Doctor Who Season 13 Trailer Warns Weeping Angels, Sontarans & More Are Coming

The new trailer for Doctor Who season 13 has just been released. Doctor Who is a long-running British science fiction series that follows the adventures of a Time Lord adventurer with the ability to regenerate forms. The series originally ran from 1963 to 1989. The current reboot of the show began with Christopher Eccleston’s 9th iteration of the Doctor, back in 2005, and the show has been running continuously ever since.

Season 13 will be Jodie Whittaker’s final season as the 13th Doctor. When her character regenerates, it is still unknown who will be cast to replace her. However, there will already be a familiar face behind the camera, as original reboot showrunner Russell T. Davies will return to the series for season 14 after departing along with David Tennant’s 10th Doctor back in 2010.

BBC America has debuted the newest teaser for Doctor Who season 13. It’s an expansion of the previous Doctor Who season 13 teaser that aired on BBC One, in which Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor briefly broke through the static to ask, “Can you hear me?” Now her full message has been revealed, and it details the manifold threats that are coming to face The Doctor, her companions, and the universe at large. “The Flux is coming,” she reports, and it will be bringing along with it Weeping Angels, the Sontarans, creatures called the Ravages and more. Check out the teaser below:

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The Weeping Angels are some of the most notorious villains of the new series. The statues who only move when you’re not looking at them first appeared in the 2007 episode “Blink,” which is generally regarded by fans as one of the most terrifying episodes of the series. Although they have recurred, they haven’t been seen on the series since the 2013 Christmas special.

The Sontarans have also made a fair amount of appearances throughout the show. They are a race of militaristic warmongering clones from the planet Sontar. The Sontarans originated in the original run of Doctor Who in 1973 and haven’t been seen since 2010. The creatures known as Ravages and the entity or event known as The Flux are as-yet unknown, so fans will have to tune in to the new series to discover what they are.

Even though this season will be shorter than most, they’ll be packing in as many monsters and cameos as they can before they bid fans farewell. It seems like Jodie Whittaker and showrunner Chris Chibnall are looking to do a victory lap before their exit. Bringing back two classic villains along with the new major threat will certainly be an excellent send-off to this current iteration of the Doctor.