Even Supergirl Admits Superman Probably Can’t Survive a Classic Villain’s New Upgrade

Even Supergirl Admits Superman Probably Can’t Survive a Classic Villain’s New Upgrade

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Superman: Lost #8!When it comes to a powerful new upgrade for one classic villain, Superman may want to listen to his cousin, Supergirl. A classic foe becomes bigger and badder than ever and even Kara Zor-El thinks that her relative is playing with fire by not taking his new form seriously.

In Superman: Lost #8 by Christopher Priest and Carlo Pagulayan, a tsunami is endangering a peninsula, and making things worse the classic Superman foe Metallo. Metallo has absorbed several warships stationed in the peninsula and become a kaiju-sized monstrosity. Metallo can even dispatch Superman-sized drones, each with their own kryptonite power supply.

Even Supergirl Admits Superman Probably Can’t Survive a Classic Villain’s New Upgrade

Fortunately, Supergirl comes in to assist her cousin, wearing Superman’s all-white costume to protect her from the radiation. She’s livid that Clark would do something so reckless saying that a lunatic powered by kryptonite could have easily killed him, especially with his upgrades. Superman disagrees saying he had things under control, but Supergirl thinks otherwise.

Metallo’s New Form is a Confirmed Superman Killer

Metallo New Body DC

Superman has a lot of deadly villains in his rogues’ gallery, but Metallo is by far one of his most dangerous. John Corben was once a soldier whose body was damaged and replaced by one powered by kryptonite, Superman’s radioactive Achille’s heel. Metallo has been one of Superman’s most underrated threats. Not only does he run off the most poisonous material to Clark, but John has taken on dangerous new forms over the years, sometimes augmented by Lex Luthor or dangerous alien technology. No matter how many times Metallo is defeated by Superman, the villain always comes back bigger and better than before.

As far as Superman’s villains go, Metallo doesn’t usually rate as a serious threat, at least not as much as someone like Doomsday or Mongul. However, this new and improved version of John Corben is one of his most twisted forms ever. Not only is he composed of literal warships, he can send out drones that can gang up and attack Superman. Even Supergirl recognizes that this version of Metallo is far more dangerous than he usually is (and that’s saying something given Kara’s past with Metallo’s similar partner Reactron). While Kara was able to handle things thanks to Clark’s new costume, there’s a strong chance that Superman would have been seriously outgunned by Metallo’s dangerous new form.

Metallo Finally Has a Body That Rivals Superman

Metallo DC

Though it isn’t seen for very long, Metallo’s upgraded body is one of the largest and most devastating upgrades he’s ever gotten. Even his recent Orphan Box upgrade from Lex Luthor didn’t give Metallo a kaiju-sized body or the ability to command copies of himself. Granted Kara was able to stop it thanks to Clark’s radiation-proof costume. But Supergirl is highly aware that Clark taking on the upgraded Metallo without any kind of protection is an absolute death wish. Hopefully, Superman will listen to Supergirl the next time he clashes with his upgraded nemesis.

Superman: Lost #8 is on sale now.