Eat The Rich Comic Series Reveals Deadly Secrets Of The One Percent

Eat The Rich Comic Series Reveals Deadly Secrets Of The One Percent

A brand new comic series from BOOM! Studios titled Eat The Rich promises to reveal deadly secrets about the one percent. While the new five-issue limited series is a work of fiction, the creative team says striking parallels to the real world will be present throughout. “Eat The Rich is about class inequality,” says writer and creator of the series Sarah Gailey. Though the series will be admittedly political, the storyline woven around the underlying message of class inequality will assuredly be a thrill ride for anyone interested in an engaging read, with stunning artwork to match. 

In a press release issued by BOOM! Studios, Eat The Rich by Sarah Gailey with art by Pias Puk and Roman Titov is described as being a thriller featuring a multitude of unspeakable horrors. “It’s a feverish love letter to the soapy primetime dramas I hold dear,” says Gailey in an interview released in print by BOOM! Studios. “This has been years in the making, and I couldn’t be more excited to share it with the world. Welcome to Crestfall Bluffs, friends. I hope you’re hungry.” 

In the town of Crestfall Bluffs, a young woman named Joey is planning on spending her summer with her boyfriend Astor. Crestfall Bluffs is his hometown, and Joey is using the summer before she starts law school as an excuse to meet his family, childhood friends, and see where he grew up in this place where seemingly every need is instantaneously met, undoubtedly through the obscene wealth of Astor and his family. While everything in the town seems perfect on the surface, a yet-to-be-revealed darkness lurks within, one that Joey may not be able to survive. 

Eat The Rich Comic Series Reveals Deadly Secrets Of The One Percent

While the storyline is sure to be captivating, the artwork throughout perfectly complements the thrilling adventure awaiting comic book fans. “Sarah is a brilliant writer and I’m having a lot of fun turning their wonderful narrative and ideas into drawings,” says the Eat The Rich artist Pius Pak. The illustrations invoke a dreamlike sensation to onlookers, effectively encapsulating the eerie feeling that what one is looking at isn’t true, and that something truly sinister may be present. 

The subject of Eat The Rich is not conventional by any sense in terms of comic publishing norms. While themes of “good vs. evil” are present, the point of the book isn’t to tell a story about the protagonist overcoming adversity, but rather to act as an allegory for anyone facing class inequality and how the societal norms of such are real-world monsters. It is unclear at this point what those specific deadly secrets of the one percent truly are within the book’s plot, but one thing that is clear from the information released is that Eat The Rich will surely highlight unspoken atrocious committed by those who think they can get away with anything because of their wealth, and having those characters see the justice they think they are above facing. “Eat The Rich is about class inequality and the systems that allow the wealthy to feed on vulnerable people.” Eat The Rich published by BOOM! Studios will be available for purchase in August 2021.