Doctor Who: The 10 Best Fourth Doctor And K9 Stories, Ranked According To IMDb

Doctor Who: The 10 Best Fourth Doctor And K9 Stories, Ranked According To IMDb

Debuting in “The Invisible Enemy,” K9 proves to be one of the Fourth Doctor’s most loyal allies during his time in the TARDIS. The brave and fiercely intelligent robot pooch provides valuable assistance for the Time Lord across many of his adventures, with his vast knowledge and powerful laser nose appearing especially useful against some of the universe’s most despicable creatures.

The Fourth Doctor and K9 develop one of the most memorable companion pairings across many episodes of Doctor Who’s classic series, with their witty banter delivering some truly hilarious moments. IMDb users, in particular, have expressed considerable fondness over the pair’s time together, as they enthusiastically express their love towards this period of the show.

Warriors’ Gate – 7.4

Doctor Who: The 10 Best Fourth Doctor And K9 Stories, Ranked According To IMDb

Companion departures are among Doctor Who’s saddest stories, as viewers witness characters who they have grown to admire leave the TARDIS for the final time. “Warriors’ Gate” serves as the last adventure for two of the Fourth Doctor’s companions, as K9 Mark II and Romana both say goodbye to the legendary Time Lord, following their attempts to escape e-space.

“Warriors’ Gate” is a fitting conclusion for the Fourth Doctor’s daring friends, with K9 opting to stay behind in e-space with Romana to help free the enslaved Tharils.  Additionally, the serial brings a great sense of peril to proceedings, as K9 is left damaged by the time winds, revealing a more vulnerable side to the usually indomitable robot pooch.

Destiny Of The Daleks – 7.4

The Fourth Doctor discovers K9 has laryngitis in Destiny Of The Daleks.

The Daleks have featured in some of the show’s greatest stories, with the devious pepperpots often proving an immense challenge for the Doctor and his companions. “Destiny Of The Daleks” sees the Fourth Doctor, K9 and Romana encounter these diabolical monsters on Skaro, uncovering their latest scheme to use humanoid slaves to mine their planet in search of Davros.

“Destiny Of The Daleks” offers a hugely exciting adventure for the Time Lord and his companions, as viewers are thrown into the midst of the Daleks’ war against the Movellans. The action-packed narrative contains some of the Fourth Doctor’s most memorable quotes, with the quirky time traveler attempting to blackmail Davros into freeing their human prisoners. “Destiny Of The Daleks” also treats audiences to one of K9’s funniest scenes, as the Doctor’s robot friend develops laryngitis.

The Androids Of Tara – 7.4

The Fourth Doctor and K9 engage in another round of chess in The Androids Of Tara.

Spread across six serials, the “Key To Time” season offers viewers an epic space voyage, involving the Fourth Doctor, K9, and Romana’s first incarnation searching for the key’s six segments across various worlds and times. Among the most impressive stories in this season is “The Androids Of Tara,” which finds the Doctor and his companions arriving on the planet Tara, during the coronation of Prince Reynart.

This truly captivating tale boasts a particularly impressive sword fight sequence between the Doctor and the villainous Count Grendel, who plans to use his android duplicates to become Tara’s ruler. Additionally, “The Androids Of Tara,” truly allows K9 to shine as the Doctor’s loyal assistant, with the loveable pooch’s advanced scanning systems helping to confirm the location of the kidnapped Romana.

The Ribos Operation – 7.5

The Fourth Doctor and K9 witness Romania’s arrival onboard the TARDIS in The Ribos Operation.

Beginning the Doctor, K9, and Romana’s quest for the “Key To Time,” “The Ribos Operation” brings a strong opening story to the show’s 16th season. The serial follows the Time Lord and his companions as they land on the wintry world of Ribos, where scam artists Garron and Unstoffe are attempting to con the war-mongering tyrant the Graff Vynda-K into buying the planet, under the mistaken belief that it’s home to the rare Jethrik mineral.

“The Ribos Operation” gives Tom Baker’s Doctor some brilliantly comedic moments, as he develops a strong rapport with the intergalactic conmen throughout the four-part serial. Meanwhile, K9 demonstrates his clear heroic qualities during this enjoyable opener, as he frees Garron and Unstoffe after they are trapped by a collapsed ceiling.

State Of Decay – 7.6

Adric hangs out with K9 in State Of Decay.

Tom Baker’s penultimate season saw him deliver a moodier take on the Time Lord, with incoming producer John Nathan Turner keen to introduce a darker tone to the sci-fi series. One of the most successful stories during this period of the show’s history is “State Of Decay,” which sees the Doctor, K9, Adric, and Romana discover a gang of vampires on a mysterious medieval planet.

“State Of Decay” is a  terrifying adventure for the Fourth Doctor, with this most iconic incarnation fighting a vampire group known as the “Three Who Rule,” while dressed in one of the best alternate Doctor costumes. The serial also offers audiences one of K9’s greatest moments as the Doctor’s trusted companion, as he leads an assault on the vampires’ base of operations.

Image Of The Fendahl – 7.6

The Fourth Doctor fiddles with K9’s circuitry while Leela looks on anxiously in Image Of The Fendahl

The Fourth Doctor and K9 embarked on several adventures with Leela, with the tough Sevateem warrior providing considerable strength to the TARDIS team. One of their greatest exploits with the no-nonsense lady from Mordee is “Image Of The Fendahl,” which sees the TARDIS crew battle an ancient God known as the Fendahl, who feeds on the life force of others.

”Image Of The Fendahl” is a chilling tale for the Doctor and his brave companions, as they encounter various horrific threats, such as a possessed skull and the unnerving Fendaleen creatures. The story also features an especially poignant scene between the Fourth Doctor and K9, as the legendary Time Lord affectionately refers to the pooch as “his” dog for the first time, showcasing the close bond which has developed between the time-traveling pair.

The Invasion Of Time – 7.6

The Fourth Doctor and K9 hang out in the TARDIS in The Invasion Of Time.

The Sontarans are one of Doctor Who’s most beloved monsters, with the war-mongering clone race having delivered some of the best Doctor Who quotes. These potato-headed creatures cross paths with the Fourth Doctor, K9, and Leela in “The Invasion Of Time,” as their attempts to invade Gallifrey are thwarted by the TARDIS team.

Tom Baker turns in a witty performance as the eccentric explorer within this serial, with the actor gleefully breaking the fourth wall to remark on the Doctor’s over-reliance on the Sonic Screwdriver. It’s K9 Mark I’s exit that most impresses, however, with the ever-reliable robot dog opting to leave the TARDIS behind to protect Leela and her new romantic partner Commander Andred, giving an emotional send-off for the Sevateem warrior and her canine friend.

The Stones Of Blood – 7.7

K9 hangs out in Cornwall in The Stones Of Blood.

Season 16 is widely considered one of the classic series’ greatest seasons, with many audiences having greatly enjoyed the Doctor and his companions’ search for the Key To Time. A particular highlight during this highly entertaining run of episodes is “The Stones Of Blood,” which features the Fourth Doctor, K9, and Romana taking on blood-sucking stones known as the Ogri in Cornwall.

“The Stones Of Blood” includes one of Tom Baker’s finest scenes as the Doctor, with the Time Lord fiercely defending himself in the Megara’s court against charges of forced entry. Additionally, K9’s strong assistance towards the Doctor during his time of need provides one of the serial’s most exciting sequences, as he joins forces with archaeologist Amelia to protect the Time Lord’s projecting device from the advancing Ogri.

The Sun Makers – 7.7

The Fourth Doctor and K9 play chess in The Sun Makers

Comedy is at the heart of many Doctor Who stories, with the British sci-fi series having been responsible for some of television’s funniest moments. “The Sun Makers,” in particular, is an apt example of the show’s clear comedic potential, as the Fourth Doctor, K9 and Leela arrive on Pluto in the far future, where the planet’s human colony is troubled by rising taxation.

Robert Holmes’ larger-than-life narrative provides several humorous digs at the UK’s Inland Revenue, following the writer’s own struggles with the British tax system, as K9 leads the fight against the greedy Collector’s taxation of Pluto’s human inhabitants. The story also features one of the Fourth Doctor and K9’s most entertaining sequences, as the pair engage in a memorable game of Chess.

The Pirate Planet – 7.9

The Fourth Doctor converses with K9 in The Pirate Planet.

Douglas Adams’ Doctor Who screenplays are among the famous writer’s finest works, with these often zany stories containing Adams’ signature witty style. “The Pirate Planet” throws the Fourth Doctor, K9, and Romana into a typical Douglas Adams escapade, as they battle to stop the Pirate Captain’s devious scheme to mine planets for their mineral wealth.

”The Pirate Planet” is a wonderfully barmy adventure for the Doctor and his companions, with the narrative featuring exaggerated depictions of iconic pirate tropes. Meanwhile, K9 provides some considerable firepower in some of the serial’s most thrilling sequences, as he helps to fight the Captain’s devoted troops.