Doctor Who: 10 Times The Doctor Brutally Insulted His Own Companions

Doctor Who: 10 Times The Doctor Brutally Insulted His Own Companions

The Doctor may be a time-traveling, world-saving hero in Doctor Who, but that doesn’t mean that he’s always nice, and sometimes, his companions get the worst of his ire. The Doctor is a complicated being who has had more than a dozen faces and wildly different personalities over the thousands of years he’s lived. During his time, the Doctor frequently invites trusted companions to accompany him on his travels and explore the universe, while also stepping in to save the odd planet, or crying child.

While he is generally well-mannered, full of compassion and wisdom endowed by his old age, there are times when the Doctor slips up and lets his anger and frustration get the best of him. And, since his companions are always by his side, they are unfortunately the ones likely to be caught in the crossfire of the Doctor’s outbursts. His insults have ranged from minor remarks that lean more into silliness, to scathing words spoken in pure rage.

10 “But Jamie… It’s A Brilliant Idea. It’s So Simple Only You Could Have Thought Of It.”

Second Doctor To Jamie McCrimmon

Doctor Who: 10 Times The Doctor Brutally Insulted His Own Companions

Early in his extended lifespan, the Doctor lacked much of the patience that he tends to exhibit later in his life. As the Second Doctor, played by Patrick Troughton, the Doctor enjoyed the company of a young man by the name of Jamie McCrimmon from the Scottish Highlands. Jamie was from the 18th century, and sometimes that created a barrier between him and the highly advanced alien. However, the Doctor could sometimes be inadvertently rude to his dear companion, and in those moments, it took both of them a moment to realize the insult.

9 “Just Act Stupid. Do You Think You Can Manage That?”

Second Doctor To Jamie McCrimmon

jamie mccrimmon in doctor who

While he could sometimes treat his longest-running companion poorly by accident, there were other times when the Doctor was less than kind by design. The Second Doctor was prone to losing his composure and becoming frustrated with those around him. On one of these occasions, the Doctor uttered the above insult to Jamie again, showing clear exasperation at his lack of understanding and cruelly calling him out on it.

This collage shows the Thirteenth Doctor and the Fourteenth Doctor in front of a multi-colored galaxy in Doctor Who.


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8 “You Think You Know You’re Own Name? How Stupid Are You?”

Ninth Doctor To Mickey Smith

Mickey Smith was one of the first people to join the Doctor in modern Doctor Who. When the Doctor appeared in the heart of London and bumped into Rose Tyler, Mickey Smith was her loyal, and slightly clingy, boyfriend. The Doctor and Mickey were immediately at odds, and in most of their encounters following that time, The Doctor never missed a chance to insult Mickey. On one occasion, the Doctor repeatedly referred to Mickey as Ricky, and Mickey rightfully called him out on it. However, the Doctor gets the upper hand on Mickey due to his confidence and Mickey’s lack thereof.

7 “Small Though It Is, The Human Brain Can Be Quite Effective When Used Properly.”

Sixth Doctor To Peri Brown

The Sixth Doctor before regeneration being watched by Peri in Doctor Who

The Sixth Doctor is frequently regarded as one of the least relatable and compassionate due to his intense outbursts and his sense of superiority over his human companions. The above quote very much captures that sense of pride, with the Doctor literally petting his companion on the head as he uttered the words. However, the Sixth Doctor and Peri had a particularly challenging relationship, possibly stemming from his strangling her shortly after regenerating into this new form.

6 “It’s Because Her Face Is So Wide. She Needs Three Mirrors.”

Twelfth Doctor About Clara Oswald

Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman as Doctor Who and Clara in Orient Express

The Twelfth Doctor is one of the most similar to the classic characters to appear in the modern series. There are several moments where he clearly shows a lack of understanding of humankind. For example, he appears to be able to connect with giant scaly lizards more easily than he can make sense of a human companion like Clara. By the end of their time together, Clara and the Doctor were incredibly close, but there were some rough patches with the Twelfth Doctor making unkind remarks about Clara’s physical appearance.

