Dragon Ball’s Goku vs. Marvel’s King in Black: Who’d Win in a Fight

Dragon Ball’s Goku vs. Marvel’s King in Black: Who’d Win in a Fight

When it comes to Dragon Ball’s ultimate warrior in Goku, and Marvel’s ultimate evil in Knull aka the King in Black, fans can only wonder what kind of hypothetical battle the two would get into should they ever meet. With one fighting to save their universe and the other looking to destroy it, Goku and Knull are two powerhouse titans with skills that far surpass those around them, making them formidable opponents inside and out of their own realities.

Whether fighting against actual gods and more or less becoming one based on the sheer power Goku commands on his own, or Knull fighting the entirety of the Marvel universe and acting as the oldest evil in the galaxy with the title of God of Symbiotes front and center on his nametag, these two characters are basically omnipotent beings that fans know extremely well. So what would actually happen if these two juggernauts actually met? Would the void made flesh known as Knull take the win? Or would the never-ending power levels of Goku be too much for this creature of the abyss? In either instance, fans better buckle up, because with the universe at stake this is a battle that will be remembered for centuries to come.

Goku the Master of Ki

Dragon Ball’s Goku vs. Marvel’s King in Black: Who’d Win in a Fight

Living a life full of laughs, food, fighting and power levels over 9000, Goku is an all-around nice guy that only pulls out the stops when the newest evil threatening his world, galaxy, universe and even reality rears its ugly head. Often only taking these villains to task after they don’t listen to reason, Goku is the most super of Super Saiyans, a feat that comes naturally to a man that clearly seems to have no limits. Coupling his love for being trained in all forms of hand-to-hand combat techniques that are completely separate from his numerous energy attacks with his penchant for actually enjoying the thrill of a fight, Goku can basically beat anyone with one arm tied behind his back and both eyes closed.

Whether utilizing any number of his signature attacks such as his iconic Kamehameha Wave or his life-energy absorbing ultimate attack dubbed the Spirit Bomb technique, Goku also has a swath of ridiculously powerful transformations at his disposal that he can utilize depending on which level of power he needs to tap into to defeat the enemy standing in front of him. Ranging from the beginner level that is the first stage of being a Super Saiyan, to the God level of that same transformation which increases his power a thousand fold, to his (current) ultimate and insanely over-the-top form in Ultra Instinct, Goku is very rarely unready for a fight. And on the off chance he’s ever caught off guard, pushing himself past his limits isn’t new to a guy that has died, come back to life, fought across the multiverse and other dimensions, and then somehow come out the other side with a smile on his face and a dumb joke in tow.

Knull the King of Black

Knull Marvel Comics

Hailing from a time before light and even before the Marvel universe as fans know it, Knull is a primordial evil that cares about one thing and one thing only: darkness. Pissed beyond all reason when his beautifully vacant void was stepped on by ancient Celestials in their attempt to bring life and light to the universe, Knull took it upon himself to create All-Black the Necrosword, a weapon that he would brandish for centuries to come as he used its immense power to kill gods, conquer worlds and help him enslave others who would see him defeated.

Eventually being banished into the head of the first Celestial he murdered, Knull furthered his power by quite literally creating the black alien goo entities known as symbiotes that have plagued the Marvel universe for decades. Using them to control any who fell under their influence, Knull put together an army of symbiote dragons to help do his bidding in bringing the entire galaxy under his thumb, a power move that not many villains can replicate even if they tried. Having super strength, agility, a healing factor and any power inherent to his symbiote offspring, Knull is not only a truly evil being at his core, but also has the smarts and wherewithal to coordinate battles across the galaxy, never really losing focus or control save for minor disruptions that he handily takes care of.

And The Winner is…

Despite both of these characters having power levels that far exceed anything fans have seen in either respective universes, there can be only one left standing after the ki energy dies down and the black mess of symbiotes retreat from whence they came. And although the King in Black is as formidable as he is evil, the ultimate Saiyan warrior known as Goku would never fall to a being that is basically a big gooey blob with a mean streak that can take out planets. No stranger in going toe-to-toe with villains that could wipe out civilizations with so much as a sneeze, Goku might initially be concerned about the fight ahead of him, but as he is always wont to do, would eventually come out on top by pulling out all the stops.

Mentioned before about how badly Knull despises light and life, Goku’s ultimate attack in the Spirit Bomb technique would easily thrash Knull and his forces since it quite literally gathers the life-force energy from everything around him and focuses it into a ball of energy that has effortlessly destroyed many of Goku’s enemies in the past. And even though this technique takes quite a while to charge up, Goku reaching his highest level of transformation would undoubtedly render even that attack as a blip on the power index radar should he feel the need to go full Ultra Instinct. Furthermore, and although Knull has command of all symbiotes and symbiote dragons across the universe, Goku’s patented Kamehameha blast (and any of his ki blasts for that matter) are what basically amount to pure forms of energy and light, as well as heated to temperatures that would immediately annihilate any symbiotes in the area, leaving Knull to fight Goku alone in a one on one, hand-to-hand duel to the death. Unfortunately for Knull, such a scenario is one that he might like to think he’d win by brandishing his strength and All-Black sword, but at the end of the day, betting against Goku and his far superior fighting techniques wouldn’t end well for the God of the Void.

So although Marvel’s King in Black would definitely give Dragon Ball’s Goku a run for his money, this Saiyan of uncharted power and skill would undoubtedly take the crown in a battle that would span galaxies, universes and beyond. And while Knull may have an army of symbiote dragons at his beck and call along with the ability to take over and control his opponent should one of his symbiotes get a hold of them, Goku is basically transcendent in his power set at this point as he draws on the power of light and life itself with his powerful Spirit Bomb technique and untold levels of transformations that would make Knull’s head spin. Knull may think he’s the king of the block now, but if he ever went up against Goku, dragging the universe kicking and screaming into the dark would be the least of his worries.