Every Hunger Games Tribute & Winner Still Alive After Mockingjay

Every Hunger Games Tribute & Winner Still Alive After Mockingjay

The Hunger Games is notable for its high body count, but there are also many tributes and victors who are still alive after the last movie, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 2. The premise of the dystopian young adult franchise involves the citizens of Panem competing in the titular games, during which most of the players are killed in order to have only one victor left standing at the conclusion of the event. While that means there are a number of character deaths throughout the movies, there are also a few who manage to reach the end of the story alive.

The plot of the franchise focuses on Katniss Everdeen, a teen girl from District 12 who volunteers to serve in place of her sister Prim when the younger sibling is randomly selected to compete in the 74th Hunger Games. Over the course of four movies, Katniss finds herself as the face of a rebellion against the Capitol. Angered at Katniss and fellow tribute Peeta Mellark for their defiance at the end of the first movie, the sadistic and oppressive President Snow declares in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire that Katniss and her “species” must be eradicated. He creates a special rule change for the 75th Hunger Games — which marks the Third Quarter Quell — requiring tributes to be picked from among each district’s surviving victors. In the two Mockingjay movies, the bloodshed continues, with a full-out war causing many casualties.

During The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and the Mockingjay adaptations, many tributes, including some former winners, are introduced to the story. Unfortunately, quite a lot of these characters, including Finnick Odair, wind up getting killed off before the end of the series. Which characters survive through all four movies and beyond? Here is a list of all the known Hunger Games tributes and victors who are still alive after Mockingjay.

Katniss Everdeen

Every Hunger Games Tribute & Winner Still Alive After Mockingjay

Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) finds her life in danger throughout The Hunger Games but ultimately makes it out alive. As the Hunger Games protagonist, Katniss goes through a transformation, beginning as an indifferent, hardened character to someone both willing to fight for the injustice of others and open to romance. Katniss is able to use her archery abilities and wilderness smarts to survive in the Hunger Games arena during the first movie, though she also makes it to the end because viewers are sympathetic to the “star-crossed lovers” narrative she creates with Peeta. In Catching Fire, Katniss also manages to get by thanks to an alliance formed with other former victors.

Mockingjay, the final chapter of Katniss’s story, is the most dangerous for her. With civil war broken out in Panem, Katniss is faced with peril at every turn. It comes to a point where President Coin (Julianne Moore) assigns Boggs (Mahershala Ali) to protect Katniss as she films propaganda for the Second Rebellion. Sadly, Boggs doesn’t make it, and Katniss must soldier on despite the losses she deals with throughout Mockingjay – Part 2. While Katniss manages to survive and witness the rebels win, that doesn’t mean her story totally ends happily. As an adult, she deals with PTSD caused by her time in the Hunger Games and the war, though she is learning to positively cope, with Peeta and their two children by her side.

Peeta Mellark

Peeta Mellark staring at the ground in The Hunger Games Mockingjay

Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson) also lives to see the end of the Hunger Games franchise. He is not a natural fighter like Katniss, but he survives the 74th Hunger Games due to his camouflaging skills. Katniss also protects him and nurses him back to health when he’s wounded. Peeta uses his likability to form an alliance with the Career tributes, convincing them not to kill him or Katniss. In Catching Fire, he volunteers in Haymitch’s place for the Third Quarter Quell to protect Katniss and kills two tributes in self-defense in order to survive, though he is captured by the Capitol at the end.

In Mockingjay, Peeta is brainwashed by the Capitol. Since he has been “hijacked” for an assignment to kill Katniss, the rebels could have easily disposed of him. However, they know he was brainwashed and so they work to cure him instead. Peeta may be a gender-flipped “damsel in distress” throughout The Hunger Games, but he proves he can survive in his own way, even if he needs some assistance.

Haymitch Abernathy

Haymitch holding up a drink from The Hunger Games

Played by Woody Harrelson, Haymitch Abernathy won the 50th Hunger Games — also known as the Second Quarter Quell — and, due to his mentorship and connections to sponsors in the Capitol, he is a key reason why Katniss and Peeta survive twice in the arena. A fellow District 12 tribute, Haymitch was able to win his Games by fighting off other tributes with a knife from the Cornucopia and using his knowledge of the force field surrounding the arena to his advantage against the other remaining tribute, a girl from District 1.