5 “I’m Being Extremely Clever Up Here And There’s No One To Stand Around Looking Impressed! What’s The Point In Having You All?”

Eleventh Doctor To Rory Williams And Amelia Pond

The Eleventh Doctor is one of the most giddy and energetic, in many ways, reflecting the youthfulness of the actor, Matt Smith, with his excitement and need for attention. However, as the Doctor makes the above statement, it’s also clear that his view of his companions is somewhat limited, suggesting that he has them all as though they are pets or a collection for his use. The Doctor likely didn’t mean anything by it, but the remark remains one of his more out-of-touch moments.

Amy Pond leans her head on the Eleventh Doctor's shoulder in Doctor Who


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4 “You Ham-Fisted Bun-Vendor!”

Third Doctor To Jo Grant

Jon Pertwee as Third Doctor and Katy Manning as Jo Grant in Doctor Who

Going back to the classic series, the Third Doctor was exiled to Earth for an extended period, and he began working regularly with the team at UNIT. While there, the Doctor had the opportunity to work with assistants such as young Jo Grant. Like his predecessors, the Third Doctor had little patience for human behaviors, and a beautifully poetic way with words. When Jo was trying to help the Doctor and put out a small fire on his desk, the Doctor was furious that some of his work had been ruined and quickly blamed her, utilizing the above colorful insult.

3 “You’re A Clumsy Ham-Fisted Idiot!”

Fourth Doctor To Harry Sullivan

Tom Baker and Harry Sullivan stand on Skaros in Genesis of the Daleks

Harry Sullivan was a companion to the Fourth Doctor, who was played by fan-favorite Tom Baker. He traveled with the Doctor only briefly after the two appeared to butt heads at almost every opportunity. The above insult came after the Doctor took him on what he expected to be a small trip to the moon, but due to Harry’s negligent interference with the controls, they ended up somewhere completely different in the distant future. This is just one of the many insults from the Fourth Doctor, who always had a colorful phrase to suit any opportunity.

2 “You’re Too Short And Bossy, And You’re Nose Is All Funny”

Eleventh Doctor To Clara Oswald

The Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) puts his arm around Clara (Jenna Coleman) in the Doctor Who episode Hide

The Impossible Girl, Clara Oswald, also had the pleasure of being one of the few companions to travel with multiple versions of the Doctor. However, both the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors were very alien when it came to human politeness. When the Doctor had a doppelgänger in an alien theme park, Clara had to determine who was the real Doctor, and upon asking, “Do you think I’m pretty?” this was the Eleventh Doctor’s response. Fortunately, Clara has thick skin and knows the Doctor extremely well, so this is a clear indicator that she is speaking to the real Doctor and not the doppelgänger.

1 “That’s Three “I”s In One Breath, Makes You sound Rather Egotistical, Young Lady.”

Sixth Doctor To Peri Brown

As mentioned previously, the Sixth Doctor and Peri Brown often had a difficult relationship, and this comment from the Doctor to Peri just after regenerating clearly shows his opinion of the young woman. However, throughout this Doctor’s regeneration, the hypocrisy of the statement would be proven more and more, as this incarnation was perhaps the most egotistical, frequently declaring his brilliance and asserting his position as being above those around him. His sharp temper and quick, jagged responses like the one above are characteristic of his time in the TARDIS.

Doctor Who Poster

Doctor Who

Originally premiered in 1963, Doctor Who is a sci-fi series that follows a powerful being known as a Time Lord, referred to as the Doctor. Using an interdimensional time-traveling ship known as the TARDIS, the Doctor travels time and space with various companions as they solve multiple problems and help avert catastrophe as much as they almost cause it. Though the Doctor is always the same character, they experience regenerations, allowing them to be recast every few seasons as a unique immortal being with new personality traits.

Release Date
November 23, 1963

Jenna Coleman , Jodie Whittaker , Alex Kingston , David Tennant , Matt Smith , Peter Capaldi


Doctor Who

Mark Gatiss , Toby Whithouse , Neil Cross , Steven Moffat , Chris Chibnall
