Dr. Octopus Just Sacrificed the Last Thing Holding Him Back From Full Villain Status

Dr. Octopus Just Sacrificed the Last Thing Holding Him Back From Full Villain Status

Warning: Spoilers for Superior Spider-Man (2023) #6 ahead!

Dr. Octopus is one of Spider-Man’s greatest antagonists, yet there has often been an undercurrent of humanity beneath his villainous deeds, lending him a more tragic air than most of his villainous contemporaries. However, when forced to choose between his humanity and his ambitions, Doctor Octopus makes a reprehensible decision that closes the door on any chance of redemption.

Superior Spider-Man (2023) #6 features Supernova – a woman who is a living fusion reactor – trapped by Doctor Octopus. When one of Otto’s experimental devices becomes unstable, his immediate concern is to keep Supernova away from the blast; by contrast, Anna Maria Marconi, Otto’s former lover during his time as the Superior Spider-Man, begs him to stay and help defuse the device to save the lives of the innocents in the vicinity.

Dr. Octopus Just Sacrificed the Last Thing Holding Him Back From Full Villain Status

In an act of true callousness, Otto chooses to flee with Supernova and abandons Anna Maria to die, though thankfully, Spider-Man saves her.

Doctor Octopus (left) clutching his fists maniacally; Spider-Man (right) against a webbing backdrop.


Doctor Octopus Could Beat Spider-Man Once & For All With 1 Easy power Upgrade

Doc Ock is among Spider-Man’s most dangerous enemies, but one trick could let him beat Spider-Man permanently, & it would be shockingly easy.

Doctor Octopus Abandons His One Chance Of Salvation

Superior Spider-Man #6 – Written By Dan Slott & Christos Gage; Art By Mark Bagley, John Dell, Andrew Hennessy, Edgar Delgado, & Joe Caramagna.

Close up of Otto Octavius' love interest Anna Maria Marconi, looking startled as she opens her apartment door.

When Doctor Octopus took over Spider-Man’s body in Superior Spider-Man (2013), his romance with Anna Maria Marconi became one of the series’ highlights. Introduced in Superior Spider-Man #5, Anna was a compelling foil to Doctor Octopus: both were brilliant individuals whose physical appearance kept their peers from taking them seriously, though Anna retained a positive outlook under the same circumstances that pushed Otto to villainy. The two genuinely loved each other, with Anna Maria inspiring Otto to achieve his greatest acts of heroism as the Superior Spider-Man.

Dr. Octopus’s love for Anna Maria has been continually stressed throughout the latest volume of Superior Spider-Man. Her kidnapping at Supernova’s hands is what prompts Otto to beg Spider-Man for help, something that would otherwise be unthinkable; likewise, as Spider-Man maps out the convoluted timeline of events leading to Dr. Octopus’ return after his death during Superior Spider-Man (2013), he emphasizes how it was Anna Marconi’s influence that truly helped Dr. Octopus to become a better person, making Otto’s rejection of Anna Maria in issue #6 a distinct and shocking repudiation of his heroic self.

A Heroic Doctor Octopus Cannot Return From His Latest Betrayal

Point Of No Return

Anna Maria has always been symbolic of Doctor Octopus’ aspirations to better himself; by rejecting her, Otto effectively rejects any chance at redemption and confirms his role as a villain from here on out. While he sheds a tear as he leaves Anna Maria to die, the emotional gesture rings hollow, considering how he has committed himself to what he believes will result in the deaths of thousands and a lifetime of enslavement for Supernova – all for the sake of his dream of infinite energy. While there might once have been hope for Spider-Man’s nemesis, there can be no coming back for Doctor Octopus, as he has definitively chosen to abandon his better self.

Superior Spider-Man #6 (2024)

Superior Spider-Man #6 cover, Supernova rips the mask off Spider-Man's face with her flaming hands.

  • Writers: Dan Slott, Christos Gage
  • Artists: Mark Bagley, John Dell, Andrew Hennessy
  • Colorist: Edgar Delgado
  • Letterer: Joe Caramagna
  • Cover Artists: Mark Bagley, Edgar Delgado


Spider-Man is the name given to several individuals who have employed a spider-moniker throughout Marvel Comics. Typically gaining their powers through a bite from a radioactive spider, the different Spider-Man heroes employ super-strength, agility, and intellect while utilizing webbing to swing and tangle up their foes. The most notable of these Spider-Men is Peter Parker, who remains one of the most popular superheroes throughout the world.