Every FF7 Rebirth Protorelic Questline, Ranked

Every FF7 Rebirth Protorelic Questline, Ranked

Protorelic quests are a big part of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth‘s side content, but they’re definitely not all equal in quality. These side objectives task Cloud and company with tracking down pieces of armor associated with Gilgamesh, a recurring Final Fantasy character who started out as an FF5 villain. Completing every quest can be rewarding, but the road there is often rocky.

Every region in FF7 Rebirth has its own unique Phenomenon Intel locations, and chasing these down leads to the unique encounters that earn pieces of the protorelic. Unlike other standard map features, from Expedition Intel that leads to lifesprings or Excavation Intel that provides buried treasures, Phenomenon Intel is associated with different gameplay features in each region. Some of these employ memorable mechanics and narrative elements, while others might prove more tiring than exciting.

Every FF7 Rebirth Protorelic Questline, Ranked


FF7 Rebirth’s Map Compared To The Original Final Fantasy 7’s Gaia

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth takes on the daunting task of updating Gaia for modern systems, and the differences in its map reveal some key changes.

Corel’s Protorelic Quest Has Too Much Filler

Chapters 8 & 12

Hunting down Protorelics in the Corel desert seems like it could be an exciting follow-up to the minigames at the gold saucer, as the Phenomenon Intel of the region involves everything from a giant that rises from beneath the sands to the perfect creatures known as Cactuars. In practice, unfortunately, Corel’s Protorelic quest turns out to be an exercise in patience. Any sense of mystery that might be found in the desert is quickly wasted on repetitive tasks, and the goofy little fellow named Kid G doesn’t exactly enhance any sense of atmosphere.

Getting each Protorelic in Corel requires the party to head to one location, then another, then back to the first again without much reason for the ping-ponging, making for far more pointless trips than the other Phenomenon Intel quests require. Fighting the Cactuars also isn’t all that engaging, but it’s not so boring as to be unforgivable. Adding insult to injury, however, the quest stops halfway through and requires a return trip to Corel to complete, which just feels unsatisfying for anyone who spent time on it the first go-around.

A collage of Tifa and Aerith smiling during their Gold Saucer date scenes in FF7 Rebirth.


Every Gold Saucer Date Scene, Ranked Best To Worst

There are six possible Gold Saucer dates in FF7 Rebirth, either romantic or platonic and each with its own pros and cons. Here’s how they compare.

Nibel’s Protorelic Quest Isn’t Very Interesting

Chapter 11

Professor Hojo analyzes his work in FF7 Remake.

Nibel’s Protorelic quest has the same disappointing sense of feeling somewhat like padding, although it is at least a slimmer package of padding overall. It’s ultimately a lot of slowly following hooded figures, which doesn’t exactly make for exciting FF7 Rebirth gameplay. If a bit of extra Hojo content and some fight opportunities sound worthwhile, there’s that, but for the most part, there isn’t much to get out of the Nibel questline aside from the Protorelic itself.

The Grasslands Protorelic Quest Gets The Job Done

Chapter 2

Aerith with her arms outstretched in front of a panoramic view of FF7 Rebirth's Grasslands.-1

Custom Image by Lee D’Amato

The Grasslands Protorelic quest gets the hunt off to a decent but awkward start, bringing back the bumbling criminals from FF7 Remake to bandy the Protorelic around the region. As a series of fights, it’s perfectly functional, but the charm of the criminals that was used in moderation in Remake starts to wear off before the quest is over. It’s also easy to stumble into their dens in the wrong order while working out the sense of the open world, which can make it feel like a bit too much of accidental backtracking.

Cloud and a chocobo with the grasslands region in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.


FF7 Rebirth: Can You Go Back To The Grasslands After Chapter 2?

Leaving a region behind in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can be scary, but there’s a very definitive answer to the question of returning to the Grasslands.

Gongaga’s Protorelic Quest Is Efficient And Fun

Chapter 9

The Gongaga Protorelic quest isn’t one of the most innovative in FF7 Rebirth, but it’s consistently fun and efficient, especially after the much slower pace of Corel. A Shinra training module challenges the party on a series of simulated fights, and the lack of extra padding makes it easy to appreciate the combat. Although they don’t get to do too much, the Turks are also always nice to see, and piecing together the narrative component is engaging and gives a bit more of a look into the way that Shinra operates.

The Meridian Ocean Has The Protorelic Climax

Chapter 12

A closeup of Gilgamesh looking over his shoulder in a screenshot from FF7 Rebirth.

The Protorelic quest found in the Meridian Ocean is the final gauntlet of challenges, and it takes that status seriously. This one gets down to business with a series of major FF7 Rebirth boss fights, which feels appropriately climactic and makes for consistently exciting gameplay. It doesn’t necessarily have the layer of storytelling or innovation that could propel it to the top, but it’s a good send-off to the series of side quests and features the proper appearance of Gilgamesh that everything prior is leading up to.

Cloud and Tifa from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth looking intense


FF7 Rebirth’s Final Boss & Ending Explained (In Detail)

All questions about FF7 Rebirth’s ending are finally answered. Here’s everything that happens in its final chapters, and how it sets up the sequel.

Cosmo Canyon’s Protorelic Quest Is Emotional

Chapter 10

Yuffie talking to Avalanche members in Cosmo Canyon in FF7 Rebirth.

Cosmo Canyon brings a full-fledged minigame to the table, but that’s actually not its main point of attraction. The game ultimately fails to live up to Fort Condor, taking a somewhat similar concept but gearing the strategy more toward menu-based prep than interesting tactical positioning and deployment. From a narrative standpoint, however, it’s the one Protorelic quest that feels like a truly meaningful addition to the story.

A grinning Red XIII next to a vista of Cosmo Canyon in FF7 Rebirth.


FF7 Rebirth’s Major Red XIII Change Is Really A Clever Easter Egg

One weird Red XIII Easter egg has surprised many FF7 Rebirth players, but as it turns out, there’s a good explanation for it in the original game.

Reminisced scenes in the Cosmo Canyon quest fill in some new pieces of Wedge’s story, and getting a bigger focus on this Avalanche member helps flesh out Barret and Tifa more as well. It’s a touching tribute that actually carries some emotional weight, working as an effective incentive to soldier through the attached minigame. If the story pieces were combined with Fort Condor instead, it would be a slam dunk for the best Protorelic quest in FF7 Rebirth.

Junon’s Protorelic Quest Has The Best Minigame

Chapter 4

Discovering the Phenomenon Intel of Junon requires diving into the Fort Condor minigame, which makes its return from the FF7 Remake INTERmission DLC. The learning curve might be a bit steep for those who didn’t play this extra Yuffie adventure — and for a lot of people, this may very well be the least favorite — but mastery can be truly fun and rewarding. Although Fort Condor isn’t as sensational as the thrills of Queen’s Blood, it’s a robust and interesting game that can be enjoyed without even thinking about the Protorelic reward.

Junon’s Protorelic quest also gets a huge charm point in the form of low-poly models for Cloud, Tifa, and Barret that appear in the world of the game. It’s a nice throwback to their original FF7 appearances, even if aggressive lighting leaves them weirdly washed out. Whether this is motivation enough to tackle the further challenge of Fort Condor games on Hard is debatable, but mastering them on the standard difficulty is enough to nab the Protorelic in Junon, and the experience of getting there is the best that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth protorelic quests have to offer.

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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


Final Fantasy 7


PlayStation 5


February 29, 2024


Square Enix Business Division 1


Square Enix


Action RPG
, Adventure