Dragon Ball: Vegeta Can Never Surpass Goku Because of Bardock

Dragon Ball: Vegeta Can Never Surpass Goku Because of Bardock

Warning! Spoilers ahead for Dragon Ball Super chapter 77!

Bardock‘s updated backstory in Dragon Ball Super could be mangaka Akira Toriyama’s way of definitively proving to fans that Vegeta will never surpass Goku.

The now-famous chapter 77 of Dragon Ball Super reveals that the Saiyan Bardock went against Frieza’s orders to kill every Cerealian by saving two of them: the then-young Granolah and his mother. This selfless act not only redeems Bardock further than the revamped Broly film did originally, but diminishes the heroism of his son Goku in the process. Goku wasn’t always the kind-hearted Saiyan who embraced Earth as his home and dedicated his life to protect the planet’s inhabitants. He was overly destructive and enjoyed the suffering of others (especially when he was the cause) much like most Saiyans and only changed after receiving blunt force trauma to the head. Meanwhile, Bardock’s love for his son and wife Gine compelled him to go against his upbringing to protect his enemies since he saw his family in them.

This not only diminishes Goku’s heroism in comparison to his father, but to other heroes as well. This is especially the case with Vegeta because, like Bardock, he initially finds redemption not by getting hit in the head but by choice. He began as a stereotypical Saiyan and villain who was willing to send anyone, even innocent bystanders, “into the other dimension” if they had the audacity to stand his way of becoming the strongest warrior. He initially teams up with his enemy Goku only temporarily to defeat the villain Frieza on Namek, but by the time of the Android saga soon afterward, Vegeta has hooked up with an Earthling named Bulma, which causes him to align himself with Goku and the inhabitants of Earth to better protect her and his new family.

Dragon Ball: Vegeta Can Never Surpass Goku Because of Bardock

But how does this relate to Vegeta never being able to surpass Goku? Up until the latest chapter of Dragon Ball Super, Vegeta has tried – and failed – to surpass Goku. Vegeta’s latest attempt involves him inventing a new transformation called Ultra Ego that incorporates the best aspects of Goku’s Ultra Instinct while allowing his mind to stay in control of his body. But even with Ultra Ego, Vegeta fails against their opponent Granolah, the same Cerealian whom Bardock saved decades ago. All Vegeta really has on Goku is that he’s a better father and husband than him. In fact, Vegeta’s connection with his family is what initially causes him to overcome the worst aspects of his Saiyan heritage and become a hero. He changes on his own when an object out of Goku’s control forces him to think differently, allowing him to become a hero. Bardock’s latest story just serves to remind fans of how much more of a hero Vegeta is than Goku just because both Bardock and Vegeta share a similar history.

In addition to all the above and decades’ worth of precedent, it’s most likely that this is just another way of mangaka Akira Toryiama showing fans that all Vegeta has and will ever have on Goku is that he chose to become a hero when Goku didn’t. The fact that Vegeta and Bardock change because of family is what gives credence to this theory. Mangaka Akira Toriyama obviously dashes every aspect of hope that Vegeta might surpass Goku in Dragon Ball Super whenever he has the chance. And this just seems like another example of that, especially since Bardock died to protect his family instead of choosing to flee and become stronger like other Saiyans would. Similarly, Vegeta sacrificed himself against Buu for the same reason. Toriyama obviously holds good fathers in higher esteem than powerful warriors who aren’t. Unfortunately, family men don’t become the strongest in the way that fans want.