Even Captain Marvel’s Powers Can’t Cope with [SPOILER]’s All-Powerful New Weapon

Even Captain Marvel’s Powers Can’t Cope with [SPOILER]’s All-Powerful New Weapon

Warning! This article contains spoilers for Fantastic Four #13 Captain Marvel is a powerhouse of cosmic proportions who can decimate entire space fleets with a passing flight pattern, and out-muscle literal gods. However, she seems to have finally encountered a weapon that she can’t cope with, as it literally uses the energy of two colliding universes, shifting quarks from one into the other to create a surge of concentrated energy the likes of which no one could combat – including and especially Captain Marvel.

Carol Danvers can channel the energy of an exploding star, she can take on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes single-handedly and come out on top, and she can lead the Avengers against universe-ending threats with an aptitude Captain America himself has commended. Yet, in the face of this new weapon, she’s totally powerless.

Even Captain Marvel’s Powers Can’t Cope with [SPOILER]’s All-Powerful New Weapon

As previously mentioned, this weapon can transport a quark – a subatomic particle believed to be among the fundamental components of matter – from another universe into Earth-616, and it can be dropped at any point in space its user chooses. The reaction this process creates is quite explosive, to say the least, and can’t be blocked by any level of shielding or phasing (indeed, this weapon also proved useful against Vision). To make matters worse, the person who’s wielding this all-new superweapon is the same person who created it, and the very last person anyone would want to have access to this level of unchecked power: Doctor Doom.

Doctor Doom Created A Weapon Even Captain Marvel Can’t Block

In Fantastic Four #13 by Ryan North and Iban Coello, Doctor Doom teams up with his T-Rex variant (who’s otherwise exactly like Earth-616’s Victor in every way) to create a device that will combine their respective universes. Knowing there would be some conflict with the heroes while trying to pull this off, the two Dooms first invent a device that could stop even the strongest Avenger with the press of a button, and then link that device to their very minds, allowing them to take down those same heroes with a mere thought.

The human Doctor Doom is the one who introduces this weapon to the Avengers and the Dino-Fantastic Four, as he stomps them all without exerting himself in the slightest. While decimating the Avengers and a version of the Fantastic Four in a matter of seconds was the desired outcome of this superweapon, it’s clear to see upon reading this issue that the major point of pride is easily his victory over Captain Marvel, as he makes it a point to say that it’s, “beyond even your ability to control, Ms. Danvers”.

The Marvel Universe Is Becoming A Dangerous Place For Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel discovering she can't bend mysterium.

Captain Marvel has proven time and again that she’s strong enough to take on anyone and is likely to come out on top, but that status quo may be on its way to a dramatic change. Not only has Doctor Doom created a weapon that Carol can’t even hope to withstand if he chose to use it at maximum efficiency, but Tony Stark recently got his hands on a substance called mysterium that Captain Marvel can’t bend or break no matter how hard she tries. Stark will soon make an entire suit of armor from his mysterium, meaning anyone who wears that suit will be someone Carol basically won’t be able to touch. It’s the perfect defensive weapon against her, and now the perfect offensive weapon has just been thrown into Marvel continuity, making Captain Marvel’s reputation as a practically untouchable superhero less true by the day.

While the days of Carol having her ‘strongest Avenger’ status challenged is still pretty far off, it’s interesting to consider that the Marvel Universe is becoming a place where even someone of her power-level (ie, near incomprehensible) can be vulnerable, especially in the face of this all-powerful new weapon created by Doctor Doom that even Captain Marvel can’t cope with.

Fantastic Four #13 by Marvel Comics is available now.