Dune: 10 Most Beautiful Shots In The Movie

Dune: 10 Most Beautiful Shots In The Movie

Director Denis Villeneuve’s Dune is a stunning masterpiece that takes viewers on an epic journey in a completely new world. The 2021 film brings Frank Herbert’s 1965 novel of the same name to life with its stellar cast, brilliant writing, and of course, its gorgeous visuals.

From the vast deserts of Arrakis to Baron Harkonnen’s dark throne, the sci-fi movie’s most unforgettable scenes are often punctuated by haunting yet beautiful shots. These enchanting moments transport viewers to Dune‘s alien world, fully immersing audiences in the complex and dangerous political turmoil that the Atreides find themselves in.

The Mysterious Woman In Paul’s Visions

Dune: 10 Most Beautiful Shots In The Movie

Some of the film’s most captivating shots unsurprisingly appear in Paul’s perplexing visions. His dreams often show him the future, much like how he unknowingly predicts Duncan’s death at the start of the film.

Paul’s visions are full of images of a mysterious woman who viewers later discover is a Fremen fighter named Chani. Based on her deep connection with the protagonist and her role in the books, she has the potential to become one of the most powerful women in sci-fi movies. For now, audiences only know her as the enigmatic lady in the desert who dominates Paul’s dreams and later tries to save his life with her great aunt’s crysknife.

A Sandworm Revealing Itself

A sandworm looking down at Paul and Lady Jessica in Dune (2021).

The deserts of Arrakis are not just deadly because of the intense heat. They have areas known as “worm territory,” which is exactly what it sounds like.

Giant sandworms are attracted to irregular sounds and rhythms on the alien planet’s sandy dunes. Paul and Lady Jessica are able to get up close and personal with one of the huge creatures at one point – it’s a moment that underscores just how gigantic the sandworms really are. There’s no telling if they could have survived this encounter if Jamis hadn’t activated his thumper and distracted the towering beast.

Paul Hiding From The Hunter-Seeker

Paul hides in the middle of a holographic display of plants as the light illuminates his eye in Dune (2021).

Gurney had warned Paul about the threats their family may face when they move to Arrakis. One of the earliest signs of the looming dangers in their new home happens right in the young heir’s bedroom.

As Paul watches a holographic video about the fauna and flora in the foreign land, he senses a lethal hunter-seeker behind him. He knows that his only chance of survival is to avoid detection, as the bird-like device can quickly identify even the smallest movements around it. Paul carefully makes his way to the holographic trees, making sure that the hunter-seeker isn’t facing in his direction. It’s a tense moment that happens to highlight a beautiful shot of the protagonist hiding between the glowing branches of Arrakis’ scarce greenery.

A Heighliner In Space

A Heighliner floats in space in Dune (2021).

Viewers who watched other movies to get excited for Dune likely gravitated towards sci-fi films like Star Wars and Ender’s Game. It’s easy to see why these films are often compared with each other, as they thrust audiences into new universes filled with vast galaxies and new technologies.

One of the most exciting aspects of Dune is its take on interstellar travel. The spice mined in Arrakis is used to fuel futuristic ships that transport people and resources from one planet to another. There are several scenes in the film that highlight the impressive technology in Dune‘s world, with one shot showing a massive Heighliner floating in space as a smaller ship carries the Reverend Mother and her companions down to Caladan.

Lady Jessica Through Paul’s Eyes

Lady Jessica staring at the camera with text all over her face and the wall in Dune (2021).

Paul’s visions are not just the source of some of Dune‘s best quotes, but also quite a few of its most gripping scenes. A shot featuring his mother shows how intense and real these dreams can be, as she stares straight at him with unfamiliar blue eyes.

This particular vision helps Paul deduce that Lady Jessica is pregnant. She’s shocked by her son’s knowledge of her pregnancy, as according to her, “it’s only been a few weeks.” Paul’s dream also reinforces the idea that his family’s fate is inextricably tied with the Fremen who eventually take the mother and son into their group after their Great House is destroyed by the Harkonnens.

Thopters Entering Arrakis

Thopters fly over a mountain and towards the Arrakeen capital city in Dune (2021).

The stark contrast between Caladan’s verdant world and Arrakis’ unforgiving deserts is highlighted in a mesmerizing sequence that takes place after the Atreides arrive on the strange planet. Ornithopters are dwarfed by the sandy dunes and rocky hills outside of the walled city.

As the Thopters fly through the mountainous areas, viewers get their first glimpse of the protagonist’s new home. It’s an arid landscape full of brutalist-style buildings designed to churn out the spice and deter the regularly occurring sandstorms. The city proper is somehow bleak and grand at the same time, with the Arrakeen Palace standing as a tall and imposing structure in the middle of it all.

Baron Vladimir Harkonnen Stands

Baron Harkonnen standing up from his chair facing his mentat in Dune (2021).

Some of Dune‘s best behind-the-scenes facts revolve around the Baron, as the Harkonnen figurehead’s character design is meant to spotlight “the power of his physicality.” The movie definitely does this well, as the Baron’s intimidating presence is immediately even more daunting when he stands up for the first time. It’s a moment that emphasizes his unnatural height and full control over anyone in the room.

The suspensor belts and harnesses attached to his flesh allow the hulking character to move around. Hearing and seeing the suspensors activate at his command is always chilling, but is especially unsettling when he stands in front of regular-sized people like his Mentat, Piter.

The Valuable Spice

Paul holds a handful of spice in Dune (2021).

After hearing countless stories and tirelessly reading about Arrakis’ sandy dunes, Paul is able to see the desert for himself when their Thopter is forced to land to rescue workers from a sandworm. The protagonist’s first heavy footsteps in his new home are soon followed by a beautiful shot of him scooping up sand.

Just like Liet explains to the royal heir and his father, it is indeed easy to tell if the sand is rich with spice by its color. In this case, the valuable resource glimmers under the sun and quickly finds its way into Paul’s system. The trance that follows is unlike anything he’s ever experienced and one that nearly costs him his life.

An Atreides Flagship Rising From The Sea

Paul watches an Atreides flagship rise up from the Caladan sea in Dune (2021).

Paul’s last days in the only home he’s ever known are filled with Caladan’s lush mountains and vast seas. The protagonist walks on the cliffs on a sunny day at one point and watches the Atreides flagship that will take them to their new planet.

As the young heir sees the flagship breaking the water’s surface, he’s likely reminded of the drastic change he’ll soon be experiencing after he boards that ship. He won’t see anything like Caladan’s sees on the arid world of Arrakis where every drop of water is a costly treasure reserved only for the privileged few.

Arrakis Under Attack

Arrakis under attack in Dune

Arrakis’ destruction and the ambush of its royal family are perhaps the hardest sequences to watch in the entire movie. It’s heartbreaking to see how the infiltration took the Atreides’ capable army by surprise. The attack has always been part of the sham transfer of power to House Atreides, whether Paul and his family knew it or not. The Baron explains the motivation behind the evil plot best when he points out that the Emperor is “a dangerous, jealous man” who can’t stand to see the “Atreides voice” rising across the Great Houses.

Chaos rules the once quiet Arrakeen lands as Harkonnen and Sardaukar forces bring total annihilation to its cities. The invaders’ munitions light up the skies in a magnificent but terrifying show of force. The unprepared Atreides soldiers are no match for weapons that can rain down fire from the sky and shoot lasers that can cut through the capital’s largest structures.