Dungeons & Dragons: Best Magic Items For Artificers

Dungeons & Dragons: Best Magic Items For Artificers

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is releasing in 2023 and fans hope that it’s an accurate depiction of the tabletop game they love. The movie is sure to draw from the traditional classes from Dungeons & Dragons, although it’s unclear at this stage if any fill the technical genius role of the Artificer.

Regardless, there will be those players anticipating the movie’s release who want to continue to embark on their campaigns. For those delving into the characterizations of an Artificer, these magical items will be incredibly useful for the rest of the party and will mesh perfectly with the tone of the figure being developed.

Robe Of Useful Items

Dungeons & Dragons: Best Magic Items For Artificers

One of the key traits of an Artificer is how resourceful they are. They benefit from magical items that play to their strengths, of utilizing ordinary or obscure objects imaginatively. The Cloak of Useful Items is thus a perfect accompanying piece that feels like a mid-game find.

The Dungeon Master may change how this item is used, but usually for one action players can take one of the patches on the robe and turn it into the item that the symbol represents. They are usually kitted out with Daggers, Bullseye Lanterns, 10 Foot Poles, Steel Mirrors, Hempen Ropes, and Sacks (often two of each).

All-Purpose Tool

All Purpose Tool Dungeons and Draongs

The All-Purpose Tool is the bread and butter of the Artificer. Of all the magical items in Dungeons & Dragons, few fit the theme of a character within this class. The tool can transform into any object, giving an Artificer an edge in battle against the scariest monsters and allowing them to invent without limit.

The player is always proficient with the object that the All-Purpose Tool transforms into and there is even a spell-casting bonus based on the rarity of the tool in use. It’s an item that could be held back by a Dungeon Master but makes a campaign’s narrative far more interesting when in use.


Driftglobe in Dungeons and Dragons

Oftentimes it’s the most unusual of magical items in Dungeons & Dragons that end up being the lifesavers. The practicality of the Driftglobe benefits the Artificers especially. This floating orb contains a daylight spell which can be used once every 24 hours.

Within 60 feet it is voice controlled, with the Driftglobe taking one action to utilize. It will follow the player around and is perfect for giving the Artificer light to work in. It has so many more uses though, and it could be unpopular to suggest that it’s one of the best items for exploring new areas.

Manual Of Golems

Manual of Golems Dungeons and Dragons

To use a Manual of Golems the Artificer needs to be pretty competent with their magic and requires at least two level 5 spell slots. But the more powerful a player becomes, the more vital a Manual of Golems can be when playing through an especially dangerous campaign.

The manual can be used actually to create an army of various Golems for those capable. Different manuals can be gained that might forge anything from a Clay Golem to an Iron Golem, but a significant amount of time can be taken away from the party to build these beasts.

Carpet Of Flying

Carpet of Flying in Dungeons and Dragons

Most Artificers won’t have the ability to fly, but luckily because of their skill with magical items, they can tap into an object that gives them everything they need. After all, an Artificer will see potential in average items, and the Carpet of Flying is a perfect example of that.

It does exactly as it states, it’s a flying carpet that the Artificer can use to transport himself or other members of his party. Spoken commands will control the carpet within 30 feet and each size category can carry more weight. When adapting the tabletop game this could be a simple item that could add a lot of charm to an adventure.

Staff Of Defense

Staff of Defense Dungeons and Dragons

When using the Staff of Defense in a campaign, it’s natural that the item might evolve as time goes on, with the Dungeon Master determining how it could be used. The general premise of this Dungeons & Dragons magical item for Artificers is that it can cast an array of spells that boosts the shielding of a character.

Sure it can be used to club an opponent via an offensive attack, but as the name suggests it is a defensive piece, with anyone holding the staff gaining a +1 in Armor. Each spell comes with its own rules and roll of the dice, but Mage Armor and Shield are two examples to draw from.

Instant Fortress

Instant Fortress in Dungeons and Dragons

Defense can be an Artificer’s specialty and the Instant Fortress is another avenue to explore, especially for those players who love the lore of the character class and how they continue to invent. This is very much an object that most could expect in the endgame.

The Dungeons & Dragons magical item can be placed on the ground and will transform into a huge fortress. 20 feet wide and 30 feet high, it’s made of adamantine making it pretty invulnerable to attack. The rulebook lays out specific instructions on how to use the device, with the terrain of a battle transforming completely into one of a siege.

Figurines Of Wondrous Power

Figurines Of Wondrous Power in Dungeons and Dragons

Playing once again into the lore of an Artificer, the Figurines of Wondrous Power are one of the most imaginative items in Dungeons & Dragons and can add a lot of fun to any campaign. Incredibly unpredictable, the concept behind the figurines is that they turn into the animals of their design.

The small statues of various beasts from the Dungeons & Dragons universe can be used within 60 feet and come in many forms. It will obey commands and protect a party, although they are based on a time limit, with the animal returning to its original figurine at the end of play.

Belt Of Dwarvenkind

Belt Of Dwarvenkind Dungeons and Dragons-3

The Dwarves are usually known as some of the best Artificers in the world, but anyone within the class can make use of this object. While it might help the player grow a longer beard, it also brings with it plenty of other benefits, from an increase in Persuasion to a further 2 points for Constitution.

Darkvision and saving throws against poison are just two additional benefits, plus as has been demonstrated in some of the extended texts on Dungeons & Dragons, using this kind of equipment can help people read different languages including Dwarvish.

Alchemy Jug

Alchemy Jug in Dungeons and Dragons

The Alchemy Jug is an essential item for any player and the kind of magical object that perfectly encapsulates the whimsicality of Dungeons & Dragons. The jug’s appearance is just as strange as its usage, with lots of corks filling plenty of potential storage areas.

Each part holds a different liquid that could be used in an alchemy set. The ceramic jug can only produce one liquid a day, but the Artificer can find all kinds of ways to take advantage of this. It includes oils, acids, mayonnaise, vinegar, water, and even alcoholic beverages.