In Catching Fire, Haymitch again mentors Katniss and Peeta, though he also works behind the scenes to plan the Second Rebellion. As one of the driving forces behind the rebellion, which uses District 13 of Panem as headquarters, Haymitch knows how to survive. He doesn’t partake in the actual fighting due to his years of heavy drinking, but he still mentors Katniss and acts as a support system. At the end of Mockingjay, he is still a drunk, but he also starts raising geese. Like Katniss, he more than likely struggles with PTSD but seems to have come up with another way to cope by taking care of animals.

Johanna Mason

The sarcastic, ax-wielding Johanna Mason (Jena Malone) from District 7 is also one of the surviving Hunger Games victors. She is openly defiant toward the Capitol since they were responsible for killing her loved ones. In Catching Fire, she allies with some of the other victors and is instrumental in the plan to rescue Katniss by cutting out her tracking device, though she is later captured by the Capitol along with Peeta and Enobaria.

In The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1, Johanna is revealed to have been tortured by the Capitol by being soaked in water and electrocuted. She is saved from her prison by a special forces team sent by President Coin, and later she bonds with Katniss while training for the rebellion. However, Johanna is considered “unfit” to partake in the rebellion because she’s been weakened by the Capitol’s torture. This ends up saving her from being endangered by warfare. Her fate after Mockingjay is unknown, but hopefully, she returns to her beloved lumber district home and learns to find some peace after the trauma she has faced.

Annie Cresta

Annie Cresta (Stef Dawson) hails from District 4, which is known for its fishing. She was able to survive the 70th Hunger Games due to her swimming ability, though she suffers a mental breakdown after witnessing her male partner get decapitated. Mags volunteers in Annie’s place during the Reaping for the Third Quarter Quell and sacrifices herself to acid fog in order to protect Katniss and Finnick, as well as their allies. Annie is kidnapped by the Capitol and tortured, but at the end of Mockingjay – Part 1, she is rescued from her prison and reunites with Finnick.

In Mockingjay – Part 2, Annie and Finnick get married, though Annie is left a pregnant widow when Finnick is killed by lizard-mutt hybrids sent by President Snow. Annie doesn’t fight in the rebellion but does vote “no” to the idea of holding a Hunger Games for the Capitol’s children, probably to spare them from the same trauma she endured during the Games. At the end of Mockingjay – Part 2, Annie has given birth to a son and sends a photo of the two of them to Katniss and Peeta, implying that she still keeps in touch with them.

Beetee Latier

Beetee Latier (Jeffrey Wright), an electrical genius from District 3, also manages to survive after Mockingjay. He won his Games by setting an electronic trap for tributes in the arena. During the 75th Hunger Games, Beetee has a plan to destroy the arena but is wounded by Enobaria, a District 2 Hunger Games winner, before he can enact it, leading Katniss to carry out the plan in his absence. He manages to recover from his injuries in District 13, though he now uses a wheelchair.

In Mockingjay, Beetee joins the technology division of District 13, working on military weapons. He creates a bomb that President Coin uses to bomb Capitol children and medics, including Prim, who is killed in the process. Not much is known about Beetee after Mockingjay, but he does also vote “no” to a final Hunger Games and more than likely returns to District 3.


Enobaria in the Hunger Games

Enobaria (Meta Golding) is the victor of the 62nd Hunger Games and is the last of the known surviving tributes. Another District 2 victor, Commander Lyme (Gwendoline Christie) is introduced in Mockingjay, though it’s assumed she is killed in the battle for District 2. After gaining notoriety for ripping a tribute’s throat out with her bare teeth, Enobaria had her teeth filed into sharp points. During the Third Quarter Quell, she, along with the rest of the non-allied Career tributes — her partner, Brutus, and the District 1 tributes, Gloss and Cashmere — stalk Katniss and her allies. After Katniss destroys the arena, Enobaria becomes one of the only surviving tributes and is captured by the Capitol.

Enobaria does not have a significant part in Mockingjay. She isn’t seen in Mockingjay – Part 1 and only briefly appears in Mockingjay – Part 2 twice: once, when the remaining victors are voting on whether to hold a final Hunger Games and again at President Snow’s execution, where Katniss ends up killing President Coin instead. However, in the Mockingjay book, Enobaria joins the rebels after District 2 is freed from Capitol control, and her life is spared by the rebels because of the Mockingjay deal that Katniss had with Coin. In exchange for becoming the face of the rebellion and going along with the rebels’ plans, Katniss had made Coin agree to certain conditions, including granting criminal immunity to the victors captured by the Capitol. After the final movie installment of The Hunger Games, it’s probable that Enobaria returns to District 2.