Does The Iron Claw Have A Post-Credits Scene?

Does The Iron Claw Have A Post-Credits Scene?

The Iron Claw tells the story of Kevin Von Erich, and whether that includes a post-credits scene with additional footage is known. The 2023 sports drama stars Zac Efron as one of the Von Erich brothers. The Von Erich family rose to popularity in wrestling during the 1980s but also battled immense personal and familial tragedies. The Iron Claw‘s true story chronicles their rise to fame and the supposed curse that the family battles. The potential Oscars-caliber film is told through the perspective of Efron’s Kevin Von Erich, the oldest living son of the family.

The intense and emotional story that unfolds throughout The Iron Claw is more than enough to keep audiences locked in from the time it starts until it concludes. This is a standalone story based on true events, allowing audiences to learn about the Von Erich family’s devastating real life for the first time or relive it for those who followed it in real time. While The Iron Claw might not be attempting to launch a new wrestling movie franchise, questions about whether there is any type of mid-credits or after-credits scene attached to the movie could still persist.

Does The Iron Claw Have A Post-Credits Scene?


Why The Iron Claw Leaves One Von Erich Brother Out (& What Happened To Him)

The Iron Claw follows the Von Erich family of professional wrestlers who rose to fame in the ’80s, but the film omits one Von Erich brother entirely.

The Iron Claw Does Not Have A Post-Credits Scene

The Von Rrich Brothers, Mike (Stanley Simons), Kevin (Zac Efron), Kerry (Jeremy Allen White), and David (Harris) pose in The Iron Claw.

It is confirmed that The Iron Claw does not have a post-credits scene or any type of tag included. By the time The Iron Claw‘s ending concludes and the credits begin to roll, there is no interruption with footage that acts as a mid-credits or end-credits scene. This does not mean that viewers should immediately leave the theater or turn off the movie if watching The Iron Claw on streaming. It is always encouraged to watch the credits to see the names of everyone from the cast to the writers and other crew members who worked hard to make the movie possible.

Why The Iron Claw Didn’t Need An End-Credits Scene

Zac Efron as Kevin Von Erich holding up a wrestling champion belt in The Iron Claw.

There was no real reason for The Iron Claw to have any credits scenes. The movie’s emotional story comes to a natural ending point by the end, so it would have felt forced if there was anything else. It also would have risked ruining the effectiveness of the final scenes. It was the much smarter decision to never include a post-credits scene with The Iron Claw.

It is also difficult to imagine what would work for The Iron Claw‘s end-credits scene if one was desired. There could have been footage showing a glimpse further into the future of Kevin Von Erich’s life and what happened to his family, but that was not necessary. The movie also could have included bonus content like Zac Efron and the real Kevin Von Erich interacting. Ultimately, it was better for The Iron Claw to not have a post-credits scene.