Emily Blunt Dumped Captain America for Batman 3?

Emily Blunt Dumped Captain America for Batman 3?

If you aren’t a big fan of casting rumors, then you probably want to avoid any headlines about Batman 3 for the next few months – at least until DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. get around to announcing the official title of the project. At this point, you’re almost certainly sick of hearing the words Captain America” and “casting” in the same sentence.

However, with both of these major comic book movie tentpoles firmly planted on the horizon, casting rumors are what we’re getting. The latest one is that actress Emily Blunt (The Wolfman) turned down a role in Marvel’s Captain America in order to play Catwoman in Chris Nolan’s Batman 3.

This rumor started with a report in the LA Times, stating that Blunt had been offered a role in The First Avenger: Captain America but would probably pass on it. Batman On Film then followed up on the story, sourcing an ‘industry insider friend of theirs’ who claimed that the reason for Blunt passing on Captain America may – I repeat, MAY – have been a strategic move, designed to keep her eligible for a spot in Nolan’s Batman 3, likely playing Selina Kyle, a.k.a., Catwoman.

Before you point out the obvious, Batman On Film covers its own rear by reminding us that despite years of ongoing Catwoman/Batman 3 rumors, Nolan has never confirmed that he plans on using the character in his third Batman film. One could speculate that Blunt knows something we don’t – but then again, one could just as quickly speculate that Batman 3 story ideas and casting are going to start coming to light in the next few months, and Blunt is simply playing good Hollywood chess.

Emily Blunt Dumped Captain America for Batman 3?

For now, the only real valid discussion we can have is whether or not Emily Blunt would make a good Catwoman. Sure, she has proven acting chops, good looks, and has previously made contact with the comic book movie universe (she was up for the role of Black Widow in Iron Man 2 but had to pass due to scheduling conflicts) – but is she the BEST choice for Catwoman?

If you’re asking me (and why wouldn’t you – I’m pretty good at this 🙂 ) I would say “That depends on the version of Catwoman we’re going to get in Batman 3.”

People have filled our previous Batman 3 story idea posts with their own Catwoman scenarios, which range from the classic origin (Selina Kyle as a put-upon woman (hooker?) turned femme-power jewel thief), to new interpretations such as Kyle being the assistant of some high-powered businessman/crime lord, who also moonlights as his criminal errand girl. I think Blunt would be a perfect for the latter depiction of Catwoman – but not so good for the former.

rohna mitra catwoman batman 3

Looking back over the Catwoman casting rumors of the last two years or so, I would have to pick actress Rhona Mitra as the “classic Catwoman” I like best. Mitra has nailed sexy/tough in just about every role I’ve seen her in (Doomsday, Underworld: Rise of the Lycans), so if you cut her hair short and painted her in leather, I think we’d have a perfect no-nonsense, take-no-prisoners, damn-a-man’s-world Catwoman. And we know how Nolan likes working with UK actors…

As for Emily Blunt – if she did in fact turn down Captain America, it would be something of a slight to the film’s director, Joe Johnston, who worked with Blunt on The Wolfman and allegedly helped her husband – The Office star John Krasinski – audition for the role of Cap.

But I’m not one to incite a beef – I’m just looking for any new info I can about Batman 3 and Captain America – and I’m sure you are too 🙂 . We’ll keep you updated on the progress of both.

The First Avenger: Captain America hits theaters on July 22, 2011.

Batman 3 is currently in the early planning stages and we should know an official release date soon.

Sources: LA Times, Batman On Film