Dragon Quest 12 Needs A Female Protagonist

Dragon Quest 12 Needs A Female Protagonist

Over the years, the Dragon Quest series has given fans some truly memorable protagonists and characters. However, outside of spin-offs and mainline games with character creation options, there hasn’t been a canonical female hero. The upcoming Dragon Quest 12 should definitely change this by introducing the series’ first non-optional female protagonist.

There was a female option for the hero in both Dragon Quest 3 and 4, but the male versions still appear on the cover art, get into games like Smash Bros. Ultimate, and often are essentially just reskins. In fact, outside of appearances, there are very little differences between the male and female heroes in either game. Spin-offs like Dragon Quest of the Stars and Dragon Quest Heroes have also allowed for female hero options, and character creation in DQ 9 and 10 has as well. However, mainline games that don’t provide hero options have always stuck to male protagonists – and it’s time to change that.

Depending on who is asked, Dragon Quest has gotten a lot of praise (or criticism) for the way it often sticks to its core gameplay elements. This is perhaps also evident in its main heroes, who often appear as generic-looking young men with dark hair. But now that Dragon Quest is approaching its 35th Anniversary, a new kind of hero could once again reinvigorate the series and build on the more recent successes of Dragon Quest XI.

Why A Female Protagonist Would Be Great For Dragon Quest 12

Dragon Quest 12 Needs A Female Protagonist

Two fairly recent spin-offs, Dragon Quest Heroes 1 and 2, both offered players a glimpse of what a female protagonist could look like. Aurora in the first game, and Teresa in the second, both have appearances more unique from their male counterparts and have their own personalities. Both Aurora and Teresa make arguably more compelling options than Luceus or Lazarel, since these male protagonists are portrayed as cocky (and often bumbling) characters whereas Aurora and Teresa are both fairly headstrong and highly intelligent.

So, it’s not a question of whether or not Dragon Quest 12 can make a compelling female protagonist, since the Heroes spin-offs prove its possible. As a reveal for Dragon Quest 12 presumably approaches, a female protagonist could be a great way to excite longtime fans and appeal to newcomers as well. Dragon Quest has developed a reputation for sticking to its proverbial guns, but offering players a new and unique protagonist could be a great change for the series as a whole.

Of course, nothing regarding the protagonist for Dragon Quest 12 has been revealed yet, so fans will have to wait a bit longer to know what’s in store for them in the next entry. However, one thing is clear: Dragon Quest 12 needs a non-optional female protagonist.