of The Force

Kanan meets the Bendu in Star Wars: Rebels

The Bendu is the mysterious creature who resides on Atollon that Kanan Jarrus, otherwise known as Caleb Dume, encounters after he is blinded. The Bendu helps Kanan learn to use the Force to “see.” He later unleashes a storm upon both the Imperials and the Rebels after Kanan angers him by calling him a coward for not taking sides in the conflict between the two warring factions. The Bendu represents the middle ground between the light and dark sides of the Force – the point between Ashla (which, interestingly, is the fake name Ahsoka uses when she goes into hiding after Order 66) and Bogan.

Because he represents the space between the light and dark sides, the Ashla and the Bogan, he is arguably a representation of both and neither at the same time. Like the Father, the Bendu operates in a neutral space. However, he is distinct from the Father in that the Father’s job is to keep a balance between his children. The Bendu, however, does not claim to be a balancing agent, but rather a being that springs from that delicate balance.

2 The Sith Crest

Sith Symbol


The Sith Eternal Crest is made up of a red, sharp, stylized dagger inside a red circle. The old Sith Crest has what appears to be an explosive pattern, almost like lightning or pent-up energy unleashing itself. The new Sith Crest is reminiscent of three familiar images: six daggers stabbing into an object, the Empire’s emblem, and the First Order’s emblem. This makes sense, as the Sith were controlling both the Empire and the First Order. It isn’t a stretch to believe their Crest would be a similar design to those of the governments they founded.

The Sith Crests are the most obvious representations of the Sith.As the symbols they have adopted to identify themselves, they represent everything their order stands for. This is seen in their violent symbolism. As stated above, all are representations of violent, explosive emotions and destruction. While they are arguably not as pure symbols as the Son, it is something they have chosen, which warrants its high placement on this list.

1 The Jedi Crest

Jedi Symbol

The Jedi Crest, like the Sith Crest, is the symbol the Jedi Order has chosen as a representation of who they are. Everything about it is a statement about their beliefs. The stylized lightsaber, while also a weapon chosen by the Sith, is associated strongly with the Jedi. It represents their connection to the Force and their role as guardians of light. It is surrounded by the same pair of bird wings as the High Republic’s emblem, associating it with democracy. This structure can be taken as a metaphor for life, freedom, and nature, which are all things that the Jedi value through Star Wars history.