Dwayne Johnson Would Consider A Presidential Run Like In Young Rock

Dwayne Johnson Would Consider A Presidential Run Like In Young Rock

The new NBC sitcom Young Rock features one plotline in which Dwayne Johnson is running for president in 2032, and now The Rock says he’s still open to the idea in real life, too. In the series’ first episode, Johnson is on the campaign trail and has won his (unnamed) party’s primary. It serves as a backdrop to other stories from Johnson’s time growing up. Young Rock follows him from a child to early adulthood, with three different actors playing Johnson at different times in his life.

Johnson, who has held no public office in real life, has teased a potential presidential bid on numerous occasions. In 2017, he called it “a real possibility.” However, by 2018, Johnson had ruled out a 2020 run, citing his busy schedule, as well as the hard work and experience needed to prepare for the job.

Now, Johnson once again seems open to the possibility of running for president. He was asked if real life could mirror Young Rock in a new interview with USA Today. Johnson said:

 I would consider a presidential run in the future if that’s what the people wanted. Truly I mean that, and I’m not flippant in any way with my answer. That would be up to the people. … So I would wait, and I would listen. I would have my finger on the pulse, my ear to the ground.

Dwayne Johnson Would Consider A Presidential Run Like In Young Rock

Johnson doesn’t elaborate on a timeline for a possible presidential run in the interview, although given Young Rock‘s 2032 setting for his campaign, that would seem to be an indication of when he could be planning something. Johnson also doesn’t specify if he’s considering running for a lower office beforehand. Assuming he would run in California, many actors have held public office there, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, who served as governor from 2003-11.

However, if Johnson is actually serious, there’s an argument to be made he shouldn’t run for president. First of all, the presidency is a 24-7 job, and Johnson’s every move and decision would be under a microscope like never before. Second, given the state of Washington gridlock today, he could probably do more good and have more of an impact as a celebrity, raising awareness of causes he cares about and donating money and time to charities as he sees fit. Thirdly, America has thus far not had good experiences when it’s elected celebrities to the highest office in the land, to put it mildly. America needs qualified, dedicated individuals serving the people, and one could argue celebrities don’t have the experience required. However, it does sounds like Johnson is well aware of the importance of his decision and isn’t taking it lightly. It remains to be seen if the campaign plot on Young Rock will come to life, but it sounds like it’s a possibility, at least from Johnson’s perspective.