Dragon Ball Super’s End Should Let Goku & Vegeta Transcend Past Saiyan

Dragon Ball Super’s End Should Let Goku & Vegeta Transcend Past Saiyan

While Dragon Ball Super‘s current Granolah the Survivor arc has shown that there are still plenty of exciting stories to tell about Goku, Vegeta, and the rest of the Dragon Ball cast, like all manga, at some point it will end. While there are many ways creator Akira Toriyama can satisfyingly end the manga’s historic run, one ending that seems to have already been teased has Goku and Vegeta reach an all-new pinnacle of power.

Two of the more interesting additions to Dragon Ball Super are Angels and Gods of Destruction or Destroyers. Every universe has a Destroyer who works in collaboration with Gods of Creation or Supreme Kais the keep balance in the universe. Destroyers have incredible powers and can eliminate anything they deem unnecessary or a risk to universal balance. As a result of this tremendous power, and perhaps the temptation that comes with it, Destroyers are accompanied by Angels. Angels wear a number of hats in their relationships with Destroyers including trainer, advisor, and conscience. Importantly, while the destructive force of a Destroyer is generally unparalleled, as their trainers, Angels are necessarily more powerful.

Despite their power, Destroyers can be beaten, killed, or lose interest in their work. As such, they and their Angels occasionally recruit beings whom they feel could be suitable replacements. Beerus, the Destroyer for Universe 7, has become quite fond of Vegeta. Their relationship has developed to the point where Beerus has passed on his iconic Ultra Ego form to Vegeta. Ultra Ego is a quintessential tool of destruction. It lets Beeru and Vegeta feed off the power of an opponent’s aggression to increase their own power. Most importantly, however, is the suggestion that Beerus has chosen Vegeta to be his replacement if and when he is unable or unwilling to serve as a Destroyer.

Dragon Ball Super’s End Should Let Goku & Vegeta Transcend Past Saiyan

Unlike Destroyers, all Angels come from the same family. That is, they are all the children of the Grand Minister, the advisor to Zeno and Future Zeno. However, Beerus’ Angel Whis has been teaching Goku Ultra Instinct and upper-level Angel techniques that no one else knows except for Angels and Destroyers. Whis and Goku’s training has progressed to the point where he is arguable better at the technique than Beerus. Ultra Instinct when practiced at the highest levels allows the user to react to an opponent without thinking, almost as if it were second nature. Just like with the Beerus and Vegeta relationship, however, the more interesting point about Whis and Goku is that an Angel has gone “out of character” to train a non-Angel. This suggests that he believes Goku is Angel material.

The fact that a God and an Angel would train two Saiyans in their respective super-secret techniques means that these are not throwaway story points. They are hefty enough to ensure that they produce a significant impact on the story. The only satisfying result would be for Vegeta to become Universe 7’s next Destroyer, and Goku to become his Angel. Given that there is precedent to choose a Destroyer from a universe’s best warriors, Vegeta taking over for Beerus would not be shocking. Goku becoming an Angel is more problematic. However, there could be a scenario where the Grand Minister retires and chooses one of his children to replace him. That would leave an opening for an Angel that could be filled by Goku. The beauty of this ending for Dragon Ball is that Goku has always been the Angel to Vegeta‘s Destroyer. This would just formalize the relationship.