Emma Frost’s Official Trading Card Art Is a Gift to X-Men Cosplayers

Emma Frost’s Official Trading Card Art Is a Gift to X-Men Cosplayers

The talented Russell Dauterman has released another gorgeous piece of art in his Marvel Trading Card series, this time featuring the iconic X-Men hero Emma Frost on the cover for the upcoming X-Men #31. Frost – formerly known as the White Queen – is a beloved former villain known for her fashionable good looks and epic diamond skin, and Dauterman’s cover highlights the perfect Emma costume design for an Emma Frost cosplayer to recreate.

Russell Dauterman, the artist behind many of the Hellfire Gala’s most iconic looks over the years, has been releasing gorgeous Marvel Trading Covers for a long time now, recently completing cards for the entire X-Men roster including Ms. Marvel and Rasputin IV.

Dauterman is a pro at designing stunning looks for the heroic Emma Frost, exemplified by the simple yet evocative costume she wears in her official Trading Card – posted to Dauterman on Instagram – first seen in Dauterman’s cover for 2019’s Marauders #1.

Emma Frost Is Always Nothing Less Than Fabulous

Emma Frost’s Official Trading Card Art Is a Gift to X-Men Cosplayers

Emma Frost always looks stunning, even in the heat of a fierce battle, and never sacrifices her standards regardless of the stakes, an act of defiance and resilience that is inspiring and truly impressive. From Frost’s debut in Uncanny X-Men, she has put out look after look, almost always featuring her classic all-white costumes with fur features. One of Emma’s most iconic quotes is, “The whole world is watching us now. We must be nothing less than fabulous,” and the White Queen has taken this philosophy to heart nearly every day of her life.

Dauterman has illustrated Frost dozens of times, including creating one of his epic “Costumes Through The Ages” covers featuring her, and is always able to perfectly capture her overly confident expression and condescending visage. His illustration of Emma for X-Men #31 is beautiful, bringing back the costume he designed for her first Marauders look and also featured in Giant-Size X-Men: Jean Grey & Emma Frost, a simple but stunning outfit for the fashion-focused Frost. Dauterman’s cover has Emma’s icy blue psychic signature, seemingly formed into a halo, a hilariously ironic symbol for the former villain and constant provocateur.

Emma Frost Is A Fan-Favorite X-Men Character To Cosplay

X-Men fans love to do Emma Frost cosplay, partly because she is such an iconic, beloved, and fierce character, but also because she has so many unique and fashionable looks one could adapt. While some of Frost’s costumes are incredibly complex and most likely difficult to recreate – an issue many first time cosplayers struggle with around their favorite characters – Dauterman’s design for Emma featured on her new official Trading Card is the perfect level of sophistication and simplicity. Utilizing a body suit, boots, gloves, and a simple jacket with fur lining, many cosplayers could attempt to beautifully recreate this look, impressing other X-Men fans at conventions or on social media.

The stunning Emma Frost will always be one of the X-Men’s, and Marvel’s, most fashionable heroes, and Russell Dauterman’s gorgeous Marvel Trading Card cover featuring the White Queen provides the perfect inspiration for any X-Men cosplayer to recreate one of Emma’s epic looks.