Elden Ring Character Choice Matters Way More Than Other FromSoft RPGs

Elden Ring Character Choice Matters Way More Than Other FromSoft RPGs

The first Network Test for Elden Ring, the latest “Soulslike” game by FromSoftware, revealed a lot about this open-world fantasy RPG’s gameplay – the foes players will face, the skill and spells they can acquire, and the character classes they can start play-throughs with. Compared to previous FromSoftware RPGs such as Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne, it looks as if the classes Elden Ring players choose will have a greater influence on the early-game experience of players, while the archetypes they represent will have a stronger connection to the game’s core narrative, core NPCs, and core factions.

One of the big draws of Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls, and other classic FromSoftware RPGs, besides their difficulty and ambiance, is how players are able to craft intricately customized character builds, upgrading both equipments and PC attributes to fully exploit the potential of certain weapons, armor sets, and spells. As a consequence of this, the starting classes players pick in Demon’s Souls or Dark SoulsThe Knight, The Cleric, The Sorcerer, etc. – don’t matter much beyond giving players a head-start in their attribute point distribution.

The five starting classes in the Elden Ring Closed Network Test differ thematically and mechanically from previous starting classes in previous Hidetaka Miyzaki-designed FromSoftware RPGs. Their class names are more evocative, their starting equipment has more narrative flavor, and their starting spells and skills make certain play-styles more immediately viable in the early stages of the game. A close study of the abilities and lore behind each class also offers gives players valuable clues about the history of Elden Ring‘s “Tarnished” protagonists – individuals once exiled from the Lands Between, now returned to claim the shattered fragments of the game’s namesake.

Elden Ring Warrior Class

Elden Ring Character Choice Matters Way More Than Other FromSoft RPGs

This starting character class of Elden Ring corresponds neatly to the nimble Dexterity-based starting classes of previous “Soulslike” RPGs, gifting players with a pair of scimitars and a buckler for parrying blows. The most interesting aspect of the “Warrior” class, however, lies in the backstory revealed by the lore descriptions for their medium blue armor and cowl. According to these items, Elden Ring’s Warrior is a wandering nomad, the blue colors of their garment emblematic of water and their desire to never grow still and stagnant. This suggests that the Warrior hails from a steppe nomad culture with a pastoral mode of life, inspired by historical peoples such as the Scythians, the Huns, or the Mongols.

Elden Ring Enchanted Knight Character Class

Elden Ring Starting Classes Enchanted Knight

The “Enchanted Knight” starting class of Elden Ring is the closest equivalent to the “Sorcerer” class seen in previous FromSoftware “Soulslikes,” equipped with a scepter and intelligence-based sorceries that attack foes with constructs of light. True to its title, though, the Enchanted Knight also has the trapping of a late medieval knight, with a visored steel helm, an ornate kite shield, and a winged spear well-suited for jousting on horseback.

The item descriptions for their outfit dub Elden Ring’s Enchanted Knight a former vassal to the Lunar Queen and the royal family of Caria, a now-fallen aristocracy closely associated with magic and the moon. Despite being adepts in the art of “Glintstone Sorcery,” the main mission of the “Enchanted Knight” was once to hunt down “those who use magic for nefarious purposes.” This bit of lore hints at a potential existence of a region in the Elden Ring open world where players will need to defeat power-hungry sorcerers or rescue forlorn survivors of the Carian royal family.

Elden Ring Prophet Class

Elden Ring Starting Classes Prophet

The “Prophet” class is the Elden Ring version of the “Cleric” class from Dark Souls, a holy priest who wears coarse robes and wields a form of magic empowered by the Faith attribute. Thematically, though, Prophet bears a closer resemblance to the “Pyromancer” class of Dark Souls – not just because of the fire-based “Incantations” they possess, but because of their less-than-pristine reputation in the Elden Ring universe.

Just as Dark Souls Pyromancers were maligned for practicing a “savage” magical art, so too were the Prophets of Elden Ring persecuted and exiled for preaching about visions of a fiery apocalypse: the cuff around their ankle and pillory-style wooden wheel on their neck is a powerful visual metaphor for how “Prophets” are doubly disgraced as both Tarnished and heretics. The item descriptions for the various “Incantations” “Prophet” class player characters can wield hints as the existence of numerous religious sects in the world of Elden Ring closer in form to “sinister cult” than they are to “institution of faith.”

Elden Ring Champion Character Class

Elden Ring Starting Classes Champion

Going by the clothes they wear and the large battle-axe they wield, the “Champion” class of Elden Ring would appear to be the equivalent of the “Barbarian” from Demon’s Souls or “Bandit” from Dark Souls; a warrior from an harsh environment who fights with brute strength and brutal weapons. To a degree, this is true; the Champion starts out with a respectable amount of Strength, Vigor, and Endurance, while the descriptions on their equipment refer to a place called the “Badlands” and a a warrior chieftain called “Hoarah Loux.”

At the same time, the Champion starting class in Elden Ring is also a holy warrior in the style of a Paladin or militant Cleric, possessed of a decent Faith score and access to to an Incantation that summons a fire-spewing dragon’s head. The description of this “Incantation,” plus other items/enemies found in the Elden Ring Network Test, foreshadows the existence of a group of people called the “dragon-hearted,” who (similar to the Dragonborn in Skyrim) grow in power by defeating and consuming the hearts of dragons.

Elden Ring Bloody Wolf Class

Elden Ring Bloody Wolf class

The “Bloody Wolf,” a masked Knight heavily featured in recent trailers for Elden Ringhas the highest Strength and Vigor of all the starting classes, making them a good choice for players who want to try out the heaviest armor and weapons in the Network Test. Their starting armor also reveals the existence of a potentially plot-relevant NPC: Vargram the Bloody Wolf, described as “one of the first Tarnished to visit the Roundtable Hold.” This so-called “Roundtable Hold” may well be the name of Elden Ring’s hub area, a safe refuge for merchants, trainers, and important NPCs in the style of Firelink Shrine from Dark Souls.