Dragon Ball’s Heroes And Marvel’s X-Men Get The Perfect Crossover Fanart

Dragon Ball’s Heroes And Marvel’s X-Men Get The Perfect Crossover Fanart

The worlds of Dragon Ball and X-Men are full of characters who perform incredible, impossible, and downright insane acts of heroism, with a new piece of fanart merging the two universes by turning the Z-Fighters into honorary members of Marvel’s Merry Band of Mutants!

Posted on social media via Instagram, @salvamakoto is a nerd artist who consistently finds ways to combine existing properties with other popular franchises that wouldn’t normally mix under any other circumstances. Having already brought Goku into the universe of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, given Frieza a far better and much more suitable final form redesign, and even turned Goku into Lion-O himself, complete with his signature Sword of Omen, @salvamakoto doesn’t miss, especially with this X-Men x Dragon Ball mash-up. Having already brought Goku into the universe of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, given Frieza a far better and much more suitable final form redesign, and even turned Goku into Lion-O himself, complete with his signature Sword of Omen, @salvamakoto doesn’t miss, especially with this X-Men x Dragon Ball mash-up.

Dragon Ball and X-Men Heroes Collide In Crossover Fanart

Two teams of overpowered heroes who will stop at nothing to save the planets they call home, Marvel’s X-Men and Dragon Ball’s Z-Fighters are no slouches when it comes to the people they keep on their roster, to say nothing about their iconic looks that have been a staple in the cosplay space for decades. Most often recognized for their popular yellow and blue 90s designs, as seen here, the X-Men getting replaced by characters from Dragon Ball is an interesting creative choice that works extremely well, especially when fans get to see what Vegeta would look like snikting adamantium claws.

Standing six-strong and looking ready for a fight, @salvamakoto’s Z-Men immediately stands out as great new designs for characters that usually run around in multicolored gis rather than spandex suits. From left to right, @salvamakoto successfully turns Gohan into Gambit, Vegeta into Wolverine, Bulma into Rogue, Android 18 into Emma Frost, Videl into Jubilee, and last but not least, Goku into Cyclops, giving fans a set of redesign they didn’t know they even wanted. Not only that, but the personality match-ups of the hot-tempered and hard-headed Vegeta and Wolverine, the strong and determined Bulma and Rogue, and the spunky but smart Videl and Jubilee, specifically, show that @salvamakoto has the eye for what hero would swap places with which, sealing the deal making this one of the best fanart crossovers they’ve uploaded yet!

Dragon Ball’s Heroes And Marvel’s X-Men Get The Perfect Crossover Fanart

What’s more, a quick scroll through the comments shows that @salvamakoto is hopefully far from done making these inspired pieces of art, as users have suggested more than a few other mash-ups — like a Krillin/Xavier design — that beg to be the next remix released. So while Dragon Ball’s Z-Warriors and Marvel’s X-Men won’t be crossing paths anytime soon, @salvamakoto’s professional-level fanart is something fans of both franchises can appreciate!