Dune Characters & Their Harry Potter Counterparts

Dune Characters & Their Harry Potter Counterparts

The Dune and Harry Potter franchises hold many comparisons in the character department. These similarities can be easily seen for some but take a little more in-depth looking for others. The Dune universe, much like Harry Potter, explores the journey of a young boy becoming a man in a world filled with the unknown.

Through Paul’s struggles to prove himself as a man worthy, and Harry Potter’s desire to show everyone he has what it takes to defeat Voldemort, there are strong similarities within each franchise. Though different in many ways, each character is similar in some way or another.

The Baron Vladimir Harkonnen – Lord Voldemort

Dune Characters & Their Harry Potter Counterparts

The Baron Harkonnen was cunning, manipulative, and cruel. Vladimir is a character the Dune series fans can easily accept as the villain in the story. He had a way of manipulating people and things that made the overall results rule in his favor, especially during the fall of House Atreides and the death of Leto Atreides at his hands.

Lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter series was intelligent, one-dimensional, and evil as they came in the wizard series. He would murder James and Lily Potter because he feared their son (famous Harry Potter) would prove a threat to his power.

These characters are the villains of the story. They hold the importance of being the characters that push the protagonists to essentially reach their potential. Voldemort and Vladimir, though evil in every way, fail to meet their ambitious plight for power.

Duncan Idaho – Sirius Black

Split image showing Duncan Idaho in Dune and Sirius Black in Harry Potter

With the thought of loyalty, bravery, and mild irresponsibility as character traits, fans of both franchises are presented Duncan Idaho and Sirius Black. Duncan was the Swordmaster in House Atreides and the mentor of Paul Atreides. Duncan’s bravery and his willingness to lay down his life for Paul after Leto’s death showed his loyalty and character.

Sirius Black, godfather of Harry Potter in the series, was a troubled, loyal, and soft-hearted man to those he loved. Fans saw this when he chooses not to kill Peter Pettigrew at the request of Harry. Though he had a past filled with betrayal, his love for Harry Potter never came into question.

Both characters represent a father figure for the protagonist. Though each showcases a small spark of rage and wrath, they are able to show a caring side for the two young men they fight to protect.

Liet Kynes – Rubeus Hagrid

Split image shwoing Kynes in Dune and Hagrid in Harry Potter

Liet Kynes and Rubeus Hagrid are both the silent yet stealthy type, making them unique in their own right. Both are protective of those they care about, care for the environment, and act as leaders and liaisons.

Stilgar – Remus Lupin

Split image showing Stilgar in Dune and Lupin in Harry Potter

Stilgar and Remus Lupin are two characters that share few similarities but are significant in many ways. They aren’t only brave, intelligent, and selfless, they also possess a fearless nature in themselves.

Stilgar’s unwavering willingness to go into battle for the Fremen no matter the outcome is similar to Remus’s fearlessness in battling Lord Voldemort and even saying his name with no fear. Each of these characters showcase a strong protective spirit. It is their mission to make sure that those they love are protected from the things that wish to hurt them.

Mother Gaius – Severus Snape

Split image showing Mother Gaius in Dune and Snape in Harry Potter

Cold in nature and vindictive in demeanor, Mother Gaius of Dune and Severus Snape would be considered the same. Though they are portrayed as uncaring and bitter, they hold all their cards to their chest, never forthcoming about themselves.

These two characters, despite their appearance, are dangerous and deadly when they want to be. They share tragic pasts that have led them down the path they chose to walk. These pasts include Snape’s bullying and loss of his first love (Lily Potter), and Mother Gaius’s hidden past and relationship with Baron Vladimir Harkonnen.

Mother Gaius and Snape represent mystery and curiosity for each franchise. Although they present cold demeanors to the main characters, they ultimately side with their respective protagonists in the end.

Lady Jessica – Minerva McGonagall

Split image showing Lady Jessica in Dune and McGonagall in Harry Potter

Two women that exude a stern but protective presence are Lady Jessica in the Dune series and Minerva McGonagall in the Harry Potter universe. Lady Jessica in the Dune franchise is very protective of Paul and his navigation of the world as a whole. Her protectiveness can be seen when she allows Mother Gaius to “test” Paul’s power of the Benne Gesserit.

Minerva McGonagall, like Lady Jessica, strives to make sure that all the students at Hogwarts are living up to their full potential and are protected at all times. In the second war against Voldemort, Minerva strictly forbade those underage from fighting, and gave a choice for those of age to take up arms or not.

These two characters showcase motherly instincts that provide them a calming effect to their cold appearance, but they aren’t easily fooled. They are each a guide for Paul and Harry to become the saviors they need to be in their respective fights.

Leto Atreides – Albus Dumbledore

Split image showing Leto in Dune and Dumbledore in Harry Potter

Two men with the responsibility of raising and protecting a young boy destined for greatness, Leto Atreides and Albus Dumbledore are similar in so many ways. Leto Atreides, the father of Paul Atreides, was adamant in the education of his son not only through combat, but also political knowledge. His hope was for Paul to lead when he was ready and willing. This can be said for Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter as well.

Albus Dumbledore, like Leto, took the education of Harry Potter seriously. He was like a father to Harry, teaching him right from wrong in every decision. These two characters were the father figures that raised saviors through their guidance and love. They preferred talking and tolerance over violence upon others. Their philosophy and teachings were the backbone of what each protagonist in both franchises strived to live by.

Dr. Yeuh – Peter Pettigrew

Split image showing Yueh in Dune and Pettigrew in Harry Potter

Dr. Yeuh and Peter Pettigrew both betrayed those that trusted them. Although for different reasons, they placed their worry in front of doing the right thing. Dr. Yeuh betrayed House Atreides and Leto Atreides to Baron Harkonnen with the thought that his wife was being held captive (*spoiler* she was already dead for years).

Peter Pettigrew was the famous betrayer of James and Lily Potter. He was a follower of Voldemort and the sole reason for his two friends’ deaths. Pettigrew’s character traits showcased cowardliness, disloyalty, but also showed elements of mercy. Pettigrew and Dr. Yeuh conveyed what happens when a person places their own desperation above others, and makes decisions based on this desperation.

Chani – Ginny Weasley

Split image showing Chani in Dune and Ginny in Harry Potter

Chani and Ginny Weasley are both smart, silent, and fierce. They aren’t afraid of fighting for what’s right and standing with those they love. Chani stands with her people and Paul to fight for their rights, just as Ginny Weasley does with Harry and the other students at Hogwarts in their fight against Voldemort. They also serve as the main love interest to the male lead in the film, although it took a while for Ginny to emerge as Harry’s soulmate and Chani will soon face competition in the romantic department with the arrival of the Emperor’s daughter in Dune Part 2.

Paul Atreides – Harry Potter

Split image showing Paul in Dune and Harry in Harry Potter

Paul Atreides and Harry Potter share the same characteristics of bravery, impulsiveness, and honorability. They each have a destiny that goes beyond just themselves, and they are selfless in their pursuit of doing what’s right. Paul is seen as the savior for the Fremen just as Harry Potter is seen as a savior to those in the wizarding world. Paul risked his life in order to save those aboard a carryall ship mining for spice, and Harry risked his life for all in the wizarding world in his battle with Voldemort in the second war. Each of these characters seem to see it as their responsibility save the world.