Easter Eggs in ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ Reveal Secrets About the Sequel

Easter Eggs in ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ Reveal Secrets About the Sequel

After Spider Man 4 failed to get off the ground in 2010, Sony opted for a reboot instead – The Amazing Spider-Man. Although some fans of Sam Raimi’s trilogy initially scoffed at the idea, most of them eventually came around. The film ended up being both a commercial ($750 million at the box office) and modest critical success.

While promoting the upcoming release of the Blu-ray/DVD, director Marc Webb and his visual effects team recently revealed that there are Easter eggs all throughout the film that hint at what we can expect from The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

Courtesy of Entertainment News Online, Senior Visual Effects Supervisor Jerome Chen said:

“There’s a scene where Gwen is in the Oscorp lab giving a tour to a series of students and there could be Easter eggs in there. There’s also an Easter egg at the end of the movie.”

What the eggs might reveal about the second film is unclear. Could they expose which villains might appear in the upcoming sequel?

Unfortunately, other members of the crew aren’t giving much else away. Additional Animation Supervisor David Schaub said of the final sequence:

“In the very last shot of the film where [Spider-Man] is swinging, [he] gets himself shot out of the crane and he’s flying down past the George Washington Bridge and he strikes a pose. There’s an Easter egg – but I can’t tell you any more than that – [that’s] for something to come.”

Easter Eggs in ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ Reveal Secrets About the Sequel

It’s a rather clever marketing strategy by the filmmakers and Sony to use the DVD and Blu-ray release of The Amazing Spider-Man to generate excitement and anticipation for the sequel. The Easter egg hunt will give fans more incentive to buy the DVD/Blu-ray, which will hopefully entice them to watch the sequel, too.

During the interview, Webb also shed some light on The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and on what moviegoers should expect from the next installment:

“The last movie, Peter’s sort of discovering his powers and he’s getting gradually better. Peter, in the next movie, is going to be a virtuoso. Spider-Man, from the outset, is a pro. He’s an expert, and he’s having a blast, and he is just electrifying in terms of his abilities as Spider-Man. That’s going to be really fun. I’m really looking forward to a lot of those sequences.”

So it appears that Spider-Man fans will be in for another thrilling film. As far as the eggs go, it looks like we’ll have to wait until Friday to find out what they reveal.

You can help unravel the mystery by getting your copy of The Amazing Spider-Man on Blu-ray or DVD on November 9th. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 swings into theaters on May 2nd, 2014.

 Source: ET Online