Dragon Ball Z Already Settled Gogeta Vs. Vegito Long Ago

Dragon Ball Z Already Settled Gogeta Vs. Vegito Long Ago

Since their inclusion in the Dragon Ball mythos, fans have asked the burning question: who is better, Vegito or Gogeta? Well, as it turns out, that question was answered long ago by one of the oldest gods in the Dragon Ball universe.

Gogeta and Vegito are both the result of a fusion between Goku and Vegeta. Gogeta is created when Goku and Vegeta do the Fusion Dance, and he is only able to exist for thirty minutes before Goku and Vegeta are separated once again. Vegito is a result of Vegeta and Goku using the Potara Earrings to fuse, and it is a fusion that lasts for one hour. Aside from the time discrepancies and slight aesthetic/name differences, Gogeta and Vegito seem basically identical on the surface–though one Dragon Ball chapter clearly names which of the two is better.

In Dragon Ball chapter 501 by Akira Toriyama, Gohan is fighting Majin Buu on Earth after training with the Kais on their world, though it doesn’t seem like that training is doing him any good. Buu is soundly defeating Gohan, and since Goku is dead, all he can do is sit by alongside the Kais and watch what happens. At least, that’s how things were before Old Kai–the former Supreme Kai and one of the oldest gods in Dragon Ball–gave Goku his remaining life-force. This allowed Goku to return to life without the use of the Dragon Balls. So, with that, Goku was off to Earth to help Gohan defeat Buu. However, even with all Goku’s strength, he still wasn’t powerful enough to take on the villain–which is why Old Kai gives him one last thing: his Potara Earrings.

Old Kai Says Potara Fusion is Better than Fusion Dance for One Reason

Dragon Ball Z Already Settled Gogeta Vs. Vegito Long Ago

Before Old Kai gives Goku the earrings, Goku comes up with a plan to use the Fusion Dance to fuse with Gohan and defeat Buu with their combined might. When Old Kai hears this, however, he becomes critical of the plan, essentially calling the Fusion Dance childish. Old Kai also asked Goku if he really thought Buu would simply wait for him and Gohan to do an ‘annoying’ dance right in the middle of battle–a rhetorical question meant to highlight the main shortfall of the Fusion Dance. So, Old Kai gives Goku his Potara Earrings so he and Gohan can fuse in an instant and immediately have the power they need to kill Majin Buu (though it is worth noting that Goku ends up fusing with Vegeta, not Gohan, but Goku fusing with Gohan was the original plan).

Regardless of the power-up each fusion offers, the Potara Fusion is noted as being far superior to the Fusion Dance as it allows two fighters to fuse instantaneously. Plus, it lasts longer than the Fusion Dance–so not only can Goku and Vegeta fuse faster when they want to become Vegito rather than Gogeta, they also stay in that form longer which gives them that much more time to defeat their enemy. So, according to Old Kai and the cold, hard truth of time efficiency, Vegito is a better Dragon Ball fusion than Gogeta.