Elden Ring Fans Create Their Own Demo While Waiting For The Real Game

Fans of Elden Ring have been hard at work designing bosses, levels, and items that might appear in the game, and have even assembled a fully-playable demo. This is all despite the fact that virtually no new information about the game has been given since its reveal at E3 2019.

The announcement of Elden Ring generated a lot of hype. From Software’s legendary reputationwould be enough to get plenty of fans interested, but to further sweeten the pot, renowned fantasy novelist George R. R. Martin signed on to flesh out the game’s narrative. With such incredible minds coming together to make the game, Elden Ring seemed like a title worth watching. But news petered out far too quickly; multiple game shows have come and gone with no new information on Elden Ring.

This neverending silence hasn’t been sitting well with people excited for the new game. As reported by USGamer, certain creative fans have been taking to social media to imagine what Elden Ring might end up looking like. This isn’t just idle speculation, either; people have been sketching out whole kingdoms, designing unique equippable items, and fleshing out the kind of memorable boss encounters FromSoft is known for, right down to their movesets. It all seems to have started when Reddit user stray_demon, apparently motivated by impatience, began sketching fake bosses using art skills they confessed were poor. The movement took off in a big way from there, and now the Elden Ring Reddit page has an official “Fake Lore” tag full of hundreds of posts, detailing all the bosses, characters, and kingdoms that fans have designed, and their stories, which have absolutely no relation to anything From Software will actually put in Elden Ring. User Spriteblood even assembled an entire playable combat demo featuring some of these fan-made ideas. It might not compare too favorably to the finely-honed combat of a real From Software game, but as a fan project made by a single person, it’s nothing to sneer at.

When it comes to the lore of the real Elden Ring, all that’s known is the vague and mysterious speech given during the announcement trailer. These works are entirely unrelated, and the only thing linking them to From Software’s upcoming title is the creators’ enthusiasm for the game. In a way, the only thing keeping this community going is the long-abiding silence from Elden Ring’s developer. When information about the actual Elden Ring starts coming in, some Redditors are hopeful that they’ll be able to keep coming up with ideas in a different thread. There was even some hope that someday a different, totally new game would come together, bringing together all of the community’s wild ideas. Based on what the Fake Lore community has put together so far, it could be well worth keeping an eye on.

The sheer amount of creativity pouring into these fan designs is nothing short of awe-inspiring. It’s truly incredible what people are capable of when they have the right inspiration. The Elden Ring fake lore community has created world after world based on nothing more than the idea of the upcoming game. In many ways it will be a true disappointment if Elden Ring doesn’t live up to these expectations